The Effect of Personality on Knowledge Creation Processes
Toward KC Optimization in Teams based on Human Attributes
Jader Zelaya
Graduate School of Knowledge Science, Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST),
Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan
Keywords: Knowledge Management, Human Factors, Knowledge Creation, Personality.
Abstract: In organizations, knowledge is mainly created by individuals in interaction. What individuals do is
determined not only by external influences (the main focus of other studies), but also by their own intrinsic
characteristics. As a consequence, it is important to elucidate how some of these characteristics can
potentially impact knowledge creation (KC) in organizations. Based on previous research and on empirical
data collected from two business organizations operating in Japan, this study found that certain personality
traits of the human resources can significantly affect specific KC processes. This finding is discussed in the
final section, where the paper concludes emphasizing the possibility to optimize KC in teams through a
synergistic scheme that considers not only the technological aspects, but also the human aspects.
When one considers the basic definition of a system
(a set of interrelated elements forming a collective
entity to accomplish a specific function or goal), it is
easier to see that any kind of organization can be
viewed as a knowledge system. The human
components of organizational systems have certainly
knowledge, and there is also knowledge embedded
in routines, procedures, culture, products, processes,
technology, and structures (Horvath, 2000; Gamble
and Blackwell, 2001). As a consequence, the
management of all this knowledge, spread
throughout the organization, is indispensable to
ensure the organization’s survival and success in
highly competitive contexts.
Thus knowledge management (KM) has become
an influential field of study helpful to improve the
competitiveness of organizations by promoting the
creation and application of knowledge. Among
many factors positively affecting KM, information
and communication technologies have
conspicuously achieved a preeminent status quo.
This study recognizes the importance of the
technology-oriented perspective, but it intends to
bring the attention toward the soft side of knowledge
management. This is because organizations are not
merely mechanical systems, but to a great extent
they are biological systems. The fact that knowledge
is primarily created by ‘individuals in social
interaction’ has been pointed out in the KM
literature (e.g. Nonaka et al., 2008). But still there
seems to be a tendency to forget that a
comprehensive KM strategy is not only technology-
oriented, but also people-oriented. Specifically, this
paper uses quantitative data collected from two
different business organizations to empirically show
that, among several attributes of the human
resources, the personality dimension can
significantly impact knowledge creation in
2.1 Human Attributes and KM
Human-related aspects can be harnessed to promote
knowledge creation and innovation. Recognizing
that individuals are the principal repository of
knowledge, and that knowledge is created by people
in their interaction with each other and the
environment (Grant, 1996; Nonaka et al., 2008),
ample research have shown that organizational
members’ commitment (Zelaya-Zamora and Senoo,
Zelaya, J..
The Effect of Personality on Knowledge Creation Processes - Toward KC Optimization in Teams based on Human Attributes.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 3: KMIS, pages 62-69
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
2012; Chiang et al., 2011; van den Hooff and de
Ridder, 2004), cooperation and trust (Zelaya-Zamora
and Senoo, 2012; Casimir et al., 2012; Lee and Choi,
2003), national culture (Moller and Svahn, 2004;
Magnier-Watanabe and Senoo, 2010), motivation
(Martín Cruz et al., 2009), skills (Lee and Choi,
2003), attitudes (Yang, 2008), and several other
human-oriented factors (Heisig, 2009) can positively
influence knowledge management processes in
organizations. Since KM is about the
interconnection of content, context and the people
involved, very often KM efforts focusing only on
developing a technological capability fail because
they neglect vital attributes in the human resources
(Ruggles, 1998).
2.2 Personality
One of the most difficult challenges in KM is to
influence the behavior of organizational members
(Ruggles, 1998). But in trying to influence the
behavior of people in organizations, it is often
forgotten that not everything human beings do is due
to external influences. The theory of organizational
behavior and the theory of personality suggest that
underneath adaptations (e.g. values and attitudes,
commitment, motivation, memory, skills) and
external influences (e.g. experiences and life events,
the situation or context, cultural norms,
organizational investments) there are enduring basic
traits that can largely explain, ceteris paribus,
human behavior (Robbins, 1998; McCrae and Costa,
These widely recognized personality traits are
typically known as the Big Five and originate from a
robust theory that provide a practical model for
research (Funder, 2001). A general definition of
each of the Big Five is presented in Table 1.
Evidence shows that these factors have external
validity and predictive utility. For example, it is
reported that low agreeableness and low
conscientiousness predict juvenile delinquency;
conscientiousness and openness predict school
performance (John et al., 1994; Robins et al., 1994);
extraversion predicts success in sales and
management positions; agreeableness and low
neuroticism predict performance in jobs involving
team work (Barrick and Mount, 1991). As these
personality traits are stable across cultures (Gosling,
2001), permanent during adulthood (McCrae, et al.,
2000), highly heritable (Loehlin et al., 1998) and are
fundamentally explanatory of human behavior
(Goldberg, 1993; McCrae and Costa, 1999), they
have also been studied in relationship with
organizational aspects such as job satisfaction
(Judge et al., 2000), organizational commitment
(Erdheim et al., 2006), and knowledge sharing
(Matzler et al., 2008).
2.3 Knowledge Creation
The capability to continuously create and materialize
knowledge in innovative products, services, and
processes can lead to organizational success. The
revisited version of the knowledge creation theory
posits that knowledge creation (KC) occurs when
tacit and explicit knowledge interact repeatedly at
the individual, group, organizational and inter-
organizational levels in a spiral fashion. The type of
interaction composes four distinct KC processes
(formerly called conversion modes): socialization,
externalization, combination, and internalization
(Nonaka and Toyama, 2003). These are described
further in section 2.4 below.
In light of the increasing amount of overlapping
concepts and terminologies frequent in the literature
of KM, it merits noting that “knowledge creation” is
a broad concept that encompasses several KM
processes. For in socialization and externalization,
knowledge sharing and knowledge generation
occurs; and in combination and internalization,
knowledge accumulation and knowledge
exploitation essentially takes place (Nonaka and
Takeuchi, 1995).
These processes (sharing, generation,
accumulation and exploitation) broadly correspond
to the labels other researchers have come up with,
e.g. dissemination, acquisition, storage and
application, respectively (Lee and Yang, 2000; Shin
et al., 2001; Holsapple and Singh, 2001; Heisig,
Among other KM frameworks, the theory of
knowledge creation is used in this study because it
has stood the test of time and has been extensively
applied and validated in several fields and contexts
(e.g. Lee and Choi, 2003; Rice and Rice, 2005;
Magnier-Watanabe and Senoo, 2009), has been
singled out as the most influential theory in the
knowledge management literature based on citation,
network and factor analytical techniques (Ma & Yu,
2010), and has been identified as the most-
frequently-applied theory in the citation classics of
knowledge management (Serenko and Dumay,
2015). Some studies have examined the relationship
between personality traits and knowledge sharing in
general (Matzler et al., 2008; Cabrera et al., 2006),
but the association between personality and specific
KC processes has never been analyzed empirically.
The Effect of Personality on Knowledge Creation Processes - Toward KC Optimization in Teams based on Human Attributes
Table 1: General definition of the Big Five factors of personality.
Big Five factors Definers
Extraversion (E) Active, assertive, energetic, enthusiastic, outgoing, talkative, skilled in play and humor, rapid
personal tempo, facially and gesturally expressive, gregarious
Agreeableness (A) Appreciative, forgiving, generous, kind, sympathetic, trusting, not critical or skeptical,
behaves in a giving way, considerate, arouses liking, warm, compassionate, basically trustful
Conscientiousness (C) Efficient, organized, planful, reliable, responsible, thorough, dependable, productive, able to
delay gratification, not self-indulging, behaves ethically, has a high aspiration level
Neuroticism (N) Anxious, self-pitying, tense, touchy, unstable, worrying, thin-skinned, brittle ego defenses,
self-defeating, concerned with adequacy, fluctuating moods
Openness (O) Artistic, curious, imaginative, insightful, original, has wide interests, introspective, has
unusual thought processes, values intellectual matters, judges in unconventional terms,
aesthetically reactive
2.4 Hypotheses
2.4.1 Extraversion and KC Processes
Research has demonstrated that the personality trait
of extraversion is significantly associated with
performance in positions involving the interaction
with others–such as sales and management positions
(Barrick and Mount, 1991; Ashton, 1998; Mount et
al., 1998). Given that people who have high level of
extraversion tend to be sociable, gregarious,
adventurous, enthusiastic, and enjoy any kind of
close interaction with other people (John, 1990;
Costa and McCrae, 1992), it is reasonable to expect
that extravert employees tend to spend more time in
socialization activities, where tacit knowledge is
transferred to others (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995).
For this reason, the first hypothesis is:
: There is a positive association between
Extraversion and knowledge Socialization (E–S).
Extraversion also defines individuals who speak
their minds and are assertive, talkative and non-
reserved (Barrick and Mount, 1991; Costa and
McCrae, 1992). These attributes are crucial to
convert tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge, i.e.
the externalization process (Nonaka & Takeuchi,
1995). Then, we can expect that extrovert employees
will be inherently predisposed to externalize their
ideas, thoughts and feelings with more frequency and
ease. Consequently:
: Extraversion is positively associated with
knowledge Externalization (E–E).
2.4.2 Agreeableness and KC Processes
Highly agreeable individuals are especially friendly,
sympathetic, cooperative, helpful, collaborative and
generous (Barrick and Mount, 1991; Costa and
McCrae, 1992). Mount et al. (1998) found that
agreeableness is related to performance in
occupations where collaborative and cooperative
interactions are necessary. And Digman (1997)
concluded that agreeableness is related to
socialization and communion. But Jensen-Campbell
and Graziano (2001) explain that the social behavior
associated with agreeableness is different from
extraversion. Extraversion is related to the impact of
social behaviors (i.e., extraverts are more likely to
make an impact on others during social situations),
whereas agreeableness is related to desires to
preserve harmonious social relationships. Because
knowledge socialization is characterized by sharing
experience (tacit knowledge) unselfishly (Nonaka &
Takeuchi, 1995), it is hypothesized that the
personality trait of agreeableness facilitates the
socialization of knowledge in organizations.
Formally stated:
: Agreeableness is positively associated
with knowledge Socialization (A–S).
2.4.3 Conscientiousness and KC Processes
Conscientiousness describes individuals who are
hardworking, achievement-oriented, dutiful,
responsible and organized (Barrick and Mount,
1991; Costa and McCrae, 1992). Not surprisingly,
research shows that conscientiousness significantly
explains job performance (Barrick and Mount, 1991;
Hurtz and Donovan, 2000) and is related to
knowledge sharing in general (Matzler et al., 2008).
These characteristics seem to indicate that
conscientious individuals have more predisposition
to carry out intellect-and-time-demanding activities
such as collection, analysis and reconfiguration of
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
useful information and data, that is to say, to perform
the systematization and combination of
organizational knowledge. Thus:
: Conscientiousness is positively associated
with knowledge Combination (C–C).
Internalization also requires dutifulness, self-
discipline and deliberation (definers of
conscientiousness) for the employees to engage in
explicit-to-tacit knowledge conversion through
consideration of or reflection on success stories,
organizational experiences and goals (Nonaka and
Takeuchi, 1995). Accordingly, the fifth hypothesis is:
: Conscientiousness is strongly associated
with knowledge Internalization (C–I).
2.4.4 Neuroticism and KC Processes
Neuroticism characterizes individuals with the
propensity to experience distress and negative affect
(McCrae and John, 1992; Emmons et al., 1985).
Representative behaviors coupled with neuroticism
include being depressed, angry, worried, insecure,
emotionally unstable and anxious (Barrick & Mount,
1991) as well as being inclined to feel more strongly
negative life events (Magnus et al., 1993). High
neuroticism has not been found positively related to
any beneficial organizational outcome. To the
contrary, research has found that neuroticism is
negatively correlated with job satisfaction (Judge et
al., 2002) and negatively related to performance in
jobs involving group work (Mount et al., 1998). Due
to the negative nature of this trait, no positive
associations are expected between neuroticism and
KC processes. Hence:
: Neuroticism is not positively associated
with any of the KC processes.
2.4.5 Openness and KC Processes
The personality trait ‘openness’ involves active
imagination, intellectual curiosity, predilection for
variety, originality, unconventionality and sensitivity
for aesthetics (Costa and McCrae, 1992). Openness
is related to creativity, flexibility, broad-perspectives
and intelligence (Judge et al., 2002; Digman, 1990).
Other studies have found that openness has a
significant relationship with knowledge sharing in
general (Cabrera et al., 2006; Matzler et al., 2008).
But, how is openness associated with specific KC
Openness to new ideas and curiosity are
important conditions for socialization, where the
conversion of tacit-to-tacit knowledge occurs
primarily through observation, imitation, practice or
direct experience (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995).
Employees who score high in openness are more
likely to acquire knowledge via socialization due to
their intrinsic tendency to be curious, flexible and
experimental (Costa and McCrae, 1992). Therefore,
it is hypothesized that:
: Openness is strongly associated with
knowledge Socialization (O–S).
The active imagination and creativity of those
who have a high degree of openness can be useful
for the conversion of tacit-to-explicit knowledge
(externalization) because this KC process takes place
through the ability to generate metaphors and
analogies, and by “intuitively understanding one
thing by imagining another” (Nonaka and Takeuchi,
1995). Therefore, it is expected that individuals with
high level of openness are more prone to effectively
externalize their knowledge. In other words:
: Openness is strongly associated with
knowledge Externalization (O–E).
Openness is also characterized by the intellectual
capacity, the broad-perspective orientation and the
originality of individuals. These features are likely to
be associated with knowledge combination, because
the conversion of explicit-to-explicit knowledge
requires the creative use of existing explicit
knowledge to generate more of it by being able to
see the interaction between concepts and to
reconfigure organizational knowledge in original
ways (Nonaka and Takeuchi, 1995). Accordingly:
: Openness is significantly associated with
knowledge Combination (O–C).
No hypotheses were developed for other pairs of
personality trait and KC process because a
theoretical basis to support them could not be
sufficiently elaborated. However, they were still
considered in the analysis as explorative, latent
associations. Figure 1 presents a summary of the
main hypotheses introduced in this study.
3.1 Sample and Operationalization of
In order to empirically test the theoretical model
developed in this study, data was collected from two
Japanese companies, one dedicated to the
manufacturing and commercialization of
pharmaceutical products, the other dedicated to the
construction and commercialization of real estate.
Personality traits were measured using the 44-
item, Big Five Inventory (BFI) originally developed
by (John et al., 1991) and refined subsequently by
The Effect of Personality on Knowledge Creation Processes - Toward KC Optimization in Teams based on Human Attributes
Figure 1: A model on the relationship between personality and knowledge creation processes.
(Benet-Martinez and John, 1998). The BFI is more
practical for research studies than other scales
available in the literature (e.g. TDA and NEO) and its
reliability and convergent and discriminant validity
have been documented (John and Srivastava, 1999).
KC processes were assessed using the SECI
scale originally developed by Nonaka (1994) and
subsequently revised collaboratively by several
professors and practitioners of KM. This 24-item
scale consists of six tested indicators for each KC
process. Reliability and validity evidence has also
been provided in detail by Nonaka (1994) and
subsequently corroborated by studies in diverse
research settings, e.g. (Magnier-Watanabe and
Senoo, 2009; Riera et al., 2009). Both personality
and KC were measured with question-items using 5-
point Likert scales in Japanese language which were
responded anonymously by individuals working in
sales. Out of 150 questionnaires submitted, 142
contained usable data for the subsequent analysis.
3.2 Quantitative Analysis and Results
After the mandatory steps regarding data
preparation, confirmation of adequate level of
reliability and validity of the scales, and assessment
of the basic requirements for the statistical
procedures, correlation and regression analyses were
conducted. Due to space limitations, only the results
of the regression analysis for the independent
variables with the greatest explanatory power (high
R-Square contribution) are presented in Table 2.
Generally speaking, the results indicate that the
personality traits openness and extraversion are
significantly associated with both knowledge
socialization and knowledge externalization (H1,
H7, H2 and H8 are supported; but not H3). This
means that individuals scoring high in these
personality traits are more likely to contribute to the
socialization and externalization processes in
organizations. In addition, openness and
conscientiousness are significantly associated with
knowledge combination (H4 and H9 are supported).
As expected, neuroticism was not found
significantly associated with any KC process (H6 is
supported) and openness, rather than
conscientiousness, was found significantly
associated with knowledge internalization (H5 is not
supported). In all, seven out of nine hypotheses in
the research model were supported empirically.
Initially, stepwise regression was conducted, but
in light of the unanimous influence of openness on
all KC processes, hierarchical regression was also
conducted in order to confirm that openness indeed
explains most of the variance of the dependent
variables above and beyond the other personality
traits. The results revealed the same conclusions.
e Creation
(SECI model)
(Big Five model)
KMIS 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing
Table 2: Main results of the regression analysis.
Std. coeff. Sig. Adj. R-Square
Socialization Openness
Externalization Openness
Combination Openness
Internalization Openness 374* .000 26.2%
4.1 Findings
The theoretical background and the empirical
analysis performed in this study indicate that human
resources with high level of openness and
extraversion can contribute more to the socialization
and externalization processes of KC. Both sharing
tacit knowledge (in socialization) and producing
explicit knowledge (in externalization)
understandably require the assertive and interactive
propensity of individuals scoring high in
extraversion as well as the curious tendency of
individuals scoring high in openness.
Agreeableness was not found sufficiently
associated with any KC process, not even with
socialization as hypothesized. This could be because
agreeableness, in contrast to extraversion, has to do
more with a desire to preserve harmonious social
relationships rather than making an impact on others
during social interactions (Jensen-Campbell and
Graziano, 2001)
But socialization in the KC theory entails impact
on others (i.e. individuals must effectively share tacit
knowledge and/or absorb it from others). It seems
that agreeableness cannot create an adequate level of
impact necessary for the socialization of knowledge.
This study also found that openness and
conscientiousness are significantly associated with
knowledge combination. The organizing and
dutifulness tendency of conscientious individuals
together with the intellectual and insightful
characteristics of high openness can explain
individuals’ involvement in the systematization of
knowledge (i.e. combination of explicit-knowledge).
The trait openness additionally appears to influence
the internalization of knowledge in organizations
because the widely-interested and curious
individuals are naturally prone to try out and
experiment with what they have learned in different
4.2 Implications and Further Research
In general, the findings of this study suggest that
personality, like many other variables related to
people in organizations (such as leadership, culture,
commitment, trust, motivation, etc.), is important for
KC. Technological aspects undisputedly support
KM activities, but this should not obscure the fact
that other aspects related to the human elements in
organizations also require managerial attention.
There are two main sides or perspectives of KM: the
hard/technological and the soft/biological. Normally
it is not wise to over-emphasize one at the expense
of the other. Ruggles (1998) broadly suggests
getting an approximate 50/25/25
people/process/technology balance right from the
outset of any KM endeavor.
In particular, the findings of this study indicate
that the personality traits more important for KC in
organizations are openness, extraversion and
conscientiousness. Because personality can
influence the behavior of people independently of
adaptations and external influences, managers can
apply the findings of this study to affect KC without
making significant investments. It is possible to
select individuals (either from the same
organizational unit, from different units, or recruited
from outside the company) with high scores in these
three important personality traits and form with them
teams assigned to knowledge-intensive projects.
This is an implication worth experimenting within a
controlled setting. Do teams composed of members
scoring high in openness, extraversion, and
conscientiousness actually perform significantly
better in KC than teams randomly formed without
care for the personality of the members? This is an
agenda for further research, which can serve as a
The Effect of Personality on Knowledge Creation Processes - Toward KC Optimization in Teams based on Human Attributes
stepping-stone toward the optimization of KC in
teams based on human-attributes considerations.
As it happens with most research papers, this
study has limitations related to the size and variety
of the sample surveyed, as well as the ceteris
paribus condition assumed. When further research is
done overcoming these limitations, the findings of
the study will be much more generalizable.
The author greatly appreciates the support of
Professor Dai Senoo at the Tokyo Institute of
Technology to conduct this research a few years ago.
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The Effect of Personality on Knowledge Creation Processes - Toward KC Optimization in Teams based on Human Attributes