Cybersecurity and Honeypots: Experience in a Scientific Network
Juan Luis Martin Acal, Gustavo Romero L
opez, Pablo Palac
ın G
omez, Pablo Garc
ıa S
Juan Juli
an Merelo Guerv
os and Pedro A. Castillo Valdivieso
Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnolog
ıa de Computadores, ETSIIT - CITIC, University of Granada, Granada, Spain
Security Systems, Honeypots, Cybersecurity, Network Infrastructure.
When dealing with security concerns in the use of network infrastructures a good balance between security
concerns and the right to privacy should be maintained. This is very important in scientific networks, because
they were created with an open and decentralized philosophy, in favor of the transmission of knowledge, when
security was not a essential topic. Although private and scientific information have an enormous value for an
attacker, the user privacy for legal and ethical reasons must be respected. Thus, passive detection methods in
cybersecurity such as honeypots are a good strategy to achieve this balance between security and privacy in the
defense plan of a scientific network. In this paper we present the practical case of the University of Granada in
the application of honeypots for the detection and study of intrusions, which avoid intrusive techniques such
as the direct analysis of the traffic through networking devices.
From the earliest days of computer networks, these
have been experiencing continued growth in num-
ber of attacks (ESSET Latino Am
erica, 2015; CNI-
Centro Critogr
afico Nacional, 2014; CNI-Centro
afico Nacional, 2015). The complexity of
these attacks against the information and resources in
the networks has also increased. This escalation is
motivated by economic, politic or military interests
or by the same entities interested in exercise a big-
ger control over communication freedom in the Inter-
net (CNI-Centro Critogr
afico Nacional, 2015; Cisco
Technology Inc, 2014).
Although private and scientific information have
an enormous value for an attacker, the user privacy
for legal and ethical reasons must be respected by the
Chief Security Officer (CSO). Scientific networks are
a special and interesting case; in one hand there is
a strong demand of security in the network and the
resources and services which are listening. On the
other hand, the end users demand privacy in his net-
work traffic covered by the law. But classic Scientific
networks were not designed thinking in security con-
cerns (Subdirecci
on General de Organizaci
on y Au-
on, Secreta
ıa General T
ecnica, Ministerio de
on y Ciencia, 1985). In contrast to the cor-
porate networks, which usually have grown from the
intranet to the Internet, and which have the most of
hosts behind the demilitarized zone (DMZ), the sci-
entist networks were born with an open philosophy
without focusing on security (Subdirecci
on General
de Organizaci
on y Automaci
on, Secreta
ıa General
ecnica, Ministerio de Educaci
on y Ciencia, 1985).
Only technical requirements such as the limited num-
ber of public IP address forced it to expand private
services to the intranet. The information related to re-
search, patents, computer and human resources is a
juicy target for hostile agents. Also, the big size of
the DMZ makes it prone to a massive attack and in-
creases the possibility of finding a security breach or
hide advanced vectors of attack. In this scenario the
passive sensors have an important role in the detection
and protection against cyber-attacks.
In this paper is presented the deployed of a se-
curity system in the University of Granada based in
passive sensors in order to avoid intrusive techniques
such as the direct analysis of the traffic through net-
working devices, and also it is exposed some test with
the finality of complementing the manual tracking of
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Sec-
tion 2 the characteristic of the passive sensor and the
infrastructure used are expected. In the section 3, the
Acal, J., López, G., Gómez, P., Sánchez, P., Guervós, J. and Valdivieso, P..
Cybersecurity and Honeypots: Experience in a Scientific Network Infrastructure.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Computational Intelligence (IJCCI 2015) - Volume 1: ECTA, pages 313-318
ISBN: 978-989-758-157-1
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
analysis of the registered data is presented. A critical
analysis of the strong and weak points for the infras-
tructure exposed is made. Section 4 explains some ex-
periments with machine learning based in Kohonen’s
self-organizing maps (SOM) (Kohonen, 1990) in or-
der to improve the data analysis. Finally, we present
concluding remarks and suggestions for future study.
This section describes the deploy of the system re-
sponsible for detecting the malicious activity in the
network infrastructure and its components. Also, the
elements and methods to use will be described.
2.1 Honeypots
A honeypot is a computer trap that exposes itself as
bait. While the honeypot is scanned, probed or com-
promised by a cyber attack, it is collecting informa-
tion about the malicious activity. The deception tech-
niques have been present in tracking of security in-
cidents (Cheswick, 1992; Fred Cohen, 1998), even
before its use in security software such as DTK
Honeypots were introduced in the cyber security in-
vestigation world by “The Honeynet Project” a non-
profit research group in 1999, in their series of pa-
pers “Know Your Enemies” (Project, 2000). There
are different classification characteristics such as in-
teraction, distribution appearance or role in multi-tier
architecture (Seifert et al., 2006). The interaction is
the degree of fidelity in the response of the trap. The
distribution appearance describes whether the honey-
pot system appears to be confined to one system or
multiple systems. Role, describes in what role acts
within a multi-level architecture and can be server or
There is not an ideal configuration of features, or
distribution of them inside de network, as there ex-
ist a huge effect on the nature of the threats and in
the infrastructure to protect. For example in software
development environments, high interaction are used
for testing new products with fuzzers or another type
of Penetration Testing (informally called pentesting)
tool (Ari Takanen, 2008) in order to discover poten-
tial vulnerabilities. On the other hand, low interaction
honeypots are used like intrusion detection systems,
warning about activity of scans or jumping attempts
from compromised internal hosts within production
environments. Both share a common point: they are
not intrusive with the network traffic.The architecture
in our system is divided in two fronts:
The management front has the task to help the op-
erator to manage all the information related to se-
curity incidents.
The detection front is based on honeypots of
medium and low interaction with stand-alone dis-
tribution appearance and server role.
2.2 Deployment
The sensors were deployed in different production
subnets and each one included honeypot software.
Specifically Dionaea
and Kippo
, which are low and
medium interaction honeypot respectively. Each sen-
sor has local databases with the purpose of saving
efficiently the information about attacks, while it is
waiting to dump the data in the collector. This is
done in order to keep the information duplicated and
prevents an abusive use of communication between
sensors and collector, in case of massive scans or at-
tacks. Between two consecutives data dumps to the
centralized data collector, the sensors send incidents
by mean of the Linux client of the messaging software
to the operator, in time-lapses lower
than 5 minutes. The collector is a corporate database
that feeds the incidents management system, and it is
the source of the analyzed data.
This section is details the analysis of the information
gathered and the behavior of detected cyber threats.
We explain how this information shows the stages of
the complex threats involved in multivector attacks,
and the finality behind of advanced threats is discov-
For three years each sensor collected information
of about half a million of connections. The analysis
of this high amount of information has provided the
next facts:
External attacks are more frequent than internal
In one hand the most frequent type of external
attacks was weak credentials disclosure. On the
other hand, the most frequent type of internal at-
tack is the attempt of malicious software (mal-
ware) propagation.
ECTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
The incident tracking shows how countries out-
side NATO are the most active in the process of
scanning and searching for vulnerabilities; but cu-
riously most of the intrusions come from NATO
member or member candidate countries. It is im-
portant to note that this data depends on the ge-
olocation where was taken and the relationship
with other countries (Wikipedia-Community, a;
Wikipedia-Community, b).
Figure 1: On the left, the number of IP involved in exter-
nal attacks versus internal attacks detected by Dionaea from
17-11-2010 to 02-04-2014. On the right, the number of IP
involved in external attacks versus internal attacks detected
by Kippo between 09-05-2011 and 05-03-2014.
Collected data shows how external attacks are the
most frequent source of attacks as it is shown in Fig-
ure 1. This matches with studies of big security IT
enterprises (Verizon Enterprise, 2015). Several con-
nections were obtained, some of them from scans to
the network infrastructure and others looking for ex-
ploiting vulnerabilities or services without strong cre-
dentials. With respect the latter, it is necessary to em-
phasize those that shown a more advanced level in the
process of intrusion because were linked to Advance
Persistent Threats (APT) (Sood and Enbody, 2013).
One of the greatest dangers for IT infrastructures of
governments, public administrations and companies
are APT. A cyber threat is persistent if it is contin-
uous in time and establishes monitoring and control
mechanisms with a hostile agent. It is defined as ad-
vanced if it uses mechanisms in order to hide its ac-
tivity in the system. Usually, APT are related with cy-
berspying and elite groups of cybercrime and they are
attacks directed against a specific infrastructure. For
this reason, it is a priority to detect and study them.
The most frequent type of attack from inside the
network, it was malware propagation as it is shown
in Figure 2. Usually, it belongs to advanced and per-
sistent threats included in multivector attacks. A at-
tack is multivector whether it exploits multiple vul-
nerabilities in order to reach the intrusion and com-
promised goals. When a Windows host belonging to
the infrastructure was compromised by a USB drive,
after had communicated its incorporation to the ded
and control server of the netbot, it started to scan its
neighbors within the subnet. Then, it established con-
nections with the sensors that emulated the ms08-067
(Microsoft, 2008) vulnerability. After this, it com-
manded to the honeypot software to download the bi-
nary of trojan from a external web servers. This strat-
egy avoided that firewalls blocked external infections
to internal hosts through Server Message Block proto-
col (SMB) services. Finally, the infected host, would
tried to spread the infection, scanning and attacking
others subnets. This process is named jumping. In
our system, this last stage was prevented by the low
interaction characteristic.
Figure 2: The malware was main source of internal attacks,
and shows a advanced behavior involved in multivector at-
It is quite difficult to follow the clue for rebuilding
a multivector attack. Usually the exploitation of SSH
or MySQL weak credentials is the first step to gain
the control, or access to data, in the emulated server.
But only a very reduced part shows a clever behavior
behind the attack. Between hundred of thousand of
connections only a few ones shows access to the fake
information such as fake passwords. Then, intelligent
attacker tried to use this information against other ser-
vices with the purpose of “jumping” inside them. A
bit more frequent is the attempt to privilege elevation.
But the common behavior is to use the basic vulner-
ability in order to use his network and computational
resources as soon as possible. This resources were
collected to be used in tasks like miner Litecoin
, in-
crease the number of nodes for other network scans,
for a future deny of service (DoS) attack or to use the
compromised host like a anonymous proxy.
When we rebuild the trace of the attack, the first
advanced behavior that we find is the use of differ-
ent hosts for scanning the infrastructure and change
to others hosts for the exploitation. The attack starts
to scan subnets usually from countries without col-
Cybersecurity and Honeypots: Experience in a Scientific Network Infrastructure
laborations accord, in our case China but finally the
exploitation is from Europe or United States.
The strengths of honeypots and the deployed system
It was not intrusive with network traffic, respect-
ing the privacy of infrastructure users. This is an
important point because any try to catch indirect
traffic network could be seen as a threat by other
users as an infringement of the using conditions
of the network and the legality.
The computational and economic resources
needed for passive detection are lower because
only the traffic belonging to a potential cyber
threat are available. This an alternative approach
to other solutions, more expensive, like intrusion
detection systems based in hardware.
Cyber threats, such as advanced malware, use ci-
phered communications in order to dodge detec-
tion systems in the network layer. The only way
to catch information is from inside of the compro-
mised node. This is essential to analyze how per-
sistence cyber threats monitor the compromised
host and what information is sent outside, to the
command and control network.
The weakness of honeypots and the deployed system
There are many cyber threats focused in the net-
work layer, usually related with deny of services
and spoofing. This information is very valuable
because this kind of attacks are a very important
element, not only in simple vector attacks, in mul-
tivector advanced and persistent attacks too. Hon-
eypots only fetch information from the applica-
tion layer so they lose essential information for
reconstruction of complex attacks.
The use of passive sensors in a security system
must be planned with some extra considerations
respect to the use of active methods of detection.
Those considerations cover strategies of decep-
tion and hiding of the sensors and politics of mi-
grations in the infrastructure for avoiding it’s lo-
Like others deception tools, honeypots must
show as interesting targets for an attacker and
avoid to be easily recognizable by fingerprint
techniques. Default installations and configu-
rations in low an medium interaction honeypot
are easily detected by a human attacker or an
intelligent threat like advanced malware.
When the attacker has knowledge of the infras-
tructure, honeypots are easily dodged so they
must be deployed together with policies of use,
like change its subnets or IP every so often.
High interaction honeypots are dangerous in
production environments because the moni-
tored sensor is completely real and it has po-
tential to attack periphery. Usually they are de-
ployed in isolated subnets with outgoing traffic
strongly restricted in company of others honey-
pots. That configuration is called honeynet.
In this section, we expose an experiment with Self-
Organizing Maps so as to classify information and we
comment some interesting results.
Figure 3: On the left, the first subset of gathered attacks. On
the right, the second subset of gathered attacks. Some ser-
vices shows clusters more dispersed than other. Both were
taken on different dates and have some different types of
In order to classify the information of detected at-
tacks, we apply the classification method described
in (Panda and Patra., 2009), in two subsets of data.
The first advantage is the simplification of the col-
lected information derived from the dimensional re-
duction intrinsic to the method. The attacks are or-
ganized in 2D clusters. This allows identify some
interesting characteristics. The first thing that draws
our attention in Figure 3 is how the attacks to HTTP,
Microsoft SQL Server (MSSQL) and Session Initia-
tion Protocol (SIP) are concentrated in areas better
ECTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications
Figure 4: Union between firs and second subset. The information is self-organized around the second diagonal and it was
detected a fake attack to a hidden MySQL port such as a individual cluster.
defined. It is because the cyberthreats showed less
variability in their dimensional components. This can
be explained by the nature of the connections of the
attacks and the characteristics of the software used.
A sweep scan to search for services in parallel with
tools such as Nmap
or malware with a very aggres-
sive behavior, have a great variability in the compo-
nent ”source port”. On the other hand, when the con-
nection comes from targeted attacks or advanced mal-
ware, the behavior observed is discrete so as to avoid
intrusion detection systems, variability is lower.
Finally, information about fake advanced attack
was injected in the first subset and the union of the
previous subsets in a third subset was built. The in-
formation from both honeypots is arranged around the
second diagonal. In the lower right area a cluster with
connection attempts to MySQL service number dis-
played readily inverted port. Changing the default
port number is a common practice to hide services.
Port scannings with reverse numbering or multiple of
the original denotes an intelligent behavior Figure 4.
SOM allow to obtain visual information to study it
easily looking for anomalies, candidates to attacks,
with a intelligent behavior.
We have exposed how it is possible to develop a secu-
rity system based in passive sensors. The range of de-
tected attacks goes from elementary scans, to attempts
of intrusions and malware injections. Although it is
possible to identify and track manually APT, this is
not efficient, and easily APT can pass unnoticed. An-
other problem is that the caught information with low
interaction honeypots, it is restricted to the applica-
tion layer. Classification methods initially discover
information hidden by the large volume of data. For
this reason, it is proposed for future works the anal-
ysis of data from different sources in hybrid archi-
tectures, with different levels of interactions and the
comparison. The use of different machine learning
methods, supervised or unsupervised, in order to im-
prove the detection of cyber threats will be studied.
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ECTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Evolutionary Computation Theory and Applications