(2006). The mocap data consists of sequences of 49
position vectors The RTRBM was trained with 200
hidden units for 100,000 iterations. Reconstructions
were produced in a similar manner as before except in
the final step the reconstructed vector was produced
by setting v
← W h
. The reconstructions failed
to produce distinct qualitative shifts under various
parameter shifts. The reconstructions produced under
(1,0.5), (1,0) and (0.5, 1),(0.1) both show deficien-
cies in modeling the trajectory and the movement of
the raw data. This suggests that the usefulness of this
procedure depends highly on the nature of the dataset
and the ability of an observer to interpret the results.
In the RTRBM the two sets of parameters, W
and W
, have very clearly defined roles. Given that
we know what these roles are, the nature of the
reconstructions may be unsurprising. However, when
scaling up to natural images the results of parameter
scaling may be less obvious. This is especially
true when the feature detectors have no obvious
interpretation. This demonstrates the potential use of
ANNs to observe distinct qualitative shifts in video
data. The results of this procedure when used with
mocap data are less enlightening. This may be due
to the inability of a human observer to correctly
interpret the results. For more abstract data sets this
becomes even more problematic. However, when
dealing with datasets that correspond to sensory
information, one should be able to see whether or not
a given parameter shift induces a qualitative change
in reconstructions. Even the absence of qualitative
shifts can prove informative as it can tell you that the
set of parameters chosen doesn’t correspond to a par-
ticular feature detector and may indicate an inability
of the network to use it’s resources optimally.
Figure 2: A comparison of two sample frames from recon-
structions of the bouncing balls under scaling factors (1,0)
(on the left) and (0,1) (on the right). Under (1,0) one can
see distinct balls. However, the balls stay mostly in the cor-
ners and exhibit very erratic movement. Under (0,1) distinct
balls are no longer visible but the motion is smooth.
The advantage in using ANNs over more realistic
biological models is their tractability. Although
biological neural networks may serve as inspiration
for the design of ANNs, when used for practical
purposes the resmblence of an ANN to a biological
neural network is inconsequential. For this reason
many do not consider the potential of ANNs to study
the function of the human brain.
As ANNs (and DNNs in particular) become
more and more capable of modelling sensory data,
more research is being done into the mechanisms
used by DNNs to model their data. Methods have
been developed that allow one to determine what
feature detectors a DNN comes up with after training.
With a known set of feature detectors and a good
way of inverting representations, one can examine
the effect of scaling functional groups of parameters
on reconstructions of input data. The effectiveness
of this procedure is demonstrated with the simple
example of the RTRBM. In the RTRBM there are
two sets of parameters used, the temporal and visible
weights. This allows us to bypass the process of
finding feature detectors. Furthermore, a single-layer
RTRBM has a straightforward inversion process by
simply sampling the hidden units and then using a
mean-field approximation to obtain a value for the
visible units. In the RTRBM we begin with a rough
idea of how each set of parameters is going to be
used by the network to model the input data. This
makes the nature of the reconstructions somewhat
predictable. Training a network on a more com-
plicated dataset we may be interested in modifying
other sets of feature detectors that are not known to
begin with. The effect of modifying these feature
detectors on the reconstructions may be less obvious
than it is in the RTRBM.
Following the above procedure gives us a corre-
spondence between distinct qualitative shifts in visual
reconstructions with a parameter shift of certain
feature detectors. Working backwards, specific
distortions in perception may be identified by those
suffering from mental or neurological disorders. Be-
ing able to match a specific kind of shift in visual data
to a mechanism in an artificial neural network may
provide a hint as to the mechanism that malfunctions
in the human brain to produce such a distortion. As
pointed out before the identification of a shift in
visual data with a mechanism in an ANN might be
an invalid comparison, as the mechanism used by the
ANN might be specific to the particular model. This
identification is made stronger when a large number
of ANNs produce a similar shift through similar
NCTA 2015 - 7th International Conference on Neural Computation Theory and Applications