e-Yoga Prescription Designed for Computer Users using e-Yoga
Environment for Posture
A Study on Information Technology (IT) Professionals to Help Them Improve
Their Spine Health
M. Shivarama Reddy
, Suhasini A. Venkatramana
, B. R. Ramji
and Nishreyas M. V.
Department of Sports and Cultural Activities, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, India
Department of Computer Science, Jain University, Bangalore, India
Keywords: e-Yoga, Motion Analysis, Video Analysis, Virtual Reality, Yoga Avatar, Yoga Tools, Yoga Prescription,
Yogic Cure.
Abstract: The paper presents the next generation health protection techniques using postures and exercises of Yoga
specially designed for IT professionals suffering with sever Spine related health issues. On a short survey
conducted on major health issue concerning the Information Technology - IT professionals here in
Bangalore, India. The result shows Posture and Spine related issues made the work delay and employee
well-being is disturbed at higher levels dragging the employees into chronic pain and depression producing
less creativity. We formulated a general health check up to understand the nature of Yoga needed to help the
employees or users to improve their Gait and posture. Using Video Analysis techniques for simple Yoga
and motion analysis techniques for advanced yoga, we have designed a prototype where the user can reap
benefits of Yoga by creating a Virtual Yoga Environment at the work place or wherever the employee uses
the computer for a long time. The environment alerts the user at regular intervals depending on user Yoga
Prescription that is generated by the environment at the time of user requirement, inputs and accessibility.
The alerts for healthy users and young IT professionals will be blinking their eyes very often, standing up
from the work chair, stretch, a standing twist and some basic neck movements again depending on the body
size of the user. However performing these simple Yoga exercises on the whole in a day would be
approximately 5 to 7 minutes for a6 to 8 hours Computer user that would promote better health.
In this paper we have made an effort to design an e-
yoga tutor for the health issues of computer users
especially in the Information technology - IT
industry for whom we have designed a real time
Yoga prescription to improve the chronic health
conditions like of those suffering from Spine related,
posture issues and other psychological problems like
depression. It not only helps in treating their health
conditions alternatively it helps users to improve
concentration levels and beat stress levels at work.
The primary work of our research was to
investigate the health issues among the IT users.
Based on the age of the users and duration of work
hours the employee used a computer, the results
were tabulated. Using this data we categorised the
health issues for which suitable Yoga treatment is
designed. During the work hours we tried to imbibe
the yoga exercises to be performed and hence the
need of an effective intelligence system that
interfaced human and computer was essential. This
is well explained in the further sections.
The general health check details consist of basic
details mentioned in Table 1. These details act as
input for yoga prescription. Yoga prescription is
letting the user know which Yoga asana or exercise
of yoga is suitable for the cure if any ailment present
or for general well-being. The health check for IT
professionals under different categories of computer
usage are been categorised making use of the table
for general Yoga prescription. These basic details
Reddy, M., Venkatramana, S., Ramji, B. and V., N..
e-Yoga Prescription Designed for Computer Users using e-Yoga Environment for Posture - A Study on Information Technology (IT) Professionals to Help Them Improve Their Spine Health.
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support (icSPORTS 2015), pages 48-52
ISBN: 978-989-758-159-5
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
are used for creating a Yoga Avatar that is used for
interfacing between real and virtual environment.
Table 1: Preliminary Database of general health check for
yoga prescription.
Age Group (20 – 25, 25 – 30, 30-45)
sex (Male/Female)
No of hours Computer used per
(2-5, 6-9, >9)
No of hours sleep (<4, 5-7, 8-10, >10)
Height In Inches
weight In Kilo Grams
Eye Sight (Normal/ Prescription)
Undergoing Treatment Details
surgery undergone If any
No of years’ Experience (0-25)
Current Domain Experience (0-25)
Need any help Health Related
The size of the human is taken into consideration for
creating a human avatar virtually hence we refer
here it as Yoga Avatar. The need of Yoga Avatar is
very much essential for yoga prescription for the
Yoga Asana should always be performed under
guidance. The steps beginning from inhaling and
exhaling during the exercise to proper level of
stretching and bending plays a vital role for
which the Yoga Avatar is mandatory to
determine the level of stretch. Not all have a
unique body size that Yoga can be performed at
the same level.
It acts like a watermark animated picture that
does the asana virtually on screen depending
upon the human size where even a person
weighing 120 Kilos can twist to a certain degree
that the avatar knows while a person weighing 50
kilos can do it more. This helps that helps the
user perform along the Yoga Avatar do a better
Yoga Asana.
Figure 1: Yoga Avatar.
The human body size changes constantly and it
would be tough to measure the sizes every day or
very often to update into the software to change
the yoga avatar. Hence we have created an
option of live yoga Avatar that captures your
present moment and suggests you the degree of
twist or turn or bending for the asana.
Analysing the motion of the human body includes
the extraction of the low-level features like body
part segregation, body parts detection and
identification, and the recovery of 3D structure from
the 2D projections in an image sequence. To trackan
individual moving using a single camera that is
preferably a webcam or a mobile camera involves
applying visual features to detect the presence of
human directly with considering only the geometric
structure of the body parts.
Motion information such as change in position
can be captured constantly to match the needed
change in the virtual environment, incorporating
with intensity values that can be employed to
establish matching between consecutive frames. The
correspondence between successive frames from real
world and virtual world are solved throughout using
the image sequence.
The SIFT (Scale Invariant Feature Transform)
algorithm can be used for comparing the two videos
the reference or virtual video and the actual video.
This technique was originally devised for object
recognition. The features like good variance,
rotation and illumination SIFT descriptor was
commonly used in image matching. (Daixian, 2010)
Applications of SIFT include object recognition,
robotic mapping and navigation, image stitching, 3D
modelling, gesture recognition, video tracking, and
match moving. Using SIFT as base for Virtual Yoga
Architecture SURF (Speeded Up Robust Feature)
Algorithm the advanced version can be looked upon.
The major advancement is 3D reconstruction.
SIFT and SURF algorithms employ slightly
different ways of detecting features. SIFT builds an
image pyramids, filtering each layer with Gaussians
of increasing sigma values and taking the difference.
On the other hand, SURF creates a “stack” without
2:1 down sampling for higher levels in the pyramid
resulting in images of the same resolution. Due to
the use of integral images, SURF filters the stack
using a box filter approximation of second-order
Gaussian partial derivatives, since integral images
e-Yoga Prescription Designed for Computer Users using e-Yoga Environment for Posture - A Study on Information Technology (IT)
Professionals to Help Them Improve Their Spine Health
allow the computation of rectangular box filters in
near constant time. (Juan and Gwun, 2009).
Figure 2: This caption has one line so it is centred.
Figure 3: Video frame after thresholding.
Figure 4: Comparison lines between frames of two videos
after SURF algorithm.
Figure 5: Implementation using SURF (Patil et al., 2011).
4.1 Motion Replication
Motion Replication ensures the understanding of the
user’s motion by matching the user’s posture with
the Yoga Avatar posture. This replication is done by
analysing key nodes of body parts as shown in the
figure 6. This recognition of body parts that are not
replicating the corresponding ones shows the
difference in posture and need to complete the
sequence as mentioned in the virtual environment.
The methodology for determining the similarity of
two postures is by comparing the joint angles of
fifteen joints, including head, shoulders, elbows,
wrists, chest, pelvis, hips, knees, and ankles, and by
calculating the distance of end points required in
each Yoga posture. (Zhiqiang et al., 2011).
Figure 6: KEY nodes of body parts to Understand Motion.
icSPORTS 2015 - International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support
4.2 Yoga Tools
Yoga tools are extended products that are interface
suits that connect the real human with the Virtual
Yoga environment. In Video analysis the image is
captured of the user and matched with its yoga
Avatar animation in which the computer or the
environment cannot understand the intensity and
pressure required for the posture. With the help of
yoga tools that use hardware encompassed of
sensors and motors to measure the real environment
vibrations, pressure, and velocity of the posture to
measure the accuracy and use of the posture.
Devices with sensors can measure Roll-Pitch-
Yaw orientations, which is used to detect the
orientation of human body part. The tactor is
attached on four human limbs and can generate the
vibration on human skin to provide the haptic sense
to user. (Zhiqiang Luo et al., 2011)
4.3 e-Yoga Development
The e-Yoga Environment can be run on a computer,
Mobile Phone, Tablet. We have created an e- yoga
version with General Health Check database that
collects the user basic data to generate an e-Yoga
Prescription that helps user perform basic yoga
asana’s. The technical requirements are that it
should be installed in the hard drive that gives
regular alerts at intervals asking the user to perform
the Yoga.
4.4 Side Effects
It is difficult to change the mind suddenly from a
focused state, when the software from the system
alerts to perform a regular bit of Yoga it could be a
little burden and distracting sometimes. However the
user can mute the Virtual Yoga off. The user can be
aware and can be prepared to perform yoga even
before the environment alerts so that it will help the
user in a long run even without a virtual yoga tutor
or environment.
The e-Yoga environment is a next generation
intelligence that is designed to meet the requirement
of a traditional Yoga Guru (tutor) who helps an
individual maintain a good health, body and mind.
This environment creates alerts at regular intervals
on the device used be it on a computer, mobile
phone, tablet or a PlayStation. The alert depends on
users Yoga Prescription that is generated by the E-
yoga environment at the time of user requirement,
inputs and accessibility. The alerts for users with no
health issues and young IT professionals the yoga
prescription is simple like blinking their eyes very
often, standing up from the work chair and stretch, a
standing twist and some basic neck movements
which again is depending on the body size of the
user. However performing these simple Yoga
exercises on the whole in a day would be
approximately be 5 to 7 minutes for a 6 to 8 hours
Computer user. Hence it would not be a tedious
process to keep oneself fit and healthy and prevent
from further complications. The application under
development can be designed for mobile, Tablet and
PlayStation users equally to maintain their gait and
posture. Our mission is to promote a healthy society.
We take immense pleasure to thank Mrs.
Siddalakshmi D, Director of Ierosun Technologies
Pvt Ltd for her valuable inputs regarding Video
analysis and Motion analysis for Virtual
yogaArchietecture. It was an honour to work with
Mr. GVenkata Chalapathi, Physical Education
Director, Government First Grade College,
Harlapura, Koppala, Karnataka, India who
constantly guided us with posture improvement
methods. We also take this opportunity to thank
Mrs. Sheela, Yoga tutor for her Yoga tutorials and
survey of users and respective Yogic cure that has
made us possible to incorporate appropriate data to
the Virtual Yoga Architecture. Lastly, we thank
BMS college of Engineering for constantly
encouraging research activities and supporting
research endeavours.
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icSPORTS 2015 - International Congress on Sport Sciences Research and Technology Support