Table 5: The results of opinion type classification.
Type Recall Precision F-score
Speculation 0.54 0.47 0.51
Assertion 0.75 0.47 0.58
0.80 0.82 0.81
Proposition 0.64 0.62 0.63
recall was 0.31. This shows that when the predicate
expression appeared in the test data does not appear
in the training data, the system can not extract opin-
ion sentences correctly. When we added root form of
predicate (RP) to predicate expression (PE), we ob-
tained high recall, but low precision. This is because
there are not so many kinds of inflection of predicate
in a sentence.
When we added subject (Subj) to predicate ex-
pression (PE), precision was slightly decreased. How-
ever, recall was significantly increased, and we had an
improvement of F-score. The observation shows that
the integration of features is effective for opinion ex-
traction. When we used sentence position, recall was
worse while precision was better. A sentence posi-
tion which is effective to find opinion depends on the
opinion types. For further improvement, it is neces-
sary to investigate an effective sentence position ac-
cording to each type of the opinion. A sentence lo-
cation within a paragraph, and a paragraph location
appeared in the sentence significantly improve recall.
Similarly, When we used opinion type of the preced-
ing sentence, recall was improved. These features are
also effective to improve overall performance.
The experimental results show that the best result
was the combination of P, R, S, O, and T, and the F-
scored attained at 0.71. From the above observations,
we conclude that multiple combination of features are
effective for opinion extraction.
Next, we examined how the method correctly as-
signed a sentence to each type of opinion. As can be
seen clearly from Table 5 that the best result was hope
and F-score was attained at 0.81. In contrast, it is dif-
ficult to identify opinion to speculation as the F-score
was only 0.51. It is not surprising because the training
data assigned to speculation have various expressions,
and it is not easy to classified into speculation manu-
For future work, we will extend our framework
to improve overall performance against a small num-
ber of training data. We note that we used surface
information, i.e., noun and verb words in articles as
a feature. Therefore, the method ignore the sense of
terms such as synonyms and antonyms. The earliest
known technique for smoothing the term distributions
through the use of latent classes is the Probabilistic
Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) (Hofmann, 1999),
and it has been shown to improve the performance of
a number of information access such as text classifi-
cation (Xue et al., 2008). It is definitely worth trying
with our method to achieve type classification accu-
We proposed a method for opinion expression of ed-
itorial articles. Although training data and test data
are not so large, this study led to the following con-
clusions: (i) predicate expression, location and previ-
ous sentence are effective for opinion extraction. (ii)
results of opinion extraction are depend on the types
of opinion. Future work will include (i) incorporating
smoothing technique to use a sense as a feature, (ii)
applying the method to a large number of editorial ar-
ticles for quantitative evaluation.
The authors would like to thank anonymous review-
ers for their valuable comments. This work was sup-
ported by the Grant-in-aid for the Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science (JSPS), No.26330247.
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