Using this diagram, it is possible to identify the
main constraints with respect to the existence and
relationships of metamodel elements. By combining
both the ATD and the OFD, it is possible to
understand the restrictions and the consequences of
creating or deleting metamodel elements by
requesting and executing transactions. Also, a
contribution of this diagram is the explicit
representation of the relationships between
metamodel entities and respective cardinality and
dependency constraints that are not approached by
Herrmannsdörfer in his research, thus giving a more
comprehensive overview of the interaction amongst
the metamodel elements that define and compose the
metamodel structure.
In this paper we presented the modeling of the
ontological aspects surrounding the evolution of
metamodels according to new language specific
requirements. The presented Actor Transaction
Diagram (ATD), and Object Fact Diagram (OFD)
provide the essential aspects and knowledge with
respect to the main actors and transactions involved
in a metamodel adaptation. For that we used
Herrmannsdörfer coupled operations, more
specifically the structural primitive operations, on
account of being the ones that directly influence a
metamodel structure when a structural adaptation is
required. Also, the diagrams (in particular the OFD)
present the main constraints associated to the
existence of certain metamodel elements and their
relationships with other elements.
These insights concerning the cardinality and
existence constraints of these elements and their
relationships are not explicitly covered in
Herrmannsdörfer work, thus being a contribution for
understanding, from an ontological perspective, how
the structural elements of a metamodel interact
amongst them and what are the respective
dependencies. However, the main contribution of
this work was objectifying Herrmannsdörfer
metamodel evolution approach by using DEMO
white-box models. The models used provide a set of
advantages such as showing the composing
boundaries of a metamodel, the interface
transactions with actor roles in the environment,
presenting the interface units of collaboration,
showing the ontological units of competence,
authorization, and responsibility, providing a holistic
metamodel map, and identifying the essential
concepts of a metamodel.
Nevertheless, this work lacks a practical
validation, therefore being a limitation of our
research. A field study with real practical examples
could reinforce this research and would add a sound
validation. For future work, and to provide a more
thorough analysis of the ontology behind the
evolution of metamodels, other DEMO models can
be applied to this context, such as the Process Model
(PM) or even the Action Model (AM). Also,
applying a practical validation in the future would
consolidate this research.
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