the prioritization rules, this graph is linearized in
analogous reverse search manner, yielding the final
σ. This reasoning process can either be applied a-
priori in order to provide and deploy fully qualified
M or it can be performed on-demand. Hence,
dynamics of the plant model can be met
appropriately. In conjunction with diagnostics, this
also permits the automatic generation of bypass
solutions for σ. In addition, other scenarios based on
sequences of actions can be handled with this
approach as well.
Although it appears to be a simple task at first
glance, a thorough examination of “standby” in an
industrial context requires broader consideration
beyond the original focus on energy efficiency.
Switching industrial plants to energy states during
non-productive times requires that consideration of
many details that extend into different adjacent
domains. This requires systematic and integrated
knowledge management that combines disparate
knowledge artefacts across the entire plant lifecycle.
This paper has highlighted aspects of knowledge
engineering significant for the enabling of
comprehensive advanced standby control (SC). In
addition, it presented an approach to the flexible,
automated provision of the necessary energy state
models and switching paths. Future work will
address the evolution of the tools and components
involved in plant automation, with the goal of
offering advanced SC as an integrated feature. Also,
in light of the evolving general frameworks, the
implications of advanced SC as a dedicated tool
must be evaluated in the contexts of predictive
maintenance and reliability-centered maintenance so
that its potential can be classified.
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