close to 0 (zero) (between minute 39:32 and
This might suggest that for brief moments
the defensive line of the home team and the
offensive line of
the away team were unrelated (i.e.,
not moving in the
same direction or at the same
speed) which provides
the offensive line of the away
team getting closer the
defensive line of the home
team, which seems to be
a suitable position to score
a goal...
In this article, we propose a football analysis plat-
form designed and implemented to support coaches
and match analyzers decision making.
Functionalities such as virtual representation of the
uploaded data using an applet, and
game analysis as
part of extended game analysis were
The game analysis functionalities are
with appropriate GUI. Additionally data
management, data storage and data exporting func-
tionalities were implemented and tested. The data
provided by this platform allow an intrateam and an
interteam game analysis of the dynamics of the
different sectors of each team for moments
previously identified as critical, for instance loss of
ball possessions and goals scored.
For further analysis it will be possible to add new met-
rics to this platform. The main idea is to develop this
version to a fully customize platform where coaches
and game analysts can choose the metrics which more
accurately describe team and individual performance.
Other important point would be to use data from other
sources, i.e., from other devices. This platform was
built to accept football player’s positional data, up-
load on any part of the world. Now we just need to
test it
We would like to thank Stats-SportVU for, kindly,
provided the data used on this study.
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