information flows, etc. Within the loosely coupled
system, process architecture is subjected to dynamic
change, due to frequent and spontaneous interaction
among entities, information flows, and process
patterns. Consequently, there is no guarantee to
foretell, how the final process model will settle and
make process execution possible. Taking in the
consideration haste of the system`s emergence and its
short-term operation, such system evolves with a
tendency to reach a desired process output and
afterwards disintegrates into few tight organizational
Niu (2010) advocates the significance and the
influence in the relation between the knowledge and
the system`s adaptation. According to Martinez-Leon
and Martinez-Garcia (2011) less formal and less
centralized organizational systems enhances the
organizational learning process. Open, less rigid,
loosely coupled organizational system on the one
hand creates an open environment that encourages
organizational learning, but on the other hand creates
also a need to assess more complex, less transparent
and harder to follow learning process. Tennant and
Fernie (2013) found learning within the loosely
coupled system similar to the underdeveloped
knowledge management approach in the industrial
enterprises. In both cases, learning adapted to the
process and changed with activity flows in a
reactionary and interventionary manner. Firestone
and McElroy (2004) argue that rapid change in the
process architecture not only boosts new variants of
work processes, but also learning processes and
processes for managing knowledge.
Even though several authors detected and
described learning processes within the loosely
coupled system, we found no tangible and wide
knowledge interaction within the assessed flood
response system. We detected two different learning
processes with no traceable interaction. First learning
process occurs within formal and tight subsystems in
the loosely coupled system. Learning takes place
within the scope of the subsystem before its
integration into the overall flood response system.
The knowledge gained through such a learning
process is explicit, specific and differs on the kind of
the learning subsystem. No traceable interchange
among entities with such knowledge or other entities
is detected. Second learning process occurs when the
flood endangered communities face direct flood
threat. They are subjected to the experiential learning,
emerging tacit knowledge about one or several
floods. There is no traceable knowledge interchange
among flood-endangered communities and among
other entities, as well.
Even though the Resolution of national security
strategy of the Republic of Slovenia (2010) and the
Resolution of the national program of protection
against natural and other disasters from year 2009 to
year 2015 (2009), contain guidelines which would
practically establish knowledge interchange between
both groups, no such attempt has been recorded yet.
Implementation of a knowledge interchange
mechanism would on the first hand enabled the
smooth transfer of the knowledge among different
entities within the system, and on the other hand, it
would significantly optimize the flood response
process, executed by the loosely coupled system.
To be able to understand how communities in the
flood response system perceived floods and how they
learned from them and about them, we collected
general information about the flood threatened area,
together with hydrological and meteorological data,
describing all 4 floods.
3.1 General Information
A good part of a Lower Sava region occupies Krško-
Brežice field, which is a valley, surrounded by
Gorjanci Hills on the southern side and Posavje hills
on the northern side. Two bigger municipalities
(Krško and Brežice) are situated in the valley and one
smaller (Kostanjevica na Krki). There are five flood
sources in the valley. In addition to the Sava and the
Krka, as two major rivers, the streams that carry water
from the hills quickly grow into torrents with a
threatening power within few days of continuous rain.
The rain itself can cause considerable problems when
meteoric water starts to overwhelm the low
positioned planes with impermeable soil layers. The
communities and the infrastructure located low and
near the river can experience groundwater flooding,
which usually affects the underground parts of
buildings, such as basements, engine rooms, garages,
workshops, etc.
According to the Department for hydrological
prognosis of the Slovenian environmental agency
(2012), flooding of the Krka River in the
communities, in the municipality of Brežice, which
are located within the 8 km area before the confluence
with the Sava River, is highly dependent on the Sava
River and its flow rate. High flow rates of the Krka
River alone represent a threat to the western