LODLI: Linked Open Data Back-End System
for Libraries Interoperability
Miriam Allalouf
, Alex Artyomov
and Dalia Mendelsson
Azrieli College of Engineering (JCE), Jerusalem, Israel
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
Linked Open Data for Library Catalog Data, Mapping MARC to Ontologies.
Linked Data principles offer significant advantages over current practices when publishing data. Linked Data
allows library interoperability by linking to data from other organizations with authoritative data, which en-
riches library catalog-user search results. This paper describes LODLI, a Linked Open Data Back-End system
that we designed and developed to enhance library catalog searches. We integrated our system with the He-
brew University library catalog, HUfind. While our platform can be used as is, it can also be customized
by Linked Open Data providers that desire to convert their MARC records into Linked Data information li-
brary systems, making their data far more accessible. This research project faced the following challenges:
finding the most efficient way to translate binary MARC into MARC records; mapping the MARC records
into a variety of information models, such as Dublin Core, FRBR, RDA, OWL and FOAF, while selecting
the most appropriate MARC field combinations; and providing links to resources in external datasets using a
distance algorithm to identify string similarity. LODLI is a generic system to which additional ontologies can
easily be added. We have demonstrated the system with two types of clients: FRBR visualization client and
VIAF-extension client.
Linked Data is a web-based method used for creat-
ing typed links between data from different sources
that can be very diverse. The data sources can be
databases at two organizations in different geograph-
ical locations, or heterogeneous systems within a
given organization that historically haven’t experi-
enced easy interoperability at the data level. Linked
Data (Berners-Lee, 2009; Bizer et al., 2009) refers to
data published on the web in such a way that its mean-
ing is explicitly defined and can therefore be pro-
cessed by machines, which enables data from differ-
ent sources to be connected and queried. Linked Data
forms RDF graph located in a database that can be tra-
versed to createa context for the described resources
RDF predicates that share common domains are de-
fined in ontologies.
Linked data principles makes data more accessible
and useful by publishing it in a machine-readable for-
mat. For example, when a user agent queries a base
to collect data about Venus, it should clearly under-
stand the entity this data applies to —be it Venus (the
planet) or Venus de Milo (the statue). Organizations
including VIAF
(The Virtual International Authority
File), WorldCat
, and Wikipedias databases (DBpe-
dia and the newer Wikidata) collect data from varied
resources on the web, process and store it in their Link
Data database, and then reinsert it on the web.
Nowadays, libraries around the world desire to
enjoy the benefits and advantages of linked data
(Schilling, 2012; Coyle, 2010; Gonzales, 2014). The
academic library catalog allows end users to search
for and find the requested information. The Google-
like search method influenced the way that library cat-
alogs are being developed to offer a similar user expe-
rience (Emanuel, 2011), (Ramdeen and Hemminger,
2012). Presently, library catalogs offer academic re-
sources based on the advances of information re-
trieval technologies (Merˇcun and
Zumer, 2008; Ten-
nant, 2005) that allow predictivesearch features (such
as Did you mean?”); user profile-awarecontent, such
as tags, ratings, reviews, and comments; and a faceted
classification. The new concept was developed only
Allalouf, M., Artyomov, A. and Mendelsson, D..
LODLI: Linked Open Data Back-End System for Libraries Interoperability.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 2: KEOD, pages 269-278
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
at the presentation layer of the Online Public Access
Catalog (OPAC) and did not require changes in the
Integrated Library Systems’ (ILS) core. Most library
catalogs, in order to supply basic functionality of re-
source description and discovery, describe their bibli-
ographic records in MARC (Machine-Readable Cat-
aloging). The extractable information from a typical
MARC record is limited and fails to meet growing
user expectations and needs in terms of sharing li-
brary collections and external resources access. Given
world-wide emerging data collection and web pub-
lishing, it is essential and beneficial to apply Linked
Data principles to information library systems.
We are not aware of any off-the-shelf Linked Data
back-end systems for individual libraries. We there-
fore designed and developed LODLI (a Linked Data
Back-End system). LODLI is a generic platform
aimed at mapping MARC records to a Linked-Data
information model that will serve the libraries in two
possible scenarios:
1. Publish their own collections using Linked Data’s
machine-readable APIs ;
2. Enrich library catalog results with supplementary
information taken from remote organizations.
In the first scenario, a library has its own collec-
tions, stores them in the LODLI repository and pub-
lishes the collections using Linked Data’s machine-
readable APIs such that other libraries may enjoy
them. The design of LODLI requires a preliminary re-
search stage to define these client applications. Given
that the data interoperability area is still emerging and
the use cases are not fully known or resolved, we had
to attempt to predict the types of client applications
and then build LODLI in a way that would address all
the cases. Hence, the research questions for this sce-
nario are: 1) Which objects and typed-connections a
client library may require the new repository to have?
and 2) Which Linked-Data information model and on-
tology, the MARC records will be converted to?
Our research observed that FRBR (Functional Re-
quirements for Bibliographic Records) (Tillett and
Cristian, 2009) is an appropriate information model
to serve many types of client libraries that wish to
find the semantic details of an item. FRBR applies
a new model to the metadata of information objects
in place of the flat record concept underlying the cur-
rent MARC format. Linked Data concepts provide
similar hierarchy and conform to the FRBR informa-
tion model. The FRBR visualization client and the
details behind the specific mapping of MARC fields
to FRBR categories are described in Section 2.1. We
also mapped the MARC records to the properties as-
sociated with Dublin Core that is suitable to describe
library resources such as books and digital media,
FOAF and OWL. Each structure was observed and
selected according to its suitability to common client
applications and will be described in Section 2.
The second scenario consists of libraries that wish
to enhance their catalog capabilities by storing and
managing external links to other data sets that de-
scribe the same resource. One challenging research
question is which repositories to access for this re-
source and how to find the intended one. There are
organizations with a large set of data that was col-
lected from smaller libraries. The goal is to access a
higher-tiered repository. For example, VIAF is a focal
point for authoritative information collected from all
the national libraries and it makes sense for LODLI
to access it when looking for an author’s metadata.
We have tried to determine the repository access route
that will be common to many catalog discovery ap-
plications. We provided the implementation of one
pattern to be detailed in Section 2.2 where the client
accesses first WorldCat and then VIAF.
Moreover, each organization that collects meta-
data for the same item, identifies it differently using
their own ID. It will be convenient to access a higher-
tiered repository assuming the ID is already known
and we can correctly identify the required informa-
tion. Thus, if LODLI is owned and customized by
a national library that is aware of VIAF ID per each
item, the access to the correct item will be easy. Oth-
erwise, LODLI applies a fuzzy matching algorithm to
ensure the remotely accessed item is the intended one.
Figure 1: LODLI Flow.
Figure 1 is a LODLI dataflow diagram. The red
arrows show the 3-stage generation and population of
the Linked Data storage process, which occurs upon
database creation and the addition of new database
updates. Note that libraries that use LODLI to enrich
their catalog using remote information have to covert
their MARC records and store them in LODLI, as
well. The orange arrow at the bottom represents a li-
brary catalog user who triggers a LODLI client, which
provides access to external datasets. LODLI offers an
end-to-end solution for a Linked Open Data publish-
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
ing system and its architecture design followed the
requirements for modularity and possible future ex-
tensions of additional information models, ontologies
and discovery routes.
HUfind (http://hufind.huji.ac.il/) is the modern
catalog used by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
which serves its eight libraries and various faculties
on the university’s four campuses. The university’s
Library Authority, which is responsible for managing
information technology for all university libraries, ex-
pressed the desire for enhanced catalog capabilities,
which would enable them to access other libraries
across the globe via a linked data system. LODLI’s
client were designed to be integrated with HUfind.
Section 2 characterizes the applications that will
access LODLI and describes the mapping process
of MARC records to an ontology-annotated RDF
database. Section 3 describes the LODLI architec-
ture. Section 4 presents the experimental setup and
system evaluation. Section 5 provides related works
in the field.
To allow many types of client library applications,
the LODLI system utilizes a full set of Linked Data
principles, offering a platform to libraries that de-
sire a Linked Open Data web system. The plat-
form receives a file containing one or several MARC
records as an input, extracts all records from the
file, applies an FRBR structure to each record, maps
the MARC records to the properties associated with
Dublin Core, FOAF, OWL models, connects them to
external datasets for additional information, and then
stores them as RDF triples in a dedicated database.
The pseudocode of the main algorithm performed by
LODLI is depicted in Figure 2.
In this paper, we described two variants of LODLI
Figure 2: Main Algorithm for MARC Parsing and RDF
clients: LODLI FRBR visualization client (Section
2.1) and the LODLI VIAF WorldCat client (Section
2.2). Both were implemented using standard client-
side language, such as JavaScript, HTML and CSS.
Cross-browser clients were tested and found to be
fully functional in all commonly used browsers, such
as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, and In-
ternet Explorer (starting version 8).
2.1 FRBR Visualization Client
FRBR is a 1998 standard that was created by the In-
ternational Federation of the Library Associations and
Institutions (IFLA) to reconstruct catalog databases
and to reflect the conceptual structure of information
resources (Tillett and Cristian, 2009). FRBR applies
a new model to the metadata of information objects
replacing the flat record concept underlying the cur-
rent MARC format. The FRBR model belongs to the
family of entity-relationship models and contains four
levels of representation:
Work. A distinct intellectual or artistic creation, such
as a URI representing the title ”The Tragedy of
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark”.
Expression. The intellectual or artistic realization of
a work, such as a URI representing the English-
language version of Hamlet.
Manifestation. The physical embodiment of an ex-
pression of a work. For example a URI represent-
ing the publisher of Hamlet.
Item. The book itself-e.g., a copy of Hamlet.
The use of FRBR to describe the data in the li-
brary offers a better user experience and superior re-
source discovery. For example, user searches for ”The
Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” in the li-
brary site result in a list with the various expressions
and manifestations of Hamlet in the library, such as a
movie based on the play or translations into different
For HUJI’s library catalog, HUfind, we developed
an FRBR visualization client. Figure 3 displays a
Hamlet MARC record in the library identified by a
given id. Clicking
on the LODLI FRBR Visual-
ization button (in red) displays an interactive FRBR
graph containing the three levels of the FRBR struc-
ture. The manifestation level displays hyperlinks to
record pages in HUfind and WorldCat.
LODLI maps the MARC fields to FRBR-
annotated RDF triples. We followed the Library of
Congress mapping choice of MARC (Delsey, 2002),
This client is ready and expected to be integrated with
HUfind soon
LODLI: Linked Open Data Back-End System for Libraries Interoperability
where attributes associated with the FRBR entity
work appear in the heading and title MARC fields.
Attributes of the FRBR entity expression are recorded
in textual form in a number of heading and title sub-
fields as well as in certain material, physical and/or
note fields. Attributes of expression are recorded as
fixed length data elements, and attributes of the mani-
festation tend to be concentrated in the numbers, title,
title-related fields, edition, and imprint fields.
Figure 3: An FRBR visualization client integrated with
2.2 VIAF and WorldCat Client
Figure 4
depicts an example for a client applica-
tion that enriches HUfind user’s search result using
the LODLI system in the HUJI catalog. The upper
part of the page in Figure 4 is a regular HUfind’s
presentation for the item Harry Potter and the Pris-
oner from Azkaban. Clicking on the Linked Data
tab at the center of the page triggers our LODLI
client implementation, which, in turn, accesses the
link http://www.viaf.org/viaf/116846492/, which is a
VIAF Authority File for J.K. Rowling the author of
Harry Potter . As a result, a drop-down menu appears
below the tabs, displaying additional search options.
This Linked Data tab provides access to 18 national
libraries around the world in addition to hundreds of
other sources.
The Dublin Core Schema is a small set of vocabu-
This client is ready and expected to be integrated with
HUfind soon
lary terms used to describe web resources (video, im-
ages, web pages, etc.), as well as physical resources
such as books or CDs. The Library of Congress, the
British Library, and Cornell University Library have
conducted considerable work in the area of mapping
MARC fields to corresponding Dublin Core proper-
ties and each of those libraries published a list of
recommendations as to which mappings are prefer-
able. On the basis of their recommendations, we used
a combination of mappings in creating LODLI. The
creator property describes the content of the resource
and may refer to a person, an organization, or a ser-
vice. We mapped creator by MARC fields 110, 111,
112. For the contributor property we followed the
British Library recommendations that distinguishes
between a person or an organization according to the
MARC field and subfield. The Cornell University Li-
brary maps the contributor property by MARC fields
700, 710, 711 and 720. The Library of Congress sug-
gested a slightly different mapping for the contribu-
tor, which is 700, 710, 711$e and 720$e. We chose
the British Library recommendation that is more pre-
cise. The additional Dublin Core properties that are
mapped in LODLI are summarized in Table 1.
Figure 4: HUfind with LODLI Picture from VIAF.
A full Linked Open Data platform requires a con-
nection to external Linked Data repository. Accord-
ingly, some of our RDF triples were created by con-
necting our dataset with external datasets, such as
VIAF and WorldCat. Connections were constructed
by creating links between entities from our datasets
(such as books and authors) to the same entities
described in other datasets. For example, in our
dataset, if ”Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets”
by J.K. Rowling is identified by http://hujilinkeddata/
Record/HUJ001747095 and in WorldCat the same
book it’s identified by http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/
318422828, by generating and storing the http://
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Table 1: A summary of all the model properties mapped from MARC fields in LODLI.
Name Properties
FRBR Functional Requirements Work, Expression,
for Bibliographic Records Manifestation, RealizationOf, Realization,
http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/core Embodiment, EmbodimentOf
contributor, coverage, creator, created, issued, description, format,
dc Dublin Core identifier, relation, rights, source, subject, title, type, isFormatOf, hasFormat,
http://purl.org/dc/terms/1.1/ isPartOf, haslanguage, publisher,isVersionOf, hasVersion, isReferencedBy,
requires, Part, isReplacedBy, replaces, extent
Bibo The Bibliographic Ontology
Isbn, isbn10, isbn13, Conference
foaf - Friend of a Friend
Person,Agent,Organization, Name
OWL Web Ontology Language
RDA Resource Description and IdentifierForTheWork, Title,
Access http://rdvocab.info/Elements/ IdentifierForTheExpression, LanguageOfExpression
hujilinkeddata/Record/HUJ001747095 owl:SameAs
http://www.worldcat.org/oclc/318422828 RDF triple
we connect our dataset to the WorldCat.
HUJI’s MARC record of Harry Potter (or any
other item) does not include the VIAF ID of the author
but it includes the WorldCat ID of the book. In order
to connect HUJI’s Authority entities (person names)
to a VIAF object we used WorldCat linked data store.
When the linked data is extracted from WorldCat,
we fetch all the creators
and contributors properties
of a particular book and then map them to the cre-
ators and contributors from our dataset using the dis-
tance algorithm for string matching. We had to use
a string matching algorithm because in some records,
the spelling of the names of creators and contributors
is different in WorldCat from that in our dataset. Ad-
ditionally, some authors that appear in our dataset as
creators appear in WorldCat as contributors, and vice
versa. By using the distance algorithm that calculates
a similarity score for any two strings (e.g., authors
names), we can perform mapping accurately thereby
minimizing the mapping mistakes. Note, that if the
VIAF ID is included in the library records, LODLI
will insert it to its database and the string matching
process will not be required any more. For the cur-
rent client that wishes to find more information about
an author of a certain item, we access first WorldCat,
then VIAF and finally apply string matching. Other
applications will require other discovery paths.
Another example of a client application we be-
lieve will serve library catalog users is an applica-
tion that recommends authors. In this application
the user provides the name of an author he likes and
the application recommends similar authors. Author
Similarity is based on the topics associated with the
creator and contributor are Dublin Core properties that
describe authors and contributors
books written by the given author. These topics can
be found in the MARC records. To retrieve the in-
formation LODLI will access VIAF for more authors
and WorldCat for their books and topics. This work
has not terminated yet and we have only preliminary
A summary of all the model properties mapped
from MARC fields in LODLI appears in Table 1. The
ontology name along with its namespace URI appears
in the first column. All the properties that were imple-
mented in LODLI appears in the third column.
LODLI’s platform is depicted in Figure 5 and con-
sists of Parsing Module, which parses MARC files
into an intermediate collection of marc records that
can serve as inputs to other modules; RDF Genera-
tion Module, which builds valid RDF triples from the
MARC record data, Interconnectivity Module, which
enriches the dataset by interconnecting it with ex-
ternal sources; and Database Access Module, which
manages all interactions using the Virtuoso database.
The interaction between all the modules is done
through explicitly defined interfaces, such that each
module can be easily replaced, extended or modi-
fied without affecting other parts of the platform. We
adopted an Inversion of Control(IoC) programming
paradigm to create loosely coupled and high cohesion
components. The binding process between different
modules was achieved using a dependency injection
pattern that enables performing coupling at the run-
time. For error logging, we used the aspect-oriented
programming paradigm, implemented through Spring
. In order to improve the system’s per-
LODLI: Linked Open Data Back-End System for Libraries Interoperability
formance, we used the boss/workers multithreaded
model, implemented with a configurable thread pool.
By adding multithreaded processing, operational la-
tency of the system was reduced by more than 14
times on average, as can be seen in Section 4.
Figure 5: LODLI System Architecture.
Parsing Module receives a file that contains
MARC records stored in an ISO2709 binary format as
an input and then parses it into a collection of Java ob-
jects. Each of these objects contains a single record’s
metadata arranged into a set of nested objects and data
structures that provide effective ways to access and
manipulate the objects’ properties. This module code
is based on MARC4J
, an open source Java toolkit.
RDF Generation Module is responsible for cre-
ating RDF triples from MARC-record properties us-
ing the mapping rules described in Section 2. The
module consists of a collection of Java classes each of
which is responsible for creating RDFs for a specific
ontology. Each class encapsulates all requisite logic
and business rules for fetching ontology-related data
from a single MARC record. We mapped the MARC
records into properties of Dublin Core, FOAF, OWL
and other information models, as described in Table
1. All ontology classes implement a single common
IOntology interface. IOntology interface uses a fa-
cade design pattern for simplifying the creation of all
ontologyproperties. This architecture allows us to dy-
namically introduce new ontologies into the platform
without changing any exiting code.
Interconnectivity Module handles the discov-
ery routes and establishes connections between our
dataset and external ones, such as VIAF and World-
Cat. Connections are made by creating links between
entities from external datasets, such as books and au-
thors in other datasets. The functionality of this mod-
ule was described in Section 2.2.
Database Access Layer deals with storing and re-
trieving RDF triples from our database. The layer is
implemented using a repository design pattern, expos-
ing an interface IRepository to all its consumers. Any
database used as our storage platform will have to im-
plement IRepository interface. Applying this archi-
tecture enables the decoupling of the actual database
from other modules. Thus, the choice as to which
database to utilize, and its implementation, will have
no effect on other parts of the system. For LODLI
we used the open source edition of Virtuoso Univer-
sal Server
that exposes SPARQL endpoint that can
be used by clients to query the platform-generated
dataset; demonstrated the best performance in most of
the benchmark results, according to Berlin SPARQL
; and supports both horizontal and ver-
tical scaling. Horizontal scaling, including clustering
and replication, are available in the commercial edi-
tion. All the RDF triples generated by LODLI are
stored in Virtuoso RDF Quad Store and accessed us-
ing a Virtuoso Jena RDF Data Provider
A Visualized LOD example consists of the generated
RDF triples for the ”Hamlet” MARC record is pre-
sented in Figure 6.
The blue ellipses in the figure contain string
literals that were extracted from MARC fields, or
from a remote resource, and weren’t a reference point
(i.e., they are leaves in the RDF graph). Cyan rect-
angles represent LODLI complex entities containing
additional properties capable of being dereferenced
(e.g., http://hujilinkeddata/Record/HUJ00257250,
which represents the Hamlet MARC record that
appears in the center). Orange rectangles represent
corresponding entities in external datasets, such
as VIAF and WorldCat. The generated content of
LODLI’s database enables queries such as: 1) ”Given
the work Hamlet, what are the different expressions
in English?” where expression means book or video
and it is searched for in a variety of repositories; or 2)
”What is the full set of the associated topics for the
book title Hamlet?”.
In this work we identified several types of interest-
ing applications that can be employed only when us-
ing our system. Consequently, we addressed the first
Virtuoso Universal Server: http://virtuoso.
Jena: http://jena.apache.org/
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
Figure 6: An example of the generated RDF triples for one MARC record (Hamlet). The links dct, foaf, rda,
frbr and bibo are represented by the http://purl.org/dc/terms, http://xmlsns.com/foaf/0.1, http://rdvocab.info/Elements,
http://purl.org/vocab/frbr/core# and bibo - http://purl.org/ontology/bibo URIs resptectively.
scenario research questions, namely Which objects
and typed-connectionsa client library may require the
new repository to have”? and ”Which Linked-Data
information model and ontology, will the MARC
records be converted to”?. Obviously, newer to come
applications may require other information models or
ontologies than those we have suggested. In our opin-
ion, the design of an automatic tool to generate more
RDF triples annotated with other ontologies should
be deferred until more usage knowledge is obtained.
However, LODLI is generic enough to allow for its
extension with new structures.
Obtaining information from remote repositories
raises the research question ”which repositories
should be accessed for a resource and how to find
the intended one?”. The problem comprises select-
ing the repository that contains the most metadata
(”higher-tier” LOD) and finding the intended item in
this repository by obtaining its ID or by performing
fuzzy matching. We use the term discovery route’
for the list of the repositories, along with the appro-
priate ID that an application has to access in order to
answer a specific query. For example, the discovery
route for the VIAF client (described in 2.2) will be ac-
cessing WorldCat using WorldCat ID and then access-
ing VIAF using string matching. An important future
research subject concerns the design of an automatic
tool to maintain the discovery routes. This tool will
identify the repository tiers and the existence of ap-
propriate IDs to access the intended item or topic with
regard to the selected LOD. Each type of application
will be assigned an optimal discovery route that fits
the asked queries in this application in terms of data
volume and accuracy.
For Performance Evaluation, the LODLI plat-
form was set up, integrated, and tested. We used a
single server platform, but we’re aware that any fu-
ture production system will require multi-server ar-
chitecture that can be vertically scaled to enhance per-
formance and to tolerate faults. Hence, we chose to
use Virtuoso because it is scalable. For the server we
used an Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40 GHz with 4
Cores, 8 Threads and 8MB Cache. The server con-
tains 2 * 4 GB DDR3-1333MHz RAM and a 1.5 TB
Seagate Barracuda SATA disk. The operating system
was Windows 7 64 bit SP1.
We used two benchmarks to evaluate LODLI’s
performance. The first tests the platform processing
performance where new MARC records are parsed,
translated into annotated RDF triples and inserted into
the database. The second benchmarkchecks the query
latency time experienced by a LODLI client.
The Parsing Benchmark was performed under
two different dataset loads, a small number of MARC
records (196 records) and a larger number of MARC
records (47,527). It utilized thread pools of 1,4,16,32
LODLI: Linked Open Data Back-End System for Libraries Interoperability
Table 2: Results of parsing a small set of records and a larger set of records.
Number of Average RAM Average Average processing
threads in the Memory CPU Util˙ time in milliseconds
thread pool Consumption Percentage
The Parsing Benchmark with 196 MARC records
1 87MB 13% 102249 ms (1 minutes 42 sec)
4 88MB 13% 23934 ms (24 seconds)
8 91MB 13% 14036 ms (14.036 seconds)
16 91MB 15% 7231 ms (7.231 seconds)
32 96MB 18% 5606 ms
64 104MB 21% 3874 ms
The Parsing Benchmark with 47,527 MARC records
1 1.35GB 13% 3898842 ms (1 hour 4 minutes 58 sec)
16 1.15GB 15% 291376 ms (4 minutes 51 sec)
32 1.174GB 16% 229066 ms (3 minutes 49 sec)
64 1.204GB 19% 215663 ms (3 minutes 35 sec)
and 64 threads. Each thread was assigned several
processing tasks where the parsing and RDF gener-
ation parts could be performed in parallel. How-
ever, the insertion of RDF triples into the database
by each thread was conducted sequentially, which
could lead to a bottleneck. We therefore evaluated
the level of parallelism versus the database access rate
under using a different number of threads. For each
thread pool value we performed ten runs of parsing
group records and measured maximum CPU, maxi-
mum memory consumption, and the time required to
parse the records and store them in a database. The
benchmark results appear in Table 2. As can be seen,
Figure 7: FRBR SPARQL Query.
when the size of the input is very small, the addition
of parallel processing to the platform significantly im-
proves the processing time. Operational latency was
reduced by more than 14 times when 16 threads were
used, and by more than 26 times for 64 threads. For
low thread pool values there was no significant im-
pact on CPU or memory consumption, since database
insertions were operated serially. When a larger num-
ber of cases were involved, the results still demon-
strated an improved processing time when increasing
the number of threads. The resulting speedup was
smaller than in the first case. It was improved by
16 times for 16 threads relative to one thread. To
estimate the rate Viruoso inserts triples, we have ran
benchmarks to insert 1 Million RDF triples using 16
and 64 threads. The demonstrated averaged latency
times were 25 minutes for 16 threads and 27 minutes
(2 minutes more) for 64 thread.
The Query Benchmark gauges the latency time
of a complex query by measuring platform response
time when it is populated by 1,158,110 triples. The
benchmark was performed by using the FRBR visu-
alization client described in 2.1. Figure 7 presents the
SPARQL query used by the client. Latency time was
the average result achieved from ten runs. We found
that the average response time for this query ranged
between 20 to 35 milliseconds.
Libraries and other cultural institutions’ are currently
undergoing tumultuous change. The Google-like
search method influenced the way that library cata-
logs are being developed to offer a similar user expe-
rience (Emanuel, 2011), (Ramdeen and Hemminger,
2012). Nowadays, libraries’ catalogues offer aca-
demic resources based on the advances of the in-
formation retrieval technologies; they are trying to
meet the readers’ new expectations and enhance their
experience by making library catalogues more user
friendly, intuitive, and visually attractive (Tennant,
2005). The breakthrough of providing web-based on-
line public access to library collections and resources
was developed only at the presentation layer of the
Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC). The Inte-
grated Library Systems’ (ILS) core was not changed
and the fact that its content is encoded in natural lan-
guage rather than as data infers library data integra-
tion with the Web (Coyle, 2010; Gonzales, 2014).
Library standards serve only the library community,
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development
and changes in library technology are often totally
dependent on the expertise of vendors (Baker et al.,
2011). Schilling (Schilling, 2012) provides an ex-
cellent survey of the issues dealing with the transfor-
mation of library metadata into Linked Library Data.
Barbara Tillett, who undertook the task of leading
the selection and implementation of the Library of
Congress’ first Integrated Library System (ILS) and is
well known for her development of the FRBR model
stated in (Tillett, 2011) ”Our online catalogs based on
MARC are no more than electronic versions of card
catalogs with similar linear displays of textual infor-
mation.” ”
There is a high commonality between libraries’
traditional information management and interests (in-
cluding constructing vocabularies, describing prop-
erties of resources, identifying resources, exchang-
ing and aggregating metadata) and Semantic Web
technologies, such as Linked Data principles (Heery,
2004). Currently, the web consists of links between
resources and rich social interaction, providing some
serendipity in their search results, while the library
catalog offers little beyond search and retrieve. Coyle
and Bourg (Bourg, 2010) have discussed the serendip-
ity factor that linked data may add to library catalog
search results. Bowen (Bowen, 2010) points to the
need to develop tools for transiting libraries’ existing
legacy data to linked data, and describes the eXten-
stible Catalog (XC) schema for linked-data-based cat-
In order to enrich library catalogs with Linked
Data, standard technical tools need to be created.
Additionally, library-related ontologies and value vo-
cabularies have to be modeled. Styles et al.(Styles
et al., 2008) discusses the possibilities of represent-
ing the most prevalent form of MARC, MARC21, as
RDF for the Semantic Web. Heath et al.(Bizer and
Hearh, 2011) describe the set of Linked Data publish-
ing mechanisms. The primary consideration in select-
ing a workflow for publishing Linked Data includes
the nature of the input data, the data preparation for-
mat, and data storage. Our selection of RDF storage
for LODLI was a natural one, given that the fact that
MARC records are structured input data. XSL Trans-
formation (XSLT)
is the most common way to con-
vert data into RDF from XML, though it requires that
the MARC record first be translated to XML. The Li-
brary of Congress FRBR Display Tool (Aalberg et al.,
2006) uses MARC4J, an open source Java toolkit, to
convert MARC records stored in an ISO2709 binary
format, to MARCXML, and then uses XSLT style
sheets to convert them into MODS (Metadata Object
Description Schema). Some of the drawbacks asso-
ciated with using XSLT for RDF transformation, in
addition to being cumbersome, are huge memory con-
sumption during the parsing process and performance
degradation. Hence, in LODLI we avoided XSLT and
parsed MARC files into Java objects using MARC4J.
This paper describes the LODLI platform we devel-
oped with the aim of enabling library catalogs, such
as that at the Hebrew University, to link to other re-
sources such as WorldCat and VIAF, thereby pro-
viding access to larger amounts of information. As
a result of our mapping to Dublin Core, FOAF and
FRBR model, libraries will be able to display relation-
ships between novels, translated works, and all edi-
tions in the catalog as well as connecting the metadata
to other cultivated resources. This platform can eas-
ily be extended and modified to add new ontologies,
offering the functionality of Linked Open Data for li-
braries that wish to contribute their datasets. More-
over, LODLI enables the development of many inter-
esting client and library-aware ontologies.
We thank Talia Cohen for running performance tests
while working on the ”Author Recommendation” tool
and for helpful discussions.
Aalberg, T., Haugen, F. B., and Husby, O. (2006). A tool for
converting from marc to frbr. Research and Advanced
Technology for Digital Libraries, ECDL 2006.
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A., Murray, P., Panzer, M., Schneider, J., Singer,
R., Summers, E., Waites, W.and Young, J., and
Zeng, M. (2011). Library linked data incubator
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Accessed August 30, 2015.
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data - the story so far. Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst.,
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log. International Conference on Dublin Core and
Metadata Applications, DC-2010.
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Tillett, B. (2011). Keeping libraries relevant in the semantic
web with resource description and access (rda). Seri-
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ciples (icp) and its glossary in 20 languages.
KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development