following the predefined path, it could be useful to
insert the said piece of art in a list of “suggested
items” among those next to the visitor.
After collecting enough data concerning the order
in which items were actually seen by the visitors, and
which suggestions they were prone to accept the
most, it will be possible to enrich the information
contained in the resources' complex network, and
then design a so-called “optimal path” for visiting the
museum. The museum could then easily adapt to its
visitors' preferences, that is, learn from previous
In this paper we proposed an innovative approach to
exploit the resources hosted on a museums and the
like, by leveraging ITC technologies on one side, and
a powerful statistical model called complex network
on the other. We described several ways in which this
integration might take place.
The enhanced capabilities of museum resources as
parts of a complex network could be leveraged for
enhancing on-site visitors' experience, providing
them with different alternative paths to fully enjoy
their visit. For instance, a visitor could choose among
a “chronological”, “paintings by artist”, or a
“stylistic” path, by simply selecting his/her choice
through a dedicated mobile application, specifically
designed to work with the complex network
associated to the resources in the exhibition. This
could also mean that, by studying the visitors'
preferences with regard to the different visiting paths
(performed through the analysis of the data collected
via the mobile apps), it will also be possible to place
the resources accordingly to the most popular paths
(e. g., visitors might be more interested in seeing
paintings first from an artist, than from another, and
so on, in a “paintings by artist” fashion). As indoor
localization services are currently a trending topic
(Mighali et al., 2015) in the tourism industry,
succeeding in leveraging the resources which a
museum holds for improving cultural experience and
indoor localization technologies represents a fairly
attractive opportunity for both research and industry.
Museum resources could also be described
through metadata associated to visitors' paths
preferences, which will be used for characterizing a
binary relationship between resources (e. g., two
paintings could be linked together when most of the
visitors prefer to see them one after the other), thus
revealing connections that were previously hidden or
not apparent.
Studying the relationship between path
preferences and the so-called 'hypercongestion' (i. e.,
the number of visitors exceeds musem's physical
space capacity) will also serve as an indicator of how
visitors react to a more crowded environment, as a
similar study on this subject (Yoshimura et al., 2014),
conducted on the Louvre museum, has tried to
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