data that, in turn, serve as input for knowledge dis-
covery and querying. Specifying a grammar by split-
ting terminals into meaningful disjoint subsets is one
of the easiest ways to describe syntax. It is even
simpler than regular expressions. The family of tier
grammars presented and investigated here has suffi-
cient expressive power to describe the syntax of many
data languages. Tier grammars can be extended and
combined, and predictive parsing is possible for all of
them. Tier grammars have the qualities that are im-
portant for data parsing, particularly for parsing big
data. The idea behind tier grammars that leads to
LL(1) conditions is considering nonterminals as an
ordered set and limiting productions to the forms in
which forward references in the right-hand sides are
always to the next nonterminal and backward refer-
ences are bracketed by terminals.
Tier grammars can be embedded into LL(1) gram-
mars. This gives a mechanism for defining multi-
ple variants of syntactically complex languages. The
LL(1) grammar part takes care of the syntactic diffi-
culties whereas the tier part enables easy syntax mod-
ifications with the guarantee of predictive parsing.
Defining stochastic tier grammars is easier than defin-
ing stochastic CFGs. Probabilities are givenfor termi-
nal membership in classes/sub-groups rather than for
productions. Tier grammar inference from positive
examples can be formulated as a discrete optimiza-
tion problem. Further investigation of all these topics
is beyond the scope of this paper.
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