1. We propose to model context-information as se-
mantic or social to investigate their role in satisfy-
ing user needs.
2. We define user profile and music profile based on
semantic and social information. Semantic infor-
mation reflects music description and user inter-
ests while social information reflects music popu-
larity and user behaviour.
3. We propose a personalized ranking model that
combine both music-context and user-context
which can be semantic, social, or both. The model
allows the user to choose the most suitable setting
for his needs.
4. we evaluate our model on real world dataset from
and show that user-context that com-
bines both semantic and social information out-
performs all other settings.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows: Section 2 reviews the related work, Section 3
describes the framework of KISS MIR, Section 4 in-
troduces user and music profiles, Section 5 describes
our scoring model, Section 6 presents our experiment
setting and results, and Section 7 concludes the paper.
Existing user-centric MIR approaches can be divided
into two main classes. The first class of approaches
exploits music-context to improve user access to
music. Concretely, they rely on music annotation
with semantic labels. Some approaches annotate
music with emotions and they rely on emotion detec-
tion based on music content (Li and Ogihara, 2006;
Huron, 2000; Kaminskas and Ricci, 2011; Braun-
hofer et al., 2013). While some other approaches
combine human-annotated tags with music content
for emotion detection (Lee and Neal, 2007; Saari
et al., 2013; Y.Song et al., 2013; Lamere, 2008; Feng
et al., 2003), multimodal music similarity (Zhang
et al., 2009), artist descriptions (Pohle et al., 2007),
music pieces characterisation (Knees et al., 2007),
verifying the quality of music tag annotation via
association analysis (Arjannikov et al., 2013), or via
multi-label classification (Sanden and zhang, 2011) .
The second class of approaches exploits user-
context to build user profile for personalized MIR.
For instance, (Hoachi et al., 2003) propose to build
user profile based on what he likes and what he
hates. Moreover, (Celma et al., 2005) use Friend Of
A Friend (FOAF) documents to define user profile.
While, in another work, (Herrara, 2009) suggest that
user profile can be categorised to three domains:
demographic, geographic and psychographic. Addi-
tionally, (Chen and Chen, 2001) derive user profile
from his access history and (Boland and Murray-
Smith, 2014) capture the change of user profile over
In our work, we aim at enriching the user search
experience, by combining both music-context and
user-context in the retrieval process. The most simi-
lar approaches to our are music recommender systems
that help users to filter and discover music accord-
ing to their tastes (Bugaychenko and Dzuba, 2013;
Celma et al., 2005; Chen and Chen, 2001; Chedrawy
and Abidi, 2009). While these approaches provide
music recommendation that matches user profile, we
are providing a music search system with personal-
ized ranking involving the user in the center of the
retrieval process.
KISS MIR consists in combining both music-context
and user-context in the music retrieval process. To
extract these contexts, we exploit social networks as
a prominent and rich source for information about
both music properties and user activities. The first
step towards this goal is to understand (1) which kind
of information can we find in such networks and (2)
how can we use it to extract music and user contexts.
To this end, we distinguish the following entities as
main components of the information provided by so-
cial networks:
1. Users: represent the participants to a social net-
2. Music Tracks: represent the content shared by
users in a social network
3. Descriptions: represent tags or annotations pro-
vided by users to describe music tracks. Tags can
also be exploited to indicate user preferences.
4. Reactions: represent user feedback reflected by
different actions (comment, like, dislike, favourite,
etc). Reactions capture user interests and the pop-
ularity of music tracks. In some cases, they also
categorize interests as negative or positive (like,
dislike, etc.)
5. Communities: represent sets of users who are in-
terconnected. Users can be linked based on dif-
ferent criteria such as friendship, location, be-
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval