bars in Figure 4.
Evolutionary Algorithms are very popular given its
applicability in a range of static problems. In this
work, we focus our attention on using a differen-
tial evolution (DE) algorithm in a fairly complex and
dynamic problem taken from Demand-Side Manage-
ment (DSM) systems. DSM systems play an impor-
tant role in the SG. Their importance can be under-
stood by considering the new challenges that are con-
tinuously introduced to the grid, for example, electric
appliances that could double the average household
(e.g., electric vehicles). The correct design of a DSM
manages to use the available energy efficiently, with-
out the necessity of installing new electricity infras-
In the specialised literature, there are several tech-
niques adopted by DSM programs. Perhaps, the most
popular techniques are those inspired on smart pric-
ing. Briefly, the idea is to incentivise end-consumers
to shift energy consumption to hours when the elec-
tricity price is low, reducing both electricity costs and
energy-load consumption.
We believe that another important research area
worth exploring in DSM is to exploit “new” avail-
able technologies. In particular, we regard that there
is a lot of potential in utilising EVs’ batteries as mo-
bile energy storage units. To this end, we propose
a demand-side autonomous intelligent management
system that uses them to partially fulfill the demand of
end-use consumers instead of using only the electric-
ity available from a substation transformer, whenever
possible. To this end, we use a DE algorithm, that
is able to automatically create fine-grained solutions
that indicate the amount of energy that can be taken
from the EVs, rather than adopting a more constraint
representation (e.g., on/off of EVs).
The results achieved by our proposed approach
are highly encouraging. That is, we showed how DE
is able to correctly use the maximum amount of en-
ergy while ensuring a minimum SoC for each EV for
each day of the 30 simulated working days. We built
upon this to automatically find the best possible con-
figuration of values (i.e., consumption from batteries)
whenever it was needed the most (i.e., high-peaks),
while simultaneously, demonstrating that it was pos-
sible to do so by keeping the PAR low.
Edgar Galv´an L´opez’s research is funded by an ELE-
VATE Fellowship, the Irish Research Council’s Ca-
reer Development Fellowship co-funded by Marie
Curie Actions. The first author would also like to
thank the TAO group at INRIA Saclay & LRI - Univ.
Paris-Sud and CNRS, Orsay, France for hosting him
during the outgoing phase of the ELEVATE Fellow-
ship. The authors would like to thank all the review-
ers for their useful comments that helped us to signif-
icantly improve our work.
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