building large-scale search engines that are capable
of running in the Cloud. We restrict ourselves to
open-source libraries, including Lucene, Solr, mon-
goDB, Cassandra, and Hadoop. We explicitly do not
add extra implementation other that publicly availa-
ble components. We investigate each variation, in
terms of scalability through data partitioning, redun-
dancy through replication, consistency either
through the NoSQL databases or through open-
source synchronization libraries, such as Zookeeper.
The ease of management of the multi-node cluster is
also an important issue in our evaluation. Perfor-
mance plays a major part in our analysis. We build a
benchmarking platform on top of the systems under
investigation. For each variation, we construct a
small and a large cluster. In our experiments, we
measure both the speed of indexing as well as the
search time and the throughput of the searching
threads. The results of the experiments show that
Solr and Hadoop provide the best tradeoff in terms
of scalability, stability and manageability. Search
engines based on NoSQL databases offer either a
superior indexing speed, or fast searching times.
Unfortunately, they suffer from stability in their
integration implementations.
In the future, we plan to contribute to LuMongo
by fixing its memory leakage problem. A good con-
tribution would also be the extension of Solandra to
support SolrCloud instead of a single Solr instance.
Having done this, the owner of the large-scale search
engine would have the choice between either using
the Hadoop infrastructure or a NoSQL cluster instal-
lation depending on availability in his/her environ-
ment and his/her knowledge.
We would like to thank the Bibliotheca Alexandrina
for providing us with the necessary hard-ware for
conducting the benchmarking experiments.
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