Hybrid Sentiment Analyser for Arabic Tweets using R
Sarah Alhumoud, Tarfa Albuhairi and Wejdan Alohaideb
College of Computer and Information Science, Al-Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Keywords: Sentiment Analysis, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Supervised Approach, Hybrid Learning.
Abstract: Harvesting meaning out of massively increasing data could be of great value for organizations. Twitter is
one of the biggest public and freely available data sources. This paper presents a Hybrid learning
implementation to sentiment analysis combining lexicon and supervised approaches. Analysing Arabic,
Saudi dialect Twitter tweets to extract sentiments toward a specific topic. This was done using a dataset
consisting of 3000 tweets collected in three domains. The obtained results confirm the superiority of the
hybrid learning approach over the supervised and unsupervised approaches.
Making one’s voice reachable instantaneously to the
globe was a sort of a dream before. In some parts of
the world where opinion freedom is in its lower
indexes there are barley any channels to vent and
express opinions. Now, with the emergence of social
networks, opinions could be shared with the globe in
real time. The power of one video on YouTube, a
post on Facebook or a tweet on Twitter can change a
country’s fate and can be an effective means of
marketing (Dinh et al., 2014). A study done by
(Storck, 2011) has displayed the role of social media
in the Egyptian revolution and how it helped the
revolutionaries to achieve their goals. It has been
known now by decision makers in political and
economic fields that they need to hear the client’s
voice and immediate opinions and to study their
behaviour for them to gain further insight and move
wisely. A study by (Dinh et al., 2014) has shown the
effect of viral marketing on social networks and how
to find the optimal seeding for the aids in social
networks. An example of a mining application to
social networks seeking value and meaning is IBM
customer analytic tool which can measures customer
sentiment through surveying data in social networks
to make a company more aware of its customers,
who they are and what they want (IBM, 2011).
Social networks' applications offer means by
which people build cyber social bonds based on their
opinions, orientations, speciality, or hubbies and
preferences. Considering the low freedom of
expression in the Arab region by classical means,
social networks have been an important ventilation
mechanism. According to freedom house 2015
report, the Arab region is mostly ranked as low in
civil liberties and political rights (Freedom House,
2015). In 2014, the number of Arabic internet users
was 135 million, with more than 71 million of them
are social networks active users (Mohammed Bin
Rashid School of Government, 2014). Figure 1(a)
shows the Arab usage of social networks in 2014.
Moreover, a report was released in 2014 stating that
the number of Arab Twitter active users is about 6
million while 2.4 million of them are from Saudi
Arabia which makes it the highest Arab country in
Twitter usage as shown in figure 1(b) (Arab Social
Media Report, 2014). In Saudi Arabia, 60% of social
networks’ users were using Twitter in the year of
2013 (Reyaee and Ahmed, 2015). Having this
extensive use of Twitter by the Saudi tweeters
implies streaming a large amount of data that could
be a rich and an invaluable source for analysis and
Sentiment Analysis (SA) is considered one of the
text mining tasks (Han, Kamber and Pei, 2000) and
one of the Natural Language Processing (NLP)
concepts (Liu, 2012). SA is mainly the process of
classifying text into two classes positive and
negative to conclude the writer’s orientation towards
a certain topic or subject (Liu, 2012). After
reviewing the literature, two approaches to
implement SA have been concluded. The first is
supervised approach or corpus-based
approach(Abdulla et al., 2013). The second approach
to SA is the unsupervised approach also called
lexicon-based approach (Liu, 2012) and (Alhumoud
et al., 2015).
Alhumoud, S., Albuhairi, T. and Alohaideb, W..
Hybrid Sentiment Analyser for Arabic Tweets using R.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 417-424
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1(a): Arab internet usage in 2014.
Figure 1(b): Arab Twitter usage in 2014.
One of the data mining tools that is used to
implement SA is R programming language (R-
project, 2015) R is an open source programming
language that can perform data mining main tasks
such as clustering, and classification (Kosorus,
Honigl and Kung, 2011).
This research presents an implementation of SA
using R programming language applying the hybrid
learning approach and comparing it to the supervised
and unsupervised learning approaches. The
methodology and results of each approach will be
discussed later in this paper.
This paper is organised as following: related
work section where a list of similar work presented
and discussed. Then, the methodology section that
describes the method that was followed to
implement the learning schemes. After that, the
results and discussions’ section, presenting results of
each approach. Finally, the conclusion where the
paper is wrapped up pointing out the marked
Based on a survey that was published in 2014 by
(Medhat, Hassan and Korashy, 2014) there are two
main approaches for sentiment analysis. Those are
machine learning and lexicon based approaches.
Supervised learning (also known as corpus-based
approach) falls under machine learning approach.
There are several data mining algorithms that can be
used to implement the supervised learning such as
such as Support Vector Machine (SVM), Naïve
Bayes (NB), Decision Tree (D-Tree) and K-Nearest
Neighbors (KNN). The supervised learning consists
of five sequenced stages based on multiple papers
that implemented SA supervised learning such as
(Shoukry and Rafea, 2012) and (Abdulla et al.,
2013). These stages are: building the dataset,
building the classifier (model), training the
classifier, testing the classifier and finally using the
classifier. Building the dataset is the first stage,
creating labelled data and dividing it into training
dataset and testing dataset. The second stage is
building the classifier model where one of the data
mining algorithms is chosen as a learning approach
for the classifier. After that the classifier needs to be
trained using the training dataset enabling it to
classify new data. Once the classifier has been
trained its accuracy is measured by testing it using
the testing dataset. Where the classifier hide the
labels and tries to classify the data based on the
experience it gained in the training stage then it
compares the classification result with the actual
values. Finally, a new dataset with no labels is fed
into the classifier to find its ability to classify based
solely on previous learning.
Lexicon based approach, also known as
unsupervised approach is a way where the classifier
rely on number of lexicons helping it to classify the
text. A lexicon is list of words or phrases, idioms or
adjectives that hold a sentimental meaning. There
are several ways to construct a lexicon, one of them
is dictionary based. It starts with seeds of
sentimental words then increasing the size of the
dictionary by adding the synonym and antonyms
(Medhat, Hassan and Korashy, 2014). Once a
lexicon is completed it is ready for the classifier. An
unsupervised classifier is an algorithm that performs
matching between lexicon words and the words in
the text. It usually treats words (in the lexicon and
text) as numbers. Where positive words represented
as positive integers and negative words as negative
integers. Additionally, using certain mathematical
processes it assigns the polarity of whole text as: +1,
-1 or 0 for positive, negative or neutral, respectively
(Shoukry and Rafea, 2012). There is no limitation
for the number of lexicons that can be used for
classification such as the work proposed by
(Ibrahim, Abdou and Gheith, 2015) where they used
two lexicons one holds sentimental words and the
other for phrases and idioms.
135 M
71 M
5.7 M
2.4 M
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
The tools that are used for SA purposes are wide
such as R programming language. The interest in R
language for data mining is growing rapidly (KD
Nuggets, 2013) (Magoulas and King, 2014). This
increased interest in R is noticeable in both industry
and academia. A key advantage of R programming
language other than being an open source is data
structures, visualization and packages. R provides a
wide range of data structures that can represent data
in understandable forms. Also, R provides the ability
to transform results into graphs which makes it
easier to understand. R has lots of packages that are
specialized to different tasks and domains. (Jovi,
Brkiand and Bogunovi, 2014). Authors (Kumar et
al., 2011) performed clustering using R to
implement a framework that provides a platform for
developing data mining application. They used k-
means and fuzzy k-means algorithms where fuzzy k-
means got better results. While (Adamov, 2014)
have used R language to pre-process http server logs
for web usage mining. Moreover, the Authors (Nisa,
Andrianto and Mardhiyyah, 2014) tried to solve the
problem of forest fire by applying clustering
function using R language.
R language is used to perform classification that
solves problems of different domains. Work by
(Keka and Hamiti, 2013) shows that they applied
data mining to show electricity consumption over
time. Electricity loads classification was based on
two factors: seasons (summer and winter) and the
usage intervals during the day. They applied
unsupervised approach to achieve the loads
classification. Another interesting work done by
(Tsatsoulis and Hofmann, 2014) in that they tried to
use data mining to classify albums of the rock
musician Tom Waits into two classes. The first class
is for albums that were produced before 1983
(period A) and second class for albums that were
produced after 1983 (period B). They used word
cloud package in R in order to help them to visualize
the two classes. Their results using RTextTools
package show that Maximum Entropy was able to
classify the albums correctly with 95% of accuracy.
A work presented by (Hosch, 2014) using R
programming language and nine algorithms. The
aim was to build a classifier that is able to classify
open source projects into functional categories.
Their experiments gave the classifier an accuracy of
R language has been used for SA purposes by
many researchers as SA is one of the applications to
classification (Ofek, 2015).The authors of (Fiaidhi et
al., 2012) used TwitteR package to implement
twitter client and used the searchTwitter() function
to collect tweets from twitter. They applied an
unsupervised approach. For the supervised approach
authors (Horakova, 2015) have propose SA machine
learning for Czech language. They hired RTextTools
to build classifiers with five algorithms. They
collected a dataset of 7000 users review about
electronic devices. Also, a pre-processing model was
applied. For filtering, they have used tagging,
tokenization, stemming and lemmatization. The
result of the experiments shows that SVM is among
the best classifiers with 73% while NB is the worst
with 51% accuracies respectively. Their results also
show that all the classifiers have improved their
accuracy when increasing the size of the dataset
except for NB. They also, have experimented the
classification on raw data and the results show a
decrease in the accuracy. Table 1 compares between
papers that used R to apply classification function,
how they apply it, and to solve what problem.
For the convenience of R language, the hybrid
learning approach was implemented using R. R
provided two packages that facilitates the
implementation of SA, those are RTextTools and tm
packages. RTextTools was designed to make
machine learning accessible (Jurka et al., 2015).
Whereas tm was designed to apply text mining
techniques (Feinerer and Hornik, 2015). SA
implementation was done using the SVM data
mining algorithm.
In general, the hybrid learning approach contains
five main stages: building the dataset, building the
classifier (model), training the classifier, evaluating
the classifier, and using the classifier to get overall
sentiment of a new dataset as shown in Figure 2. The
main difference between supervised and hybrid
learning is in building the training dataset, this will
be explained in the next section.
3.1 Building the Training Dataset
The training dataset is built from rows of single
sentimental words and their labels. A labelled word
tagged positive or negative according to the word
sentiment. The training dataset contains 3690
sentimental words, 1370 words were positive and
remaining 2320 words are negative. The training
dataset contains 1000 MSA sentimental words are
found in (Arabic MPQA subjective lexicon and
Arabic opinion holder corpus, 2012) and 2690 Saudi
dialect sentimental words were added manually with
Hybrid Sentiment Analyser for Arabic Tweets using R
Table 1: Comparison of classification approaches in related work.
Paper citation Application Data source Dataset size Pre-processing Filtering Results and approach
and Hofmann,
Classify albums
based on publishing
periods by analysing
song’s lyrics.
Lyrics of rock
musician Tom
20 albums
Converting to
stop words
Maximum Entropy 95%.
(Hosch, 2014)
Classify open source
projects into
functional categories.
Not defined - Tagging
Used 8 algorithms
Accuracy 81%
(Keka and
consumption over
- -
SA for Czech
Czech portal
7,000 user
Text pre-
Used 8 algorithms
Best accuracy:
Maximum Entropy
Random Forests
Increasing dataset size rise accu-
racy in all algorithms except NB.
Effect of no filtering and pre-
processing is decreasing accuracy.
(Fiaidhiet al.,
SA on tweets Twitter 1500 tweets - TF-IDF Unsupervised
the help of 1000 sports tweets collected form
In R language, the dataset need to be represented
in a specific format such as Comma Separated Value
(CSV). Create_matrix() function was used to
generate the document term matrix. Several pre-
processing options from the tm package are
available, including stripping whitespace, removing
sparse terms and setting number of minimum
frequency of sentimental words in the whole
document. In addition, word stemming, and stop
word removal for several languages. However,
currently those tools do not support Arabic
language. Stop words were removed manually using
simple algorithm with stop words’ list. The hybrid
learning approach could be implanted on languages
other than Arabic, such as English. For the English
language it is even more convenient and easy to use
the full features of R SA packages.
In the supervised approach, each line contains
one instance, a tweet. This instance has several
words that do not affect the sentiment but causes
confusion in the classifier, hence, decreasing the
accuracy. If these words are removed from the
instance, only sentimental words will remaining
which is similar to the lexicon in the unsupervised
approach. Using sentimental lexicon as a training
dataset minimises the classifier confusion.
Therefore, the hybrid learning incorporates the
advantages of a data mining algorithm in supervised
approach and lexicon based approach in
unsupervised approach to better teach the classifier.
Figure 2: Classification stages of hybrid approach.
The difference between supervised and hybrid
learning in building the training dataset reflected a
remarkable difference in the results as well.
The hybrid learning also avoids the pre-
processing cost associated with the supervised
approach. Building a training dataset in the
supervised learning requires several steps, first,
collecting n instances, second pre-processing them
with O(n) time complexity, third normalizing them
with O(n) time complexity as well. While the hybrid
learning approach does not require the second nor
third steps.
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
3.2 Building the Classifier
Second step to the classification is building the
classifier. SVM data mining algorithm was used to
build the classifier. This algorithm works efficiently
in text classification and it showed superior
performance in previous related studies (Khasawneh
et al., 2013), (Shoukry and Rafea, 2012) and
(Abdulla et al., 2013).
3.3 Training the Classifier
Training the classifier is the third step in
classification approaches. SVM classifier used linear
kernel, unigram case and the minimum term
frequency which is equal to one. Unigram means
reading the dataset word by word, it is one of the n-
gram cases which splits a string into n-grams with
min and max gram.
3.4 Evaluating the Classifier
Evaluating the classifier is the fourth step in the
classification which uses the training dataset as
testing dataset and the produced classifier to expect
the sentiment of each tweet. The result of the
evaluation is measured by computing the precision,
and recall. The precision and recall equations are
presented below:
Precision = TP / (TP + FP)
Recall = TP / (TP + FN)
Where TP, FP, TN, and FN are true positive,
false positive, true negative and false negative,
In precision and recall, the highest level of
performance is equal to one and the lowest is zero
(Sokolova et al., 2006). If precision and recall was
more than 0.5, the classifier is accepted to classify
new dataset.
3.5 using the Classifier
Fifth step comprises the classification of a new
dataset by using the produced classifier to expect
overall sentiment polarity of each tweet in the
dataset. The tweets must be normalized before
building the dataset. In addition, the dataset should
be using the same format of the built container.
Classification accuracy was measured by computing
the number of correct classified tweets.
This research presents the implementation of the
hybrid learning approach compared to the
supervised and unsupervised learning approaches.
The same dataset is used for all three
implementations. Both hybrid learning and
supervised learning used SVM. Supervised classifier
trained on sports domain using 1000 tweets. The
unsupervised approach has two words’ dictionaries,
positive and negative. Positive words were 1370
words, while 2320 words are negative. These words
are the same words used to train the hybrid
The hybrid learning classifier precision and
recall were 0.960 and 0.970, respectively. Table 2
shows a comparison between the accuracy of the
three classifiers hybrid learning, supervised and
unsupervised, denoted by "Hyb", "Sup" and "Unsup"
consecutively. These classifiers were classifying
new dataset in different sizes.
Table 2: Accuracy of classifiers classifying sports domain.
Hyb Sup Unsup
91.50% 90.00% 86.30%
90.60% 81.50% 80.70%
89.90% 80.80% 78.60%
89.30% 84.30% 81.30%
90.30% 84.20% 81.70%
Figure 3: Accuracy for hybrid learning, supervised and
unsupervised approaches in three different domains.
The results of classifying several datasets in
sports domain proved superiority of the hybrid
learning classifier over both supervised and
unsupervised approaches scoring an improvement in
Soprts Social Political
Accuracy percentage
Hybrid Learning Supervised Unsupervised
Hybrid Sentiment Analyser for Arabic Tweets using R
accuracy of 6% and 8% over supervised and
unsupervised approaches respectively.
Figure 3 shows the comparison in accuracy of
the three learning approaches in three domains,
sports, social and political, each having 1000, 500
and 500 tweets respectively. The classifiers were
trained using the sports domain. Testing the
classifiers using new domains will exercise the
learning scalability of the classifiers.
The proposed hybrid classifier scored an increase
in accuracy of 7%, 15% and 19% in sports social
and political domains respectively over the
supervised approach.
Additionally, a similar enhancement was
noticeable with the hybrid learning over the
unsupervised approach scoring 9%, 12% and 14% in
sports social and political domains respectively. The
results show that when using the same SVM
classifiers to classify new datasets in new domains,
the hybrid learning approach achieve better accuracy
than supervised and unsupervised. Proving a better
scalability in different domains.
Moreover, increasing the training dataset size in
hybrid learning is easier than the supervised
approach as it does not require the pre-processing
steps as in the supervised approach.
Enhancing the classifier needs some insight on
the reasons that might lead to the incorrect
classification. The following are examples of
situations that may lead to classifier confusion or
A tweet that has a negation word and this
inverts the tweet polarity.
A tweet having two opposite sentiments and
could be classified to the wrong polarity.
A tweet that is having an ambiguous or
unknown sentiment to the classifier.
The sentiment of a tweet is specified by a non-
sentimental word that could not be added to the
training set
Words that have two different sentiments in two
different domains
The hybrid learning approach’s accuracy can be
improved by increasing the size of the training
dataset, and by using a words’ stemmer.
This paper presented the new hybrid learning
approach for Arabic SA in Twitter examining the
classification of randomly collect tweets in three
domains. The results confirm that the hybrid
learning approach has better accuracy than both
supervised and unsupervised approaches. The hybrid
learning approach scored an enhancement in
accuracy of 7%, 15% and 19% in sports, social and
political domains over the supervised approach and a
similar enhancement over the unsupervised
approach. Moreover, the hybrid learning approach
proves better scalability when applied to new
different domains over the supervised and the
unsupervised approaches. Another convenient
feature of the hybrid approach is avoiding the
overhead associated with the supervised pre-
processing approach.
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KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval