The third set of generated training load are runs
over 8–12 hurdles (y
). As can be seen from the pre-
sented graph (Fig. 4(c)) the value of these load in-
creases until the athlete achieves a 64 s result. Sub-
sequently, as the sports level increases so the size of
this load decreases. A similar situation was observed
for y
The final set of training loads analyzed are hurdle
runs in varied rhythms (y
). The values of these loads
change in non-linear fashion during the whole period
being considered (Fig. 4(d)). In the early stages a
career the value of these loads is low. It is significant
that when the outcome is equal to 65 s the value of y
grows steadily, assuming its maximum value when an
athlete has reached the highest level of fitness.
In this paper the model for generated training loads
to develop techniques was calculated. The model was
calculated using artificial neural networks with radial
basis functions. The best RBF network has seven neu-
ron in the hidden layer and generates errors at the
level of 21%.
The generated training loads change non-linearly
over the whole of an athlete’s career; the training
loads y
(runs over 8–12 hurdles) can serve here as
an example. Their value increases systematically up
to the moment when the athlete achieves an interme-
diate level (approx. 64 s in a 500 m flat run), and af-
ter that it decreases to the end of the athlete’s career.
The analysis also shows that at a high sports level the
size of y
and y
should be increased (a run over 1–3
and 8–12 hurdles) and the size of y
and y
should be
decreased (runs over 4–7 hurdles and hurdles runs in
varied rhythm).
The implementation of artificial neural networks
with radial basis functions in training loads analysis
can support the hurdles training process. The results
obtained can be regarded as suggestions to be used
while planning these loads.
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Planning Training Loads to Develop Technique and Rhythm in the 400m Hurdles using RBF Network