Support Technology in Sport Psychology
Career Transition of Elite Athletes: Role of Mental Training
Ikuko Sasaba
and Haruo Sakuma
Graduate School of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University,
1-1-1 Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, 525-8577, Japan
Department of Sport and Health Science, Ritsumeikan University, 1-1-1 Noji-higashi, Kusatsu, Shiga, 525-8577, Japan
Keywords: Elite Athletes, Mental Training, Career Transition, Case Study Approach, Biofeedback.
Abstract: Presently, various technologies are used more and more often in the field of sport psychology. This paper
introduces two cases of how elite athletes use support technology in their mental training. One of the cases
involves the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT), described in detail as qualitative research
regarding elite athletes facing career transition. Becoming an Olympian dominates athletes’ entire lives. Elite
athletes’ need for career transition support has recently become more recognized; therefore, international
sports powerhouses tend to provide their own national support programs for elite athletes during their career
transitions; for instance, the Japanese Olympic Committee began a career support program in 2004. In parallel
with similar movements around the world, sport psychology consultants are often naturally called upon to
address career transitions when working with elite athletes. The results show athletes’ needs for career
transition support and how sport psychology consultants can help these athletes as ultimate stage of their
mental training. Possible interventions (approaches) are also presented.
In recent years, sport psychology has become more
recognized worldwide as one of the key aspects for
performance enhancement among elite athletes
(Gould and Maynard, 2009). In parallel with
international tendency, the Japanese government
started national support projects, including those in
the sport psychology field for Olympians before the
London Olympics (Japan Institute of Sport Sciences,
1.1 Introducing Case 1: Biofeedback in
Sport Psychology
Mental training is one of the most well-known
representative approaches in the field of sport
psychology. A huge variety of approaches are used
for mental training. In addition to one-on-one
sessions (counseling), scientific approaches using
technology such as biofeedback have become more
recognized (Galloway, 2011); (Paul and Garg, 2012).
Biofeedback helps athletes develop self-regulation
skills for relaxation and concentration (Muench,
2008); (Hayden, 2008). StressEraser, a small real-
time biofeedback device manufactured by Helicor
Inc., played an active role in helping athletes acquire
breathing techniques as one of their relaxation skills
in preparation for the 2012 Olympics (Sasaba and
Sakuma, 2014). The device helps visualize the
transition of parasympathetic nerves’ predominant
points during relaxation training. Therefore, athletes
could modify their breathing approaches, such as the
rhythm or length, to acquire precise breathing for
relaxation (Figure 1).
Figure 1: Stress Eraser and the examples of bad waves and
good waves.
Sasaba, I. and Sakuma, H..
Support Technology in Sport Psychology - Career Transition of Elite Athletes: Role of Mental Training.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2015), pages 126-131
ISBN: 978-989-758-159-5
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
One big question exists in Mental Training. After
elite athletes complete the relaxation training in a
laboratory environment, “How do the mental skills
actually affect performance in actual sports?” “Can
they use the skills correctly even under high pressure
just as they did in a laboratory?” Kinect (Microsoft
Co., Ltd.), a noncontact motion-capture device, can
help in these situations (Sasaba and Sakuma, 2015).
Kinect measures heart rate, breathing rate, and
respiratory curve. When athletes need relaxation for
their sports, they can confirm their concentration state
and relaxation state in actual sports situations,
especially right before performing, just by sitting in
front of the Kinect (Figures 2-4).
Figure 2: Kinect (Microsoft Co., Ltd.).
Figure 3: Right before his performance, using breathing
techniques to concentrate.
Figure 4: Right after the concentration, he performs as in
competition (simulated actual competition situations).
1.2 Case 2: The Use of ICT in Sport
There are two examples in recent Olympics, where
mental training was typically perceived and utilized
as preparation for athletes. Blumenstein and Lidors’
(2007, 2008) studies introduced unique and long-term
programs provided to Israeli elite athletes before the
Beijing Olympics. They customized their program
each year based on characteristics of the sport,
experience of the athletes, and individual needs from
the athletes. Another example, also described as a
long-term psychological intervention, and crucial for
success as a mental preparation, was developed for
the US team at the Olympics. They explained that
athletes’ needs changed in stages. Even right before
their events during their stay in the Olympic Village,
athletes required psychological support (McCann,
As shown in these examples, elite athletes require
long-term support, not a one-shot approach, and
consultants are often required to provide professional
guidance from long distances because elite athletes
travel worldwide for competitions and long-stay
training camps abroad. Moreover, specifically World
Championships or Olympics, consultants have
limitations when it comes to meeting in person with
athletes for many reasons. To meet the needs of elite
athletes, ICT is the key. Zizzi and Perna (2002)
described that Internet-based interventions have
increased within the last decade. Although athletes
can easily find many sport psychology consultants’
websites offering Internet-based interventions,
surprisingly, very little research about this exists.
These days, many ICT tools such as e-mail,
Skype, or FaceTime are used in sport psychology
sessions. E-mail helps not only with conversations
but with collecting data from athletes continuously,
for example, conditioning diaries (athletes can send
conditioning checksheets via e-mail). Even though
their next appointment may be far in the future,
consultants can understand and grasp athletes’ mental
conditions. Thus, consultants can be well-prepared
for their next sessions even after a long-term hiatus.
Regarding long-term support for elite athletes,
Skype or Face Time are essential for maintaining
contact and relationships with them or to provide
international service. In addition, when working with
elite athletes who have been committed to their sport
for almost their entire lives, sport psychology
consultants often naturally deal with the situation of
career transition. Numerous research exists regarding
assessment or the process of career transition for elite
athletes around the world (Wylleman and Reints,
Support Technology in Sport Psychology - Career Transition of Elite Athletes: Role of Mental Training
2010). Particularly, Zhang et al., (2013) demonstrated
Chinese elite athletes’ career transitions and social
mobility was associated with the alteration of the
Chinese government support system. Furthermore,
research concerning various countries’ career support
programs is also presented (Yoshida et al., 2006,
2007). Importantly, Japan Olympic Committee (JOC)
started a support program for elite athletes in 2004 as
a Second Career Project, distributing enlightening
pamphlets, starting up an information website, and
holding seminars. Furthermore, along with
establishing a National Training Center in 2008, the
Career Academy Project began. In this project,
national members receive guidance, seminars,
exchange meetings with former and current
Olympians, and individual counseling. Currently,
JOC has expanded employment support in the project
(Japan Sport Council, 2014).
From the understanding of various countries’
movements as mentioned above, career transition is a
realistic, serious concern for elite athletes. Thus, the
process of career transition very often emerges as a
main theme in sport psychology sessions.
This study introduces how support technology is
related to the field of sport psychology. One of the
cases regarding the use of Information
Communication Technology (ICT) is described in
detail as qualitative research concerning elite athletes
facing career transition.
A case-study approach was used for analysing the
There are many different types of qualitative
approaches in research fields (Merriam, 2009). The
case study approach is one of them, and is utilized in
many different fields such as psychology, sociology,
political science, anthropology, social work,
business, education, and nursing, et cetera (Yin,
2014). When a researcher decides which research
methods to use for a study, types of research
questions are the key factors. Yin argues that when
research questions center on the “how” and “why” of
single individual(s) or group(s), an occurrence of an
event(s), or a program(s), it is appropriate to use case
study. Simply, the case-study approach is a
qualitative in-depth study of a particular situation
compared with a quantitative, sweeping statistical
2.1 Two Single Cases: Career
Both participants performed individual scoring
sports. Each athlete’s final goal was the Olympics,
though Case A had already moved on to his second
career after 18 years of trying. Case B once left from
competing after the second Olympics then came back
to compete in nearly 2 years (More details in Table 1).
Table 1: Demographic Information.
Case A Case B
Age 29 Age 28
Male Female
Representing country
Representing country
18 years of training 22 years of training
14 years as
national member
13 years as
national member
Highest achievement
2007 World Championships
Highest achievement
2008 Olympics Final
2012 Olympics
Mental training
1 1/2 years: 57 sessions
(Follow up sessions)
Mental training
1 year: 18 sessions
(Follow up sessions)
2.2 Data Collection
ICT tools were used to collect data. Evidence came
from multiple sources. The data were collected from
structured and open-ended interviews conducted
through Skype (both athletes were abroad during this
research). In parallel, documents from mental training
sessions (including both in-person and Internet-based
interventions) were absolutely essential. In addition,
direct observations from sessions, interviews, and
competitions were utilized (Figure 5).
Figure 5: Convergence of multiple sources of evidence.
2.3 Data Analysis
Logic Models (Wholey, 1979) was utilized for data
analysis to specify and operationalize a composite
chain of the events. The events continue cause and
effect patterns towards different stages. Therefore,
icSPORTS 2015 - International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
the use of logic models consists of fitting empiric
observation of events to theoretically predicted events
(Yin, 2014). After the data analysis was complete, the
findings were explained both in writing and tabulated
as figures. In this study, various data from two single
cases was analyzed by multiple units, so that research
design was called embedded, multiple-case design.
[Case A]
Two open-ended interviews were conducted in
A structured interview was conducted in 2015
When he couldn’t make the Olympics in 2008, he
strongly held an emotion of distrust of judges right
after the selection. He also had negative feelings
about new revised rules towards Olympic selection.
His primal needs were to face and accept his emotions
then handle the reality of results. Surely, he needed
time to release his chagrin and frustration thorough
talking to the consultant. At the same time,
surprisingly, he expressed determinate motivation
and a mind of revenge for the next Olympics.
Regarding the selection procedure, he positively
perceived that there was a big chance of rule revision.
He had already started mentioning specific long and
short-term goals to fight for four more years, even
searching for the next training base after graduating
from university within a year. He seemed to have
various options.
Most importantly, he had solid, social support
from significant people around him. First of all,
advice from his father (his coach) influenced and
guided him profoundly. He had opportunity to listen
to Olympic medalists’ experiences as role models and
mentors. From another perspective, he had attended a
worldwide, well-known, prestigious university.
Therefore, he saw his seniors and teammates become
very successful as professionals in their second career.
In that kind of environment, he had often heard that
sport is not everything and an athletic career is just a
part of your life. In addition, as part of the US
educational system, he received an internship
opportunity as a member of society during his school
life. He explained the experience as a time and
opportunity to see himself as “new me”. Through the
life event, he started developing dual identities at the
time of still being an elite athlete. Figure 6 shows his
transition of personal identity.
Figure 6: Case A’s transition of personal identity.
[Case B]
Three open-ended interviews were conducted in
A structured interview was conducted in 2015
After the second Olympics in 2012, Case B once left
her sport. Soon after the Olympics, she felt lonesome
and empty for long period of time. Her emotional
state was unstable in and outside of the sessions.
Behind the situation, she carried too much concern
and seemed to be struggling with burnout. The major
issue was to find a training base and personal coach.
Due to the limited places for her sport throughout the
country, it was very hard to find a secure training base
or personal coach. Another issue was the physical
burden of her particular discipline. Therefore, she
dithered in transferring to a different discipline. She
was searching the possibility of remaining as a top
athlete in her sport. Financial insecurity further
worsened the situation. Last but not least, she was
stressed out by coping with being both an elite athlete
and student.
She explained that she never had the time and
opportunity to think about a second career. She even
felt a sense of sin in focusing on something else other
than her sport only. Not surprisingly, she was not able
to imagine or desire becoming “a different person”
after her athletic career. The time of absence from her
sport became the origin of the development of her
new identity. Figure 7 shows her transition of
personal identity.
Figure 7: Case B’s transition of personal identity.
Two things made her situation change for the
better. One is that she was chosen as a target athlete
in a national support project. The project made it
possible for her to move overseas training bases. With
financial support, she was able to train with foreign
Support Technology in Sport Psychology - Career Transition of Elite Athletes: Role of Mental Training
national teams and coaches. Currently, she looks
forward to the next Olympics.
Blumenstein and Lidor (2007, 2008) argued the
importance of psychological support in the Olympic
year that is the final stage of the 4-year program for
both athletes who had already met the Olympic
criteria and those athletes who failed to meet the
Olympic criteria. In this study, there were also
obvious needs from an athlete (case A), who couldn’t
make the Olympics, concerning his career transition.
In this case, consultants can help with the process of
sorting out athletes’ feelings on this subject.
The next step could be helping the decision-
making process. Whether the athletes continue their
sport or retire from their sport, this decision will be
crucially important in the events which mark the
stages of their life.
As case B results showed, having no identity other
than an elite athlete affected her emotional state
negatively, even though she still has the physical
potential to compete at the next Olympics. She was
stacked with confusion, frustration, and depression,
and she took a long period of time to recover.
Therefore, most importantly, consultants need to help
with the process of developing a new identity at the
final stage of mental training in elite athletes’ career
transitions because athletic careers do end eventually.
Figure 8: Consultants’ possible interventions as the final
stage of mental training in elite athletes’ career transition.
During the career transitions of elite athletes,
some other important aspects come to the forefront.
Solid social support (social skills training), role
models and mentors (family members, coaches,
former Olympians, et al.), and dual career
experiences will lead to a successful career transition.
Additionally, introducing national support projects
such as career support programs might be a helpful
tool for them.
Stages of career transition and possible
interventions are presented in figure 8.
From the results of this study, the role of a sport-
psychology consultant, in the ultimate stage of mental
training, is essential for the smooth career transition
of elite athletes.
At first, for both the athletes who make the
Olympics and those that don’t, sport psychology
consultants can help (need to help) their emotional
process. Although, when an athlete’s dream of
making the Olympics comes true, the time after this
first Olympics might be the time when consultants
need to pay special attention to whether the athlete
moves towards the next Olympics (possible burnout)
or moves on to a second career.
Moreover, the needs of athletes for career
transition support come from different angles. Thus,
sport psychology consultants are required to have a
wide range of flexibility, knowledge, and experience
skills. When working with elite athletes, winning or
losing is one of the most important aspects, especially
regarding the Olympics. However, they have unique
needs because of their long athletic careers.
Consultants definitely need to remember that their
career transitions are equally important. The role of
mental training certainly comes into play here.
This information might be useful for both sport
psychology consultants and coaches when their
athletes are struggling with career transition,
especially at the elite level. In the case of not having
a sport psychology consultant on their team, coaches
need to fill the role of advisor or counselor for their
Lastly, the good use of ICT permits worldwide
long-term interventions at any location for elite
athletes. It also improves
various aspects of data
[Any time]
Provide the opportunity to learn dual career concept for elite athletes
Provide an opportunity to think, imagine, and discuss about career transition
Provide an opportunity to meet role models for them
[Right after the Olympics]
Help athletes put their experience and thoughts into words
Provide coping skills for emotional process (as needed)
Help with the decision-making process
[Continuing the athlete’s career]
Help get through pos sible burnout after huge amount of energy loss (help get back their energy)
Help find as many resources from support projects as possible (i.e., national support project by
government) and work together (i.e., prepare application or interviews)
Mental training for the next Olympics
[Move on to second career]
Help extend social network
Social skills training (communication skill training, etc.)
Follow up sessions
Sport Psychologists : Possible Interventions
Tools offering career support
Case B
Solid social support
His father (his coach)
Olympic medalists as mentors
Dual career (job / sport)
Develop a new identity apart from being an elite athlete
National support project
New environment
(secure training base and personal coaches)
Technical improvement in he r sport
(acquisition of a new skill)
Case A
Burnout (after Olympics)
Physical decline / burden
Feelings of loneliness and emptiness for an extended period
Finding a secure training base and personal coaches
Transferring to a different discipline
Financial insecurity
Coexistence as an athlete and a student
Concern / Difficulty
Case B
Help for the emotional process (coping skills)
Help with the decision-making process
Financial support
Social support for both sport and school situations
Mental training for how to deal with overstressing at competition
Case B
Physical decline / burden
Emotional Process (missed Olympics)
Concern / Difficulty
Case A
Help for the emotional process of facing, accepting, and
handling the reality of the results
Opportunity for a dual career (job / sport )
Case A
icSPORTS 2015 - International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
This work was supported by Grant-in-Aid for Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science Fellows.
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Support Technology in Sport Psychology - Career Transition of Elite Athletes: Role of Mental Training