account not only their personal profiles in terms of
item preferences but also their tagging behavior,
social network as well as similarly tagged items.
Specifically, we want to create our social graph
by representing users, photos and hashtags as nodes.
User relationships are encoded using either
unidirectional or bidirectional edges between the
corresponding nodes. Similarly, we add edges
between items and tags as well as users and
Through the analysis of the complex network, we
want to find the missing links, that is we want to
find and suggest new hashtags based on the first tags
entered by users that are found to be especially
suitable to the posted photo, consequently increasing
the visibility of the image: namely, socially relevant
tags. This analysis can be applied to the definition of
prediction algorithms that monitor sudden changes
in a network. This study is extremely interesting for
the search of trending topics associated to a specific
location or a specific user type.
Our proposal stems from the aim to analyze and use
the hashtags on Instagram. We hypothesized the
creation of a social graph, interpreting users, photos,
and hashtags as graph nodes. The relations between
these elements constitute the graph links:
unidirectional or bidirectional. We propose to
associate typical analysis of those models to the
complex network obtained with the above process.
We intend to interpret data gathered from it as useful
tools for marketing operations, so as to improve
brand awareness. In particular, we want to find
missing links to define new hashtags relevant to the
pictures uploaded on Instagram and to the profiles of
specific communities, so as to give a higher
visibility to profiles. In the future, we believe that
this analysis might be used for the interpretation of
the most relevant informative content for a specific
user type and in a specific location. In the tourism
industry, for example, the complex network and the
study of the missing links could provide, in a semi-
automated way, tour routes associated to different
user types that could be found though pictures
posted on Instagram. A user that visits a certain
region and posts pictures of its monuments could
automatically receive new suggestions of interesting
spots in their itinerary from the application.
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KONECT, 2015. Jazz musicians network dataset -