seaRCHing”, as a new concept related to ontologies
able to change/adapt their knowledge (to learn)
through their users’ patterns of searching/reasoning.
The concept was inspired from the concept LEARCH
defined by (Ratliff et al., 2009) that means “LEArn-
ing to seaRCH” and was defined to represent algo-
rithms for imitation learning in robotics with the main
purpose to search something.
oLEARCH is a training materials search engine
application available to users by Internet. This system
learns from user’s searched training materials con-
cepts improving the KB.
The oLEARCH function uses an algorithm sup-
ported in an instance-based learning approach based
on user interactions. In instance-based learning, train-
ing examples are stored verbatim, and a distance
function is used to determine which member of the
training set is closest to an unknown test instance
(Witten and Frank, 2005). In oLEARCH, such dis-
tance function is represented by the semantic dis-
tance, which is the inverse of the semantic relatedness
between the users introduced concepts and the train-
ing materials classified in the reference ontology.
Thus, oLEARCH provides to the users a set of train-
ing materials that are close to their introduced con-
cepts in terms of semantic relatedness. Then, users are
able to select the most appropriated training materi-
als from this set of possible choices. These last users’
selections are also used, as a last feedback, to increase
the semantic relatedness weight of the selected train-
ing materials associated concepts.
The work described within this paper relates to the
development of a domain ontology, able to support
and describe the analysis of aquaculture production
data, but also, the training and IT services which com-
poses the AQUASMART platform. Although final
conclusions are not yet validated, preliminary analy-
sis led us to conclude that the Aquaculture domain is
lacking for semantic approaches which enable data
understanding intra and inter-organizations. The for-
malization and validation of a common semantic ref-
erence model, which is able to drive new and dynamic
collaborations between aquaculture companies and
consequently generate new business opportunities to
them, can be seen as first step towards semantic in-
teroperability. From an application scenario perspec-
tive, the objective of the AQUASMART semantic
referential will enable the understanding of data ana-
lytics resulting from the production data. The idea is
to semantically annotate the results of the correlations
found in batches of production data, with ontology
concepts in order to give meaning to data analytics
results. Multilingual is another important feature due
to the fact that knowledge transfer is one of the main
challenges to be addressed here.
With the proposed approach presented here, there
will be opportunity for innovation in the aquaculture
industry such as transforming data into global
knowledge, and use this knowledge to improve effi-
ciency, increase profitability and do business in a sus-
tainable, environmentally friendly way; Better and
perfect view of the life to date fish behaviour and the
living inventory (biomass) that exist in a farm, based
on the analysing of all environmental and biological
data that will exist in the local system and at global
level. By knowing the global parameters that affect
the production, the companies will be able to make
accurate estimations of the growth of the fish and the
result of the production every day.
The authors acknowledge the European Commission
for its support and partial funding and the partners of
the research project: H2020-644715 AQUASMART.
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