sulted more challenging, due to the intricate nature
of the WodrNet graph and its ”‘Big”’ dimensions in
terms of nodes and edges, particularly, when it is re-
quested a large-scale visualization. Thus, if we want
to simplify the visualization of WordNet, a redefini-
tion of the custom style and also the layout manager is
needed. In this regard, we have introduced three cri-
teria to simplify the view, with respect to efficiency,
effectiveness and clearness and have adopted them in
order to obtain two different representation of Word-
Net, which results more clear at first glance.
Starting from the consideration emerged in this
work, at least two different directions could be taken
for future investigations or researches. From the one
hand, it worth to deepen the comparison between
Cypher and SQL languages also through a perfor-
mance analysis, in order to appreciate the efficiency
of the language, in addition to the immediacy of the
first language; on the other hand, an improved charac-
terization of the criteria to simplify the view could be
investigated, and validated by usability tests in which
the user can express a consensus whether the repre-
sentation is friendly or not, and the information in-
side WordNet is easily accessible or not. Finally, also
the choice of the layout manager requires more at-
tention: ranging from the simple grid layout to the
elegant force-directed layout, it is important to under-
stand what is the layout that best suits the nature of
the data itself.
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