the findings are still promising for the future
application of the ePatch ECG recorder in the
growing area of risk stratification based on HRV
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The automatic QRS complex detection algorithm
was originally designed for a sampling frequency of
512 Hz (Saadi et al., 2015). The performance of this
version of the algorithm on the MIT-BIH
Arrhythmia Database (MITDB) is compared to other
published algorithms in Table 4. Two modifications
were required to adapt the algorithm to the other
three sampling frequencies. The first adaptation was
an adjustment of a threshold that decides the
variability mode of the algorithm. The original
threshold was T
= 35 samples. This threshold
was updated to T
= 8 samples for fs = 128 Hz, T
17 samples for fs = 256 Hz, and T
= 70 samples for
fs = 1024 Hz. The second modification was related