operator are discussed, with respect to their functional
and algebraic aspects and with reference to works
(Giordano et al., 2000; van der Hoek et al., 2005;
Kucera and Esparza, 2003). The accounts of actions
are made by applications of Heyting algebra, fixed
point theory, and semiring structure. They are also
related to trend coalgebra (Kurz, 1989).
(iii) Fixed point logic (Venema, 2006) may include
the present version, since the action modality may be
denoted by a fixed point. However, the mu-operator
requires some restriction that the operator may be as-
sociated with a monotone function. For a nonmono-
tonic case, we have backgrounds (Genesereth and
Nilsson, 1987; Yamasaki, 2006; Yamasaki, 2010).
(iv) As regards sequence formation in iDevice, it
is closely related to knowledge structure, where
the well-done sequence presents a beauty based on
mechanized formation of reasonable (simple) state-
transitions. Whether well mechanized formations of
a sequence for the origami crane by iDevice would
be a problem from the views of interaction techniques
with graphical designs of practical impacts. Concern-
ing URL references, a referential closeness is dis-
cussed with respect to the idea of successful sequence
of references. The sequence is related to the struc-
ture of semiring, captured by coalgebraic behaviours.
For a task as implementing heuristic cognition stages
of recovery from language, it is a methodological or
technical idea to automate grammatical rule appli-
cations, while the discussion of this positioning is
really concerned with state-constraint grammars be-
tween context-free and context-sensitive grammar hi-
erarchies (Kasai, 1970), simpler than the class of
constraint functional programming (Bertolissi et al.,
2006) and more classical than the recent studies of
(infinite) streams and languages by coalgebra (Rut-
ten, 2001; Winter et al., 2013; Winter et al., 2015).
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plementing cognitions or to making them graded up
as artificial (machine) intelligences, following the ad-
vanced theories from those (Genesereth and Nilsson,
1987; Reiter, 2001).
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