Detecting Topics Popular in the Recent Past from a Closed Caption TV
Corpus as a Categorized Chronicle Data
Hajime Mochizuki
and Kohji Shibano
Institute of Global Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan
Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan
Topic Detection, Closed Caption TV Corpus.
In this paper, we propose a method for extracting topics we were interested in over the course of the past 28
months from a closed-caption TV corpus. Each TV program is assigned one of the following genres: drama,
informational or tabloid-style program, music, movie, culture, news, variety, welfare, or sport. We focus on
informational/tabloid-style programs, dramas and news in this paper. Using our method, we extracted bigrams
that formed part of the signature phrase of a heroine and the name of a hero in a popular drama, as well as
recent world, domestic, showbiz, and so on news. Experimental evaluations show that our simple method is
as useful as the LDA model for topic detection, and our closed-caption TV corpus has the potential value to
act as a rich, categorized chronicle for our culture and social life.
Corpora have become the most important resources
for studies and applications related to natural lan-
guage. Various studies and applications of corpus-
based computational linguistics, knowledge engineer-
ing, and language education have been reported in re-
cent years (Flowerdew, 2011)(Newman et al., 2011).
However, the proportion of spoken language in cor-
pora is quite low. There are only a few “spoken
language corpora, such as the Corpus for Sponta-
neous Japanese (Maekawa et al., 2000) and a part of
the British National Corpus (Corpus, 2007), that can
be used for research purposes. Under these circum-
stances, we have been continuing to build a large-
scale spoken language corpus from closed-caption
TV (CCTV) data. We have been collecting the CCTV
corpus since December 2012, and its size has reached
over 116,000 TV programs, over 44 million sen-
tences, and 475 million words as of March 2015.
After amassing this spoken-language corpus, we
will be positioned to employ it in a wide variety of
research areas as a language resource. TV is a major
form of media and is familiar in our daily lives. Fur-
thermore, TV broadcasting stations assign each TV
program at least one of twelve genre labels, such as
Animation, “Drama, and “News. Therefore, we
expect that the CCTV corpus will act as a rich, cate-
gorized chronicle for our culture and social life.
In our research, we aimed to extract recent and
popular or interesting topics from the CCTV cor-
pus. The variety of information changes rapidly in
our modern society, and we often cannot remember
something from recent TV episodes or concerning
topics of interest to us. For example, few people can
quickly describe the prevailing societal issues beyond
the most recent two months. It is unexpectedly diffi-
cult to remember what dramas, songs, and topics were
In this paper, we propose a simple method for
extracting topics that were popular over the past 28
months from the CCTV corpus.
Our research is related to trend or topic de-
tection (Mathioudakis and Koudas, 2010)(Glance
et al., 2004)(Weng and Lee, 2011)(Wang et al.,
2013)(Mochizuki and Shibano, 2014) (Lau et al.,
2012)(Fujimoto et al., 2011)(Keane et al., 2015) and
buzzword extraction (Nakajima et al., 2012) studies.
Many of these studies aim to extract popular topics or
buzzwords from a large number of texts in consumer-
generated medias (CGM), such as Weblog articles or
tweets, but we analyze closed-caption text from the
mass media.
Because of the wide-spread use of the Internet,
there are people of the opinion that social media plays
a central role in public culture and social movements.
However, we believe that TV programs still have
a strong influence on the general public. Despite the
Mochizuki, H. and Shibano, K..
Detecting Topics Popular in the Recent Past from a Closed Caption TV Corpus as a Categorized Chronicle Data.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 342-349
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
cultural contribution people make with Twitter mes-
sages about specific topics, the spread of that topic to
the many others who do not use Twitter will be lim-
ited. On the other hand, if such a topic is reported by
TV programs even once, the topic will be well known
to the general public, including those who do not usu-
ally use the Internet. Topics thought to be valuable
to the public will be repeatedly reported in many TV
programs. Words related to the topic will therefore
occur frequently in the voice data of these TV pro-
In this paper, we focus on three genres:
information/tabloid-style programs, referred to as
“genre I”; drama, referred to as “genre D,”; and news,
referred to as “genre N. Among these three gen-
res, we center genre I as a nuclear genre, because
information/tabloid-style programs consist of miscel-
laneous topics that are also included in genres N or
D. We expect that a word that occurred frequently in
genre I and which was treated by many TV stations
has a high possibility of being a popular topic that
captured the attention of the public. After detecting
a frequent word in genre I, we decide on the sort of
topic by investigating the appearance tendency of the
same word in genres N and D.
To evaluate the effectiveness of our simple
method, we extracted topics by Latent Dirichlet Allo-
cation (LDA), which is one of the most popular meth-
ods for topic detection(Blei et al., 2003), and com-
pared both methods’ topics. From these results, we
will show that our simple method is as useful as LDA,
and that our TV closed-caption corpus is useful mate-
rial that includes various kinds of popular topics.
Unfortunately, it would be impossible to release
the CCTV corpus itself because of a legal issue. As an
alternative method, we should mention how to build a
corpus from TV data for researchers who wish to use
CCTV data. Therefore, we will describe the details of
the CCTV corpus in the next section.
2.1 Japanese Television Services with
Closed Caption
In Tokyo, there are seven major broadcasting sta-
tions that organize the nationwide Japanese network:
(1) NHK-G, (2) NHK-E, (3) NTV, (4) TBS, (5) TV
Asahi, (6) Fuji TV, and (7) TV Tokyo. One of the
characteristics of Japanese TV stations is that they
provide a wide variety of programs belonging to dif-
ferent genres. According to the classifications pro-
vided by the EPG (Electric Program Guide), there
are at least 12 genres: Animation, Sport, “Cul-
ture and Documentary, “Drama, “Variety, “Film,
“Music,” “Hobby and Educational, “Inform Tabloid-
Style, “Welfare, and “Other. According to a re-
port by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Com-
munications detailing the achievements of closed-
caption TV in 2012
, the amount of programmingthat
included closed-caption data reached approximately
50%.Therefore, a large number of resources for build-
ing a spoken language corpus are currently available
in Japan.
We can use definition of (ARIB, 2009) to extract
closed-caption data. The following three procedures
are necessary for building a CCTV corpus: (1) Record
all TV programs with closed caption data in a TS
(Transport Stream) format during a 24-hour period;
(2) automatically extract the closed-caption data in
ASS (Advanced SubStation Alpha) format from the
TS data; (3) filter the ASS-format file to extract a
plain text format file and execute a morphological an-
alyzer; and (4) convert the video data in TS format
into MP4 format. Some open-source software appli-
cations are available for these purposes.
2.2 Recording All TV Programs
Television Services with Closed
We used the freeware packages EpgDataCap
and EpgTimer to record all TV programs in
Tokyo.EpgTimer can be used to retrieve the EPG
(Electronic Program Guide) list and set the timer to
record. EpgDataCap
Bon is executed by EpgTimer
to record the programs, generating a TS-format file
and a program information file for each program. The
TS-format file is a full segment broadcasting video
file. The program information file includes certain in-
formation, such as the program name, broadcast time,
station name, and a program description.
2.3 Extracting Closed Caption Data
The next procedure is to extract the closed caption
data in ASS format from the TS-format file. The
closed caption data are mixed with video data and
transmitted through digital terrestrial broadcasting.
Therefore, we must use a special program to sepa-
rate the closed caption data from the TS format file.
PCR, a freeware program, is available
Detecting Topics Popular in the Recent Past from a Closed Caption TV Corpus as a Categorized Chronicle Data
for this purpose. An example of an ASS format file is
shown in Figure 1 and an example of a screen image
of closed-caption TV in Figure 2.
Figure 1: Example of an ASS format file.
Figure 2: Example of a screen image of closed-caption TV
data. This example is a screen shot from the animation pro-
gram “the Pocket Monsters” broadcasted in Tokyo on May
2, 2013.
As shown in Figure 1, the ASS file consists of
at least three parts: “[Script Info], “[V4+ Styles],
and “[Events]. The first, the ”[Script Info] sec-
tion, contains information about the closed-caption
file, such as its title, creator, type of script, and dis-
play resolution. In this example, the second line
shows that the text file was generated by Aegisub,
open-source software used to create closed-caption
data. The eighth and ninth lines show that the
display resolution is 1920x1080 pixels. The sec-
ond section, “[V4+ Styles], provides a list of
style definitions, such as font, font size, and pri-
mary/secondary/outline/background color. In this
study, we use the style “Name” as a signifier for
closed-captiontexts. We only use closed-caption texts
in which the style is classified as “Default. We ignore
the “Rubi” style because “Rubi” indicates Japanese
kana, which are used to show the pronunciation of
Kanji characters. The third section, “[Events]” is the
list of closed-caption text that the TV station intends
to display with a particular timing. The creator of
closed caption text can specify certain attributes, such
as the style to use for this “event, the position of
the text on the TV screen, display timing, and text
to display. Information about timing is divided into
start time and end time, and is formatted as h:mm:ss.
The bottom two lines in Figure 1 are examples of
closed-caption texts. In these examples, we use the
two Japanese strings in these lines as the content of
our corpus.
2.4 Filtering ASS file to Generate Plain
Text and Create Morphemes Data
For post-processing, we filtered the ASS-format files
to generate plain language text files without meta-
symbols. These plain texts are composed of Japanese
sentences, and are finally divided into morphemes
tagged with the part-of-speech information. We used
MeCab (Kudo et al., 2004) as the morphological an-
alyzer. Examples of a plain text and morphemes-
format file are shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: An example of plain text extracted from an ASS
file and its morpheme data processed using MeCab.
RDBPM 2015 - Special Session on Research and Development on Business Process Management
2.5 Creating the Closed Caption TV
We have currently recorded a total of 116,583 pro-
grams, or 73,832 hours and 13 minutes of program-
ming. Each program is classified into at least one
Table 1 shows the total number of morphemes
by genre. The scale of our corpus at this point is
475,096,596 morphemes from 44,951,572 sentences.
We can state that our corpus is presently one of the
largest spoken Japanese corpora. In this study, we
selected and used the sub-corpora from three genres:
drama, labeled D; news, labeled N; and information
and tabloid-style programs, labeled I. The sizes of the
sub-corpora are 12,061 programs, 22,043 programs,
and 16,624 programs, respectively. Approximately
43% of our corpus is made up of 50,728 total pro-
Our purpose in this paper is to detect the topics and
episodes of recent interest to us from a large-scale TV
closed-caption corpus. We focus on words related to
genres I, N, and D. We start with the words treated
in genre I and investigate the appearance tendency of
the same words in genres N and D. When a drama
is especially successful, topics related to it also tend
to become popular and to appear in genres I and D.
The words that appear with the same tendency in both
genres I and N tend to express topics related to news
articles. We estimate that this phenomenon can be
observed by comparing the word distribution among
the three genres.
For example, attractive heroes or main characters
in a hit drama would also become popular. Words
related to the characters, such as their names, fash-
ions, and signature dialogue, may frequently oc-
cur not only in dramas (genre D) but also in the
information/tabloid-style genre (genre I).
On the other hand, words related to an unpopu-
lar drama might not appear in genres other than dra-
mas if the drama went unnoticed by other TV pro-
grams. We adopted the following process to discover
topics of past interest to us. Besides, we use bigrams,
which are pairs of adjacent two words, instead of sin-
gle words, in this paper. We think bigrams are more
suitable for forming topics than single words, because
single words tended to be too small as topic words in
our previous work.
(1) Counting the total number of bigrams and the
number of each word every month. We express
the monthly distributions for each bigram by its
monthly proportion.
(2) Picking out bigrams from genre I that appear in
specific months. These bigrams have the possibil-
ity of being the characteristic bigrams in specific
(3) Investigating how the bigrams selected in Step (2)
appear in other genres (genre N and D). It is ex-
pected that if one bigram is related to a popular
drama, the distribution of the bigram in genre D is
similar to the distribution in the genre I. Similarly,
it is also expected that if one bigram is related to
an interesting topic, such as a significant event or
crime, the distribution of the bigram in genre N is
similar to the distribution in genre I.
(4) Checking whether the selected bigrams from Step
(3) can be considered to express the topics of in-
terest to us in the past. During this step, we must
confirm the answer by checking texts that contain
the target bigrams in the corpus for the present.
In Step (1), the total occurrence number of bigram
i is calculated with Equation 1.
i, j
where freq
i, j
refers to the frequency of the bigram i in
month j. The ratio
i, j
that is the proportion of bigram
i in month j, is calculated with Equations 2 and 3.
i, j
= freq
i, j
i, j
i, j
where N is the total number of bigrams in the sub-
corpus, and N
is the total number of bigrams in the
j-th month in the sub-corpus. The j varies from 1 to
28 because our corpus has terms of 28 months. There-
fore, each variable of frequency ratio for each bigram
in a sub-corpus has 28 values.
In step (2), we set three thresholds: the bigram
frequency, the monthly frequency, and the frequency
ratio per month.
For the first threshold, we select bigrams that have
a frequency of more than one per million bigrams.
For the second threshold, we use a metric simi-
lar to the document frequency (DF) in the informa-
tion retrieval domain. The DF for term i refers to the
number of documents that contain the term i. The DF
is considered to represent the level of a term’s speci-
ficity in the entire document set. We use a monthly
frequency, referred to as MF, instead of the DF. If bi-
gram i appears in all months of our corpus, the MF
Detecting Topics Popular in the Recent Past from a Closed Caption TV Corpus as a Categorized Chronicle Data
Table 1: Total number of morphemes for each genre.
Genre No. of Progs. Total Hrs (h:m) No. of Sents. No. of Morphes
A: Animation 9,959 3,612:49 2,961,139 22,053,412
S: Sport 4,313 3,609:09 1,991,883 24,087,726
C: Culture/Documentary 14,313 6,411:42 3,236,149 38,479,292
D: Drama 12,061 10,675:25 7,698,865 66,055,199
N: News 22,043 15,056:48 6,087,279 109,170,849
V: Variety 19,462 17,201:08 12,687,446 107,019,473
F: Film 711 1,413:04 867,138 6,373,679
M: Music 1,927 1,283:59 496,616 5,374,042
H: Hobby/Educational 12,930 3,956:44 3,057,684 27,480,760
I: Information/Tabloid Style 16,624 9,621:34 5,218,918 61,728,141
W: Welfare 1635 693:56 374,138 4,553,119
O: Other 605 300:16 274,317 2,720,904
Total 116,583 73,836:34 44,951,572 475,096,596
for bigram i is 28, because our corpus was collected
over 28 months. We seek bigrams with monthly fre-
quencies of less than 18 months.
For the third threshold, we seek biased bigrams
with a monthly frequency proportion of at least 10%.
This 10% threshold means that the frequency of the
bigram is biased by approximately twice that of the
average proportion, because the average frequency
proportion for 18 months is approximately 5.5%. We
think that it is natural that when a topic captured pub-
lic attention, words related to the topic will occur fre-
quently. We extract the bigrams that satisfy all of
these conditions.
In Step (3), we consider only the bigrams selected
in Step (2). For the other genres, we use the sub-
corpora from genres D and N. We check whether the
distribution for a selected bigram in Step (2) is sim-
ilar to its distributions in both genres D and N. We
remove the bigrams that have fewer similarities. We
can set the similarity criteria. In this study, we use the
following criteria to select bigram i.
(3-1) The monthly frequency of bigram i from the
genre I sub-corpus is the same as or larger than
in genres D or N.
(3-2) At least one of the monthly frequency propor-
tions is over 10% in the genre I sub-corpus.
(3-3) Pearson’s correlation coefficient r between gen-
res I and D, or between genres I and N, equals
0.7 or higher. We calculate and check r for each
During Step (4), we check whether the bigrams
selected during Step (3) can be considered to express
recent popular topics. We expect that the bigrams re-
lated to a hit drama or various kinds of news can be
detected during these steps.
To determine the effectiveness of our method for de-
tecting past topics of interest, we performed an ex-
periment and examined how well it performed with
4.1 Counting the Bigram Frequency
We counted the frequency of bigrams in our corpus
prior to the experiments.
The numbers of bigram types in genres I, D, and
N are 3,158,472, 3,101,213, and 3,541,631, respec-
tively. The numbers of bigram tokens are 65,256,640,
71,908,595, and 112,222,068, respectively. Among
them, the numbers of types that have a frequency of
more than one per million are 83,748 in genre I, 77917
in genre D, and 88,484 in genre N. These ratios are
2.7%, 2.5%, and 2.5%, respectively. Similarly, the
numbers of types that have a frequency of more than
one per million in genres I, D, and N are 52,077,048,
57,784,431,and 92,761,338, respectively.Theseratios
are 79.8%, 80.4%, and 82.7%, respectively.
As shown in Table 3, the total frequency for the
top 2.5% or 2.7% of bigrams is about 80%. Approxi-
mately 2.5% or 2.7% of all three genres’ vocabularies
have a coverage of 80% in the sub-corpora.
4.2 Experiment Involving Extracting
for Bigrams between Genres I and D
The first experiment we report assessed the topics that
were mined with our method using the frequency of
bigrams in genres I and D. First, we extracted candi-
date bigrams from the results in Step (2), as described
in Section 3.
RDBPM 2015 - Special Session on Research and Development on Business Process Management
Table 2: The extracted bigrams and dramas.
Drama (bigrams): Example(Pearson’s r), ...
Ama-chan (13): Aki/chan(0.82), j/eje(0.86),
kita/sanriku(0.87), no/Ama(0.84)
Massan (11): Massan/no(0.94), Ellie/san(0.91),
Whisky/wo(0.89), Ellie/chan(0.91)
Gochiso-san (7): Me/iko(0.84), Yuta/ro(0.87),
Hanako-to-Ann (6): Hana/chan(0.82),
Renko/san(0.73), Daigo/san(0.80)
Table 3: The extracted bigrams and news.
Category (bigrams): Example(Pearson’s r), ...
World (67): Islamic/State(0.92), Snowden/shi(0.98),
Ebola-hemorrhagic-fever/no(0.93), Pro/Russian(0.95),
Korean-air-lines/no, Jordan/government(0.95)
Domestic (85): unsafe/drug(0.82), d/rone(0.95),
bird/flu(0.98), Hokuriku/super-express(0.94),
Obuchi/san(0.85), Kako/sama(Princess Kako)(0.80)
Showbiz (31): Tsunku/san(0.93),
ghost/writer(0.98), Takakura/san(0.99)
Sport (51): Hanyu/senshu(0.94), a triple/axel(0.97),
Nishikori/senshu(0.92), Hakone/ekiden(0.87),
Zacch/Japan(0.87), World-Cup/ni(0.73)
Weather (64): strong/typhoon (0.96),
bofu/setsu(blizzard)(0.77), hot/summer(0.91)
Culture (28): obake/yashiki(a haunted house)
(0.83), hallo/ween(0.90), nengajo(new year card)/wo
(0.77), Xmas/present(0.93),Shikinen/Sengu(0.82)
Economy (10): Kumiko/shacho (chairwoman)(0.99),
Ootsuka-Kagu (furniture shop)/no(0.99),
oil/price(0.76), kabunushi/sokai (stockholders’
Science (9): STAP/cell (0.87),
(Obo)kata/Haruko(0.98), Professor/Amano(0.98)
For this experiment, first we extracted 3,507 bi-
grams from genre I as candidate bigrams related to
popular dramas. Next, we counted the frequency of
the same 3,507 bigrams in genre D and selected 422
bigrams that had frequencies of more than one per
million. In Step (3), we investigated how these 422
bigrams appeared in genres I and D. We found bi-
grams that had similar distributions in genre pairs I
and D. In fact, we calculated and checked Pearson’s
correlation coefficient r for each bigram between gen-
res I and D. From the result in Step (3), we found 56
bigrams which their r equal 0.7 or higher.
In Step (4), the final step, we checked whether the
bigrams selected during Step (3) could be considered
related to recently populardramas. Out of 56 bigrams,
41 were related to dramas. We could not find relations
to specific dramas for 15 bigrams.
The results show that thirteen, eleven, seven and
six bigrams were related to the great hit dramas, Ama-
chan, Massan, Gochiso-san and Hanako-to-Ann, re-
spectively. The remaining four bigrams were related
to three different dramas that were less popular. Table
2 shows the titles of the four dramas and examples of
From a different viewpoint, 29 bigrams were
names or nicknames of characters in dramas. Five
bigrams were related to key items of dramas such as
whisky and shiosai. Two bigrams were the titles of
dramas. Only three bigrams were a part of a signa-
ture phrase of a heroine, and only one bigram was the
name of a location in a drama.
In Table 2, Ama-chan was the greatest hit drama
in 2013, and Aki-chan is the heroine of Ama-chan.
In Japan, everybody knows her. Jejeje is a signa-
ture phrase of hers, and was also the winner of the
Keywords-of-the-Yearcontest for 2013. It can be said
that our method in the first experiment tended to yield
parts of character names or signature phrases in past
dramas, including greatly popular dramas. However,
the effectiveness of our method was limited to only
four dramas that were broadcasted by NHK-G from
Monday to Saturday over six months.
4.3 Experiment Involving Extracting
for Bigrams between Genres I and N
The second experiment we report assessed what top-
ics were mined with our method using bigrams in
genres I and N. Like Experiment 1, first we extracted
3,507 bigrams from genre I as candidate bigrams re-
lated to news topics.
Next, we counted the frequency of the same 3,507
bigrams in genre N and selected 911 bigrams that had
frequencies of more than one per million. In Step (3),
we investigated how these 911 bigrams appeared in
genres I and N. In fact, we calculated and checked
Pearson’s correlation coefficient r for each bigram be-
tween genres I and N. From the results of Step (3), we
found 454 bigrams whose r equaled 0.7 or higher.
In Step (4), the final step, we checked whether
the bigrams selected during Step (3) could be consid-
ered related to recent interesting news. Out of 454 bi-
grams, 345 could be found with relations to any news
topic. We could not determine the relation to specific
news for 109 bigrams because their meanings were
too general.
Table 3 shows eight categories of news topics and
examples of bigrams. The results show that sixty-
seven, eighty-five, thirty-one, fifty-one, sixty-four,
twenty-eight, ten, and nine bigrams were related to
Detecting Topics Popular in the Recent Past from a Closed Caption TV Corpus as a Categorized Chronicle Data
world, domestic, showbiz, sports, weather, culture,
economy and science news topics, respectively.
It seems that many extracted bigrams reflect var-
ious aspects of the present society. Unfortunately,
many of them were not good news. Many topics from
the world news were related to terrorism, the Islamic
State, and Edward Snowden. The reason why there
was a large number of topics related to the weather
reflects recent extraordinary weather throughout the
world. Many topics from science news were related
to the STAP cells scandal. However, we extracted
some pleasurable topics, such as the opening of the
Hokuriku Shin-kansen, the new Japanese railroad, and
excellent athletic performances by Yuzuru Hanyu and
Kei Nishikori.
The results of these two experiments are not in-
consistent with our memories and sense impressions.
It can be said that our method of using genres I and N
can yield recently popular news topics.
Table 4: The topics extracted by LDA.
score words
genre I
0.021 America, president, North Korea, Russia,
Obama, Ukraine, ...
0.007 Isramic, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Japanese
0.030 Live, Debut, concert, AKB, Fun, dance, Idol
0.022 Mt. Ontake-san, East Japan, earthquake
0.009 Virus, influenza, allergy, vaccine, asthma,
a sideeffect,...
0.009 Massan, Ellie, Wisky, ...
0.022 Drama, Kanbei, scene, Taiga, Hero, ...
genre D
0.014 Massan, Ellie, Wisky, Scotland,...
0.160 date, party, girls,...
0.103 policemen, PC, police, net, stalker,...
0.023 Kanbei, Hanbei, onago, gozaru, child,...
0.018 Idol, gege, GMT, memory, mother, cafe,...
genre N
0.199 truck, bicyle, car, police, taxi,
intersection, driver,...
0.096 Obama, president, America, Washington,
0.078 Tokyo Denryoku, atomic energy, tank,
radioactive rays,...
0.075 goal, soccer, team, league, World cup,...
0.055 Russia, Ukraine, America, President, Europe
0.037 Virus, influenza, Ebola, vaccine, WHO,...
0.018 Islamic, Jordan, Japanese, pilot, jornalist,
4.4 Supplementary Experiment Using
This research is potentially related to event or topic
detection. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is a
well-known and popular topic model for event or
topic detection(Blei et al., 2003) . It is a powerful
model for analyzing massive sets of text data. Many
works on topic detection have used LDA (Lau et al.,
2012)(Fujimoto et al., 2011)(Keane et al., 2015).
Here, we also tried to apply LDA to our event de-
tection. We tried to detect topics in text sets of genres
I, N, and D by the LDA of the Mallet language toolkit
(McCallum, 2002). We set the number of topics to be
used at 100, and the other parameters used the Mal-
let defaults. Part of the extracted words are shown in
Table 4. In the Table, “score” means Dirichlet coeffi-
Because this method of extracting topics is differ-
ent from our method, it cannot compare the results di-
rectly. We investigated similar word groups between
genres I and D, and genres I and N. The results be-
tween genres I and D show that there are two simi-
lar word groups, related to the TV series Massan and
Kanbei. The results between genres I and N show that
there are three similar word groups, related to Isramic,
Ebola, and Russia and Ukraine.
Relatively few word groups related to two genres
were detected in this supplementary experiment using
In the first two experiments, there was no overlap in
the 1,333 bigrams made up of the 422 bigrams in
genre D and the 911 bigrams in genre N. Therefore,
the total number of candidate bigrams was 1,333 out
of 3,507, and we extracted 510 bigrams whose Pear-
sons r in genre I equaled 0.7 or higher. Finally, 395
out of 510 bigrams that had relations to topics from
specific dramas or news articles were found.
All four dramas related to the extracted bigrams
in genre D were big hits from the recent 28 months.
Many extracted bigrams from genre N were related to
topics that captured public attention during these 28
These results have encouraged us to use our
method of determining the sort of topic after detect-
ing a frequent word in genre I by investigating the ap-
pearance tendency of the same word in genres N and
D. The results also support our expectation that the
CCTV corpus could act as a rich categorized chroni-
cle data.
RDBPM 2015 - Special Session on Research and Development on Business Process Management
On the other hand, it seems that a method based
on high frequency is too strict for genre D. Since there
are a few hit dramas that were unable to be detected
by our method, the threshold of frequency should be
lowered in genre D.
In the third supplementary experiment, relatively
few word groups related to two genres were detected.
Though our method is not a more sophisticated model
than LDA, the results seem to show that suitable top-
ics can be detected with our method.
In this paper, we described methods for detecting past
topics of interest in a CCTV corpus. The results show
that some bigrams related to hit dramas and popular
or interesting news were extracted.
Experimental evaluations show that our simple
method is as useful as the LDA model for topic de-
tection, and our CCTV corpus has the potential value
to act as a rich, categorized chronicle for our culture
and social life.
To improve the accuracy and availability of our
method, we intend to pursue the following future
projects to further our work in detecting recent top-
ics: (1) Reduce the threshold of frequency in genre D
when the similarity between I and D is calculated; (2)
Compare genre I with genres other than D and N; (3)
Count the total number of bigrams and the number of
each bigram every week, rather than every month; (4)
Use a longer unit instead of a bigram.
This research was supported by JSPS KAKENHI
Grant Numbers 26240051 and 15H02794.
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Detecting Topics Popular in the Recent Past from a Closed Caption TV Corpus as a Categorized Chronicle Data