We contributed to the generalization of the commonly
accepted model of the dynamics of oxygen uptake
during exercise at constant work rates to variable load
protocols by means of differential equations. We
showed how parameters in the model can be esti-
mated and that the mathematical dynamical model
can be used to predict the oxygen consumption for
other given load profiles. We found for five subjects
and four very different test protocols (of up to about
one hour length) that on average the modeling rms er-
ror of
was 0.23 ±0.08 l/min and the prediction
rms error in three tests was 0.37 ±0.16 l/min.
The model overestimated the slow component,
however. Therefore, we plan to let the critical power
be a parameter that can be fitted to training data in-
stead of using the MLSS as an estimate. For such a
study the MLSS can serve as a lower limit of the al-
lowable range of values for critical power.
Moreover, a closer study of the slow component
in a set of constant work rate (CWR) tests should be
carried out by our five subjects. From such lab tests
one can also compare the modeling error for the vari-
able work load exercises undertaken for this contribu-
tion with those for CWR tests in order to gain an un-
derstanding of how much of the modeling precision
of CWR carries over to the variable work load case
when using the direct generalization of the mathemat-
ical modeling as given in this paper.
An alternative approach to modeling would be
to allow for different, more appropriate degrees of
freedom in the mathematical model, again fitting the
model type and parameters to empirical data, and
calculating model and prediction errors. For exam-
ple, we may assume as above two additive model
components (besides a constant baseline oxygen con-
sumption) with different delay times and decay rates,
however, with corresponding steady state oxygen de-
mands that are restricted only by requiring (piece-
wise) monotonicity and that can be parametrized by
a set of six parameters, the same number as in this
With such an approach, we expect a better data
fitting. It remains open whether also the predic-
tive power is better than for our current model and
whether the results can be interpreted in harmony
with the current understanding of sport physiology
and sport medicine.
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Modeling Oxygen Dynamics under Variable Work Rate