It is clear that much can be achieved by bringing to-
gether data from different sources; data currently re-
sides in isolated silos and value for all stakeholders
exists where it is brought together. This value exists
as money saved by more efficient maintenance, lower
costs incurred due to equipment failure, less staff time
wasted manually compiling reports and less long term
IT expenditure. Beyond the savings there is also value
from improved passenger perceptions: improved cus-
tomer information has been shown to improve cus-
tomer perceptions of the service. Twinned with im-
proved reliability this has potential to increase rider-
ship and freight traffic.
The use of an ontology as opposed to lighter
weight, data only, standards has multiple advantages:
It is easier and quicker to modify, without affecting
front-end applications. The ontologies can be mod-
ified more quickly than could a traditional standard.
Information from one sub-domain can be reused in
another, and can be combined to easily obtain further
information. The ontology can be self documenting.
The disadvantages are skills, which are less common
than traditional IT skills and computational complex-
ity. These can both be overcome; the lack of IT skills
by provision of well designed software and complex-
ity by carefully addressing the trade off between ex-
pressivity and complexity discussed in Section 3.
All these advantages suggest the Rail Domain On-
tologies are the best way to bring together data in the
UK Rail Domain.
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KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development