• The incident tracking shows how countries out-
side NATO are the most active in the process of
scanning and searching for vulnerabilities; but cu-
riously most of the intrusions come from NATO
member or member candidate countries. It is im-
portant to note that this data depends on the ge-
olocation where was taken and the relationship
with other countries (Wikipedia-Community, a;
Wikipedia-Community, b).
Figure 1: On the left, the number of IP involved in exter-
nal attacks versus internal attacks detected by Dionaea from
17-11-2010 to 02-04-2014. On the right, the number of IP
involved in external attacks versus internal attacks detected
by Kippo between 09-05-2011 and 05-03-2014.
Collected data shows how external attacks are the
most frequent source of attacks as it is shown in Fig-
ure 1. This matches with studies of big security IT
enterprises (Verizon Enterprise, 2015). Several con-
nections were obtained, some of them from scans to
the network infrastructure and others looking for ex-
ploiting vulnerabilities or services without strong cre-
dentials. With respect the latter, it is necessary to em-
phasize those that shown a more advanced level in the
process of intrusion because were linked to Advance
Persistent Threats (APT) (Sood and Enbody, 2013).
One of the greatest dangers for IT infrastructures of
governments, public administrations and companies
are APT. A cyber threat is persistent if it is contin-
uous in time and establishes monitoring and control
mechanisms with a hostile agent. It is defined as ad-
vanced if it uses mechanisms in order to hide its ac-
tivity in the system. Usually, APT are related with cy-
berspying and elite groups of cybercrime and they are
attacks directed against a specific infrastructure. For
this reason, it is a priority to detect and study them.
The most frequent type of attack from inside the
network, it was malware propagation as it is shown
in Figure 2. Usually, it belongs to advanced and per-
sistent threats included in multivector attacks. A at-
tack is multivector whether it exploits multiple vul-
nerabilities in order to reach the intrusion and com-
promised goals. When a Windows host belonging to
the infrastructure was compromised by a USB drive,
after had communicated its incorporation to the ded
and control server of the netbot, it started to scan its
neighbors within the subnet. Then, it established con-
nections with the sensors that emulated the ms08-067
(Microsoft, 2008) vulnerability. After this, it com-
manded to the honeypot software to download the bi-
nary of trojan from a external web servers. This strat-
egy avoided that firewalls blocked external infections
to internal hosts through Server Message Block proto-
col (SMB) services. Finally, the infected host, would
tried to spread the infection, scanning and attacking
others subnets. This process is named jumping. In
our system, this last stage was prevented by the low
interaction characteristic.
Figure 2: The malware was main source of internal attacks,
and shows a advanced behavior involved in multivector at-
It is quite difficult to follow the clue for rebuilding
a multivector attack. Usually the exploitation of SSH
or MySQL weak credentials is the first step to gain
the control, or access to data, in the emulated server.
But only a very reduced part shows a clever behavior
behind the attack. Between hundred of thousand of
connections only a few ones shows access to the fake
information such as fake passwords. Then, intelligent
attacker tried to use this information against other ser-
vices with the purpose of “jumping” inside them. A
bit more frequent is the attempt to privilege elevation.
But the common behavior is to use the basic vulner-
ability in order to use his network and computational
resources as soon as possible. This resources were
collected to be used in tasks like miner Litecoin
, in-
crease the number of nodes for other network scans,
for a future deny of service (DoS) attack or to use the
compromised host like a anonymous proxy.
When we rebuild the trace of the attack, the first
advanced behavior that we find is the use of differ-
ent hosts for scanning the infrastructure and change
to others hosts for the exploitation. The attack starts
to scan subnets usually from countries without col-
Cybersecurity and Honeypots: Experience in a Scientific Network Infrastructure