• Color Tiles: The second stage, color zones, cre-
ates many colored tiles. The Polyminis need again
match a target color. This is with the added dif-
ficulty of having to move to the tile of the tar-
get color. Individuals evaluation happens at each
step of the simulation. The same method as in
stage 1) evaluates them when they are standing
on the right color tile. Polyminis get a penal-
ization if they stand in the wrong tile. This re-
ward/punishment increments with the indiviual’s
sequential successes or misses. At the end of the
run, the mean evaluation determines the fitness for
the Polymini. A new color sensor was added to
this stage to allow the creature to sense the color
of the tile they were standing on, for this effect the
translation table used in this scenario was identi-
cal to Table 1 except a the new color sensor was
added with the same probability factor in the first
level. An interesting avenue to expand this work
would be adding a color actuator that allows the
Polymini to change cell colors during the simula-
tion, achieving camouflage capabilities similar to
the octopus.
6.2.2 Matching Shapes
Exploratory experiments were done on shape match-
ing, mainly as an exercise to on board new collabora-
tors due to the simple nature of the problem.
It was mentioned at the beginning that this work cov-
ers only the proof of concept and feasibility study of
the original idea, so a lot of directions could be taken
from this point. The most obvious extension to this
work is to increase the variety of sensors, actuators
and traits the creatures can evolve, as well as the sce-
narios in which they develop. Another direction we
would like to explore is to use coarse grain parallelism
and explore the effects of specialization, migration
and isolation (Kazunori, 2008) (Sisnett, 2012). Co-
evolution and competition are areas that could easily
be explored using this framework as well. Other re-
search vectors that have had some success and would
fit in the scope of the framework are energy or feeding
systems, to encourage simpler more efficient designs
or inclusive food-chains; crowdsourcing evaluation of
aesthetics or social interactions could allow for a large
audience engagement (Orkin, 2013)). Work to create
tooling for scenario creation and management as well
of analytics of populations would go a long way into
achieving the goal of multi-disciplinary engagement
with the project.
After the first stage of the project, we have proved
that the framework can evolve both morphology and
control of creatures to achieve high-level goals. Pat-
tern discovery and refinement can be observed in the
Polyminis even after very few iterations. Investment
in systems that allow the involvement of a wider
amount of disciplines and interest levels will allow
the exploration of barely touched areas of Evolution-
ary Computing, such as the overlap between it and
art or the opportunities in assisted game design and
creature creation. We believe exposing this tooling
and framework to this other disciplines will allow the
framework to grow into areas of interactive simula-
The author would like to thank Riot Games Inc, for
the support on this project. The University Of South-
ern California Games Pipe Lab for providing feed-
back in the early stages of the project, and Jorge Issa
and Ricardo Rey from Oracle MDC for their help in
the development of experiments.
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A Flexible and Simplified 2D Environment for Evolving Autonomous Virtual Creatures