We have described in the present paper a
formalization of the enrichment method, which
consists of adding syntactic properties to the existing
annotation. This method is based on three main
phases: the enrichment problem formalization, the GP
induction and the regeneration of the ATB with
property annotations. The heart of the enrichment
method is specially in the third phase. It consists on
the verification of the satisfaction of the GP property
for each ATB phrase. The verification result is used
to enrich the ATB. We had good experimentation
results and various properties of different types in the
enriched ATB.
As perspectives, in order to offer a very precise
representation of the syntactic information in the
ATB, we can enrich or improve the relation set
presented in the induced GP. For example, proposing
an interpretation of the dependency property or
modify the description of the obligation and exclusion
properties. In future works, we can optimize our
enrichment method by integrating several control
mechanisms into determining syntactic categories
and verification of their properties. We can go further
by applying our enrichment method to other
annotated corpora obtained from existing parsers.
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