Figure 10: A specialization of the general scenario pre-
sented in Figure 1 in the ALS domain.
supporting a Domain Expert, like a psychologist or a
doctor. The KA-User is characterized by a state, a col-
lection of quantitative (e.g. heart rate) and qualitative
(e.g. self-efficacy) parameters that can be measured
by PDAs or evaluated by the expert according to a
decision making process. This state can change over
the time: for this reason, it is continuously checked
by the system in order to discover potentially nega-
tive evolutions and take proper actions. The domain
expert can interact with the server to design the KA el-
ements, i.e. the ontology, the Bayesian Network and
the initial rule-based system. Then, the KA-User can
send observations about the current state of its Pa-
tient/Caregiver to the server, which will execute the
rules to suggest a proper therapy. The KA-User will
provide it to the Patient/Caregiver and periodically
send new observations to the server. In case of signif-
icant changes in the state detection, the BN compo-
nent of the KA will be able to automatically generate
new rules: these rules can be evaluated by the expert,
through the related KA-Developer.
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