A Cloud Platform for Classification and Resource Management of
Complex Electromagnetic Problems
Andreas Kapsalis
, Panagiotis Kasnesis
, Panagiotis C. Theofanopoulos
, Panagiotis K. Gkonis
Christos S. Lavranos
, Dimitra I. Kaklamani
, Iakovos S. Venieris
and George A. Kyriacou
Intelligent Communications and Broadband Networks Laboratory, School of Electrical and Computer
Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, Greece
Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Xanthi, Greece
Keywords: Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Resource Allocation, SVM, Ant Colony Optimization, Eigenanalysis,
Finite Difference.
Abstract: Most scientific applications tend to have a very resource demanding nature and the simulation of such
scientific problems often requires a prohibitive amount of time to complete. Distributed computing offers a
solution by segmenting the application into smaller processes and allocating them to a cluster of workers.
This model was widely followed by Grid Computing. However, Cloud Computing emerges as a strong
alternative by offering reliable solutions for resource demanding applications and workflows that are of
scientific nature. In this paper we propose a Cloud Platform that supports the simulation of complex
electromagnetic problems and incorporates classification (SVM) and resource allocation (Ant Colony
Optimization) methods for the effective management of these simulations.
The simulation of complex electromagnetic problems
was always a task that required both great amount of
time and resources. Even with the advancement of
conventional computer technology, the execution of
complex algorithms such as Monte-Carlo simulations
-especially when dealing with realistic scenarios (e.g.
large amount of users) - creates a resource demanding
process and even if the host environment has an
adequate amount of resources to successfully execute
it, it usually takes a prohibitive amount of time for the
user to receive the results of his or her simulation. Of
course modern programming languages (even the
high level ones) nowadays provide sophisticated
libraries that allow for parallel programming
paradigms that take advantage of multicore
computers. What is more, the solution of distributed
computing allows a cluster of computers in a private
network to share the load by executing different parts
of the application code.
Parallel and distributed computing has been a
solution for complex scientific simulations. Public
grid computing platforms offer to user communities
from various scientific domains the opportunity to
submit large resource-demanding simulations that
promise to yield the desired results in an acceptable
amount of time. However, grid computing platforms
impose certain restrictions to users. That happens
mainly because simulations are submitted directly to
the physical machines for execution, and as a result
the user code must be compatible with the host
operating system. Physical machines might be in the
situation of hosting processes for different
simulations from different users. This creates a form
of a single point of failure where an error (e.g.
memory leak) might jeopardize the rest of executing
On the other hand over the last few years Cloud
Computing has been a rapidly emerging alternative,
as it can also provide a very solid solution when
dealing with scientific applications. Cloud Platforms
that utilize Cloud Infrastructures (IaaS tier) can easily
allocate a cluster of Virtual Machines for the
execution of simulations. Each Virtual Machine or
cluster of Virtual Machines is dedicated to the
execution of a specific user simulation at each given
time. Moreover, because Virtual Machines are
created by using images or snapshots of operating
systems, the user has the opportunity to request an
Kapsalis, A., Kasnesis, P., Theofanopoulos, P., Gkonis, P., Lavranos, C., Kaklamani, D., Venieris, I. and Kyriacou, G..
A Cloud Platform for Classification and Resource Management of Complex Electromagnetic Problems.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 388-393
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
environment specifically “tailored” for his needs; he
doesn’t have to change his code in that case.
Having the aforementioned –as well as many
other significant advantages of Cloud Computing- in
mind, in this paper we propose a platform that utilizes
Cloud Infrastructures in order to provide a solution
for complex resource demanding electromagnetic
simulation problems. The platform accepts user
simulation requests, decides the amount of resources
that will be granted for the execution of the simulation
application, creates the requested Virtual Machines,
collects monitoring data and stores results in a
persistent storage space. Two crucial features of the
platform will be discussed in detail in later sections;
the Machine Learning process which automatically
figures the resource demand of a given simulation,
and the process that allocates the newly-created
Virtual Machines to hosts, which is targeted towards
performance and energy efficiency. The rest of the
paper is organized as follows; in Section 2 we present
some notable related work, and in Section 3 we
present the platform architecture. In Sections 4 and 5
we describe the Machine Learning and VM
Allocation strategies that are adopted in the platform.
In Section 6 we describe the nature of the
Electromagnetic Problems and finally in Section 7 we
provide some useful conclusions and ideas for future
Autonomous Virtual Machine allocation is quite a
new aspect. The idea of applying Machine Learning
techniques in VM allocation over the cloud is
investigated the last five years. This approach has the
advantage of adapting the cloud services dynamically
according to the Service Layer Agreement (SLA)
between the client (user) and the provider (cloud).
M. Macias et al. (2011 and 2012) classify the
clients’ policies for SLA negotiation and allocation.
The clients classification is based on the client’s
affinity with the provider and the Quality of Service
(QoS) the client are willing to acquire. Afterwards the
provider applies Machine Learning techniques (G.
Reig, 2010) to predict future jobs and confirm if the
offered job can be executed. J.Rao et al. (2009)
propose VCONF, a RL approach to automate the VM
configuration process. VCONF is based on model-
based RL algorithms that generate policies learned
from iterations with the environment. X. Dutreilh et
al. (2011) propose a more sophisticated model free
RL approach using appropriate initialization of the
weights for the early stages and convergence
speedups applied in order to avoid the slow
convergence and optimal policy discovery in the early
phases of learning. L. Chimakurthi et al. (2011)
introduce an energy efficient mechanism capable of
allocating the cloud resources according to the given
SLA using the Ant Colony algorithm.
Another approach (A. Quiroz, 2009) uses
decentralized online clustering to categorize the
incoming tasks and optimize the provisioning of the
resources. They also present a model-based approach
to calculate the application service time given the
derived provisioning in order to tackle the inaccurate
resource requirements. A rule-based approach is
followed by M. Maurer et al. (2012) in an attempt to
reduce the SLA violations by monitoring the
workload itself. They introduce the notion of
workload volatility (WV), determine a function to
calculate it and dynamically classify workload into
HIGH WV). C.J. Huang et al. (2013) propose a
system that optimizes the resource allocation in cloud
computing. The two main components of their system
is the application service prediction module that uses
Support Vector Regression (SVR) to calculate the
response time and the resource allocation
optimization module that is based on Genetic
Algorithm (GA) and redistributes the resources
according to the current status of the installed VMs.
The architecture of the proposed platform is based on
a multi-agent system. For each simulation request that
is received by the platform a group of agents is
created that handles the lifecycle of the simulation
until its completion. The platform entry point is the
Supervisor service that creates the aforementioned set
of agents. There are four agents (Profiler, Planner,
Client, and Monitor) that perform a distinct set of
tasks during the simulation lifecycle. The system is
event or message driven; each agent performs a task
when it receives a message from a peer or supervising
entity. Below we describe in detail the tasks that each
entity of the platform is responsible for. Αn overview
of the platform architecture is shown in fig. 1.
3.1 Supervisor
The Supervisor service is responsible for receiving
simulation requests by the users. It performs some
checks according to the user SLA and once it accepts
the request, the Supervisor service communicates
with the underlying agent system and requests for the
A Cloud Platform for Classification and Resource Management of Complex Electromagnetic Problems
creation of four agents that will be dedicated to carry
out the execution of the user simulation.
3.2 Profiler
The Profiler is responsible on making decisions based
on historical data and user SLAs about the amount of
resource that are to be allocated into a VM or VMs.
The Profiler incorporates the SVM (Support Vector
Machine) supervised machine learning method. The
algorithm predicts the appropriate amount of
resources that are necessary by the simulation in order
to be executed in the required amount of time
according to the user SLA and the infrastructure
3.3 Planner
Another integral part of the platform is the agent that
receives the decision output from the Profiles and is
responsible for creating an allocation plan for the
resources. For this the Planner agent uses an Ant
Colony Optimization algorithm variant that is
targeted towards energy efficiency. The ACO variant
is described in detail in Section 5.
3.4 Client
The Client agent receives the allocation plan and its
sole responsibility is to communicate with the service
stack of the IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) in order
to create or destroy the requested VMs into the pre-
selected virtual hosts.
3.5 Monitor
Once the requested resources are created and are
accessible, the Monitor agent performs periodic
checks on the VMs that host the user’s simulation.
The Monitor collects data regarding the resource
utilization of each VM as well as the resource usage
of the simulation process of each VM.
3.6 Datastore
The datastore may not be a part of the agent system,
but it is a highly important part of the platform as it
holds monitoring data that are used for profiling of
user simulations. The datastore uses a NoSQL
document database. Due to the unstructured and
loosely coupled form of stored data NoSQL databases
provide better write/read times especially when
clients query for large chunks of data.
3.7 User Dashboard
The user dashboard is a Web UI that allows the user
initiate new simulations as well as review his or hers
on-going or completed ones. It displays status
notifications on screen in real time fashion and
provides also information logs regarding the
simulations that have complete successfully or
unsuccessfully. The user can also download the
results of the simulation into his computer.
Figure 1: Overview of the Platform Architecture.
In our approach we attempt to categorize the
aforementioned computational tasks (Section 6)
requested by the users into classes. Each
computational task will be mapped to the generation
of a finite number of VMs with the proper attributes
(CPU and Memory) to handle the user’s request. As a
result we propose a supervised machine learning
classification approach to achieve the autonomous
VM allocation in a cloud computing architecture. The
most appropriate method for supervised classification
for this is the Support Vector Machine (SVM) using
the Gaussian Kernel. For a number of training
examples, the regularized SVM cost function
) of a data set =
, is
given by:
where denotes the number of features, denotes the
weight of a feature,
depicts the hypothesis
value that equals the sigmoid (logistic) function and
depicts the regularization term. A huge advantage
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
of SVM is that it finds a hypothesis h that assures the
lowest true error, Structural Risk Minimization
principle (V. N. Vapnik, 1995). The Quality of
Experience (QoE) is a major issue for the users and
SVM provides a more “safe” distance (fig. 2) from
the decision boundary for each example, which
reduces the classification errors that other classifiers
with “soft” margin produce. What is more, the
Gaussian Kernel the ability to generate non-linear
decision boundaries (fig. 3) using linear classification
methods and Gaussian kernel function enables the
classification of data that have no obvious fixed-
dimensional vector space representation (A. Ben-
Hur, 2010). The Gaussian Kernel function on two
samples (x, x’) is given by:
denotes the squared Euclidean
distance between two feature vectors and
the variance.
a) b)
Figure 2: a) Margin Classifier b) Non-linear decision
The proposed platform uses the output of the Machine
Learning Classification process and performs the next
crucial task which is the resource allocation (in the
form of VMs) into physical hosts. The goal of the
Planner agent is to pack VMs that are created for a
specific simulation into the same host. That is
profitable for two reasons; the first is that the
simulation will experience lower network overhead
especially when popular distributed computing
frameworks (e.g. MPI, MapReduce) use ssh as their
main communication protocol. The second reason is
that the allocation should be also driven towards
energy efficiency regarding the physical
infrastructure, as inactive hosts can be put into energy
saving mode. Given the fact that the allocation
problem is of NP-Hard nature, we have chosen to use
the meta-heuristic Ant-Colony Optimization
algorithm (ACO). The ACO algorithm models a
multi-agent system that imitates the behavior of real
life ant colonies when searching for food sources. It
was originally developed by Marco Dorigo et al.
(1999). The ACO algorithm shows better results
towards workload performance and energy efficiency
than other greedy algorithms such as the First-Fit
Decreasing (FFD) (Feller et al., 2011). Our approach
regarding the implementation of the algorithm takes
the following assumptions into account; a) the
resource demand by the Virtual Machines is static and
b) the resource vector contains the CPU cores and ram
in GB. A full formalization and description of the
ACO algorithm is provided in the work by Feller et
al. (2011).
In the proposed variant let denote the set of
physical hosts with size, and the set of VMs with
size that the algorithm will try to allocate into
hosts. Also, let
denote the resource capacity vector
(2-dimensional in our case) of a physical host,
. Similarly, let
denote the resource demand vector
of a VM, . As mentioned earlier this ACO
variant is targeted towards energy efficiency by trying
to pack as many VMs to the same physical host. Thus,
the objective function the algorithm tries to minimize
is given by the following:
is equal 1 if a physical host has
allocated VMs, and 0 otherwise. The objective
function is subject to the following constraints; a)
each VM is allocated to exactly one physical host
and b) the maximum resource capacity for each of the
physical hosts is not exceeded. An integral
characteristic of the ACO algorithm is the way each
ant-agent is making decisions on which physical host
will allocate a VM into. The probability to choose the
, pair is a combination of the pheromone trail,
which is a mechanism for encouraging other ants to
follow the same path, and a heuristic information. The
probability is given by the following:
is the amount of pheromone trail for
the specific VM - physical host pair,
is the
heuristic information for that same pair and
is the
set of all VMs that are not assigned into any host and
ensure that the resource capacity constraint of the
physical host is not violated when taking also into
account the current load assigned to it. The above can
be show in eq. 6:
A Cloud Platform for Classification and Resource Management of Complex Electromagnetic Problems
denotes the current resource load for
physical host . Another characteristic that is worth
mentioning is the pheromone evaporation mechanism
which is triggered after the end of each iteration of the
algorithm and is given by the following:
Where is the pheromone evaporation rate and
is a bonus to the best VM – physical host pair
of each iteration.
6.1 Principal Component Analysis in
The first electromagnetic problem performs the
calculation of the appropriate transmission vectors in
MIMO-WCDMA networks that improve Signal to
Noise Ratio (SNR), where diversity combining
transmission mode is assumed. In order to reduce
overall complexity, Principal Component Analysis
(PCA) is employed at the reception, and only the
terms that contribute to a predefined signal energy are
taken into account. Even so, however, in cases of
multiuser/multipath scenarios, computational load
can be significantly increased.
In particular, when deploying PCA in MIMO-
WCDMA networks, it is assumed that all received
data for a specific user after processing can be stacked
as an × matrix (denoted as throughout the rest
of this section), where is the number of
independent observations and S the number of
samples per observation (Shlens, 2005). In our
case, = where is the number of multipath
components. The covariance matrix of will be
given by:
and the primary eigenvalues and eigenvectors can be
directly calculated from eigenvalue analysis of matrix
. Afterwards, an iterative optimization approach is
followed, and all transmit weight vectors can be
calculated (Gkonis et al., 2015). Note however that as
the number of active users increases, eigenvalue
analysis should be performed at each user separately.
Moreover, the dimensions of matrix are directly
related to the number of active multipath components,
while processing complexity also depends on the
number of transmit and receive antennas.
6.2 Eigenanalysis based on a 2-D FDFD
The second case of electromagnetic problems is the
eigenanalysis of open-periodic electromagnetic
structures. The eigenanalysis of electromagnetic
structures is used to enlighten all the hidden physical
properties exhibited by each structure. The following
eigenanalysis is exploiting a 2-D Curvilinear FDFD
method, (Lavranos et al., 2009, Theofanopoulos et al.
2014 and Lavranos et al., 2014).
The eigenanalysis starts from Maxwell’s curl
equations in the frequency domain and after some
algebraic manipulations the following linear eigen
problems occur:
The eigenproblem given in eq. 11 is called ‘β-
formulation’ and the independent variable is the
eigenfrequency ω, while the eigenvalue is the complex
propagation constant β. On the other hand, the
eigenproblem of eq. 12 is called ‘ω-formulation’ and
the independent variable is the propagation constant β
and the eigenvalue is the eigenfrequency ω. So, in
order to reveal all the modes exhibited by the
structure, an independent eigenproblem has to be
solved for every ω or β in a given range. The size of
the eigenproblems depends on the level of meshing
The nature of the eigenproblems reveals the
urgency towards a form of parallelization or
distributed execution. The proposed parallelization
technique relies on the independent nature of each
eigenproblem. So, exploiting the independence of the
eigenproblems, an assignment to different machines is
expected. The estimated analysis time is reduced
depending on the number of the machines-workers
In this paper we described a platform that takes
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
advantage of Cloud Computing Infrastructures in
order to apply classification and resource
management methods for complex and resource
heavy electromagnetic simulations. The proposed
platform requires no special configuration from the
user regarding his or her application code. Also,
depending on the selected simulation the platform can
predict the required resource demand in order to
allow it to complete in the desired user time,
according of course the SLA. Also, the platform uses
an energy-efficient ACO variant for the allocation of
the VMs into physical hosts that can also achieve low
network overhead.
A series of next steps include the collection of test
results against the proposed platform and the
simulation of the described electromagnetic problems
in various set ups. Furthermore, we would like to
address the issue of dynamically reconfiguring the
allocation plan according to the continuous changing
resource demand of the electromagnetic simulations.
Finally, we intend also to test a number of allocation
algorithms and machine learning methods against the
ones that are already being used in our platform.
This research has been co-financed by the European
Union (European Social Fund) and Greek national
funds through the Operational Program "Education
and Lifelong Learning" of the National Strategic
Reference Framework (NSRF) - Research Funding
Program: THALES. Investing in knowledge society
through the European Social Fund.
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A Cloud Platform for Classification and Resource Management of Complex Electromagnetic Problems