2.4.1 Uniform One Point Mutation
One random gene from the member which in this case
is the infected loser, is replaced with a new gene. In
case of binary MGA the gene is a bit so mutation
means just flipping the bit. However in case of real
number or integers, a new gene is generated from the
possible range randomly. Uniform one point mutation
is a technique in which at one random locus, the gene
is replaced by a new one generated randomly from a
uniform distribution.
2.4.2 Gaussian One Point Mutation
Instead of uniform distribution other distributions like
Gaussian can be used for generating the new gene. A
classical Gaussian mutation operator was developed
by Rechenberg and Schwefel in which a scaled Gaus-
sian normally distributed number is added to the pre-
vious value of gene (Back and Schwefel, 1993) . This
method requires information about mean and vari-
ance of desired distributionto produce a random gene.
Generally value of mean is set to be 0 with variance of
0.2 to 0.8. the formula for Gaussian density function
with mean µ = 0 and δ variance is given by
f(x) =
2.4.3 Cauchy One Point Mutation
For some functions with relative minima that are far
apart the small mutations of uniform or Gaussian dis-
tributions may lead to premature convergence to local
minima. For this reason (Yao et al., 1999) devised
an alternative to the Gaussian mutation by using a
Cauchy distributed random number instead. Cauchy
distribution with mean µ = 0 is defined as
f(x) =
+ x
Where t is the scaling factor and usually set as 1.
This allows for larger mutation and can help prevent
premature convergence and search the search space
faster. However there is less probability of smaller
mutations in the neighbourhood of the parent leading
to a less accurate local search.
2.4.4 Forced Adaptive Guassian Mutation
Experiments suggest that MGA converges faster in
earlier stages but with time as population tends to be
more similar, the same mutation operator does not re-
main as effective. Many researchers have proposed
adaptive or forced mutation operators for enhancing
its over all performance. In (Hatwagner and Horvath,
2012) a new forced mutation operator has been intro-
duced for bacterial evolutionary algorithm based on
relationship between diversity of population and vari-
ance of mutation operator. Howevercalculating diver-
sity in each iteration incurs additional computational
overhead and delays. Inspired by their technique, we
designed a mutation operator where we set thresholds
to calculate diversity in the population and adjust mu-
tation accordingly. The diversity of population is cal-
culated using formula given in (Miller and Goldberg,
i, j
) (6)
D =
Pop −1
Any mutation scheme can be coupled with this
technique however we used gaussian scheme where
the variance is controlling parameter of mutation. Ob-
jective for designing this operator is to improve the
diversity D in earlier evaluations and tune to fine po-
sition in the later stages. So when the population is
generated it usually has higher diversity at that point
we can directly relate the variance σ with D allowing
MGA routine to get variety in its early generations.
With higher variance we observed no improvement in
this situation where as low variance in such condition
showed better refine. Using following formula where
Variance σ increases with diversity up to a threshold
value lets say D = 0.5 and then start decreasing lin-
early .
σ = α.min(D, 1−D) (8)
α is the scaling constant with values 0 ≤ alpha ≤ 1
. σ obtained is then used in equation (4) to facilitate
gaussian mutation.
2.5 Replacing Previous Generation with
New One
Now comes the turn to introduce the infected and mu-
tated member into the population to proceed for next
cycle. In basic original GA, usually either both of the
selected parents are replaced with new crossed and
mutated offsprings or the worst of whole population
is replaced with the new offsprings. Howeverto main-
tain the elitism by keeping the winner intact and also
avoid losing all of the genes from loser, in basic MGA
loser chromosome is replaced with the new infected
and mutated version of loser. This is easy to imple-
ment and effective as well. This keeps in consistency
with the underlying intuition of microbial evolution
where evolution is brought without death of parents.