Figure 5: Example of DL query about the action User Lo-
formalized by setting the related ontological prop-
erties ‘hasReadPassword’, ‘hasValidatedPassword’,
‘hasDisplayedMessage’ (see Fig. 4) as transitive.
The resulting ontology is compatible with the
query process such as illustrated in Fig. 5. In this
case, the system has well detected that the user called
‘Sarah Taylor’ is logged into the system.
From these experiments, we can observe that
UML activity diagrams could refine knowledge about
some processes such as the one presented in Fig. 2.
and create more properties and sub-properties into the
ontology as well as further update information about
the individuals. Thus, UML activity diagrams can be
widely used to design new dynamic ontologies, and
can also be considered as complimentary to dynamic
notations such as BPMN diagrams.
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with a dynamic domain. Hence, design notations
such as UML activity diagrams have been used and
translated into OWL in order to systematically model
and/or update ontological concepts and their relations.
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namic behavior and its transformation into structured
knowledge, leading to the development as well as re-
finement of a complex and large-scale ontology such
as ePronto for the University publication repository
(ePrints) system.
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UML Activity Diagrams for OWL Ontology Building