have lower vertical leg stiffness, which leads to
enhanced braking time, and therefore, longer GCT.
Hence, measuring GCT may be of potential benefit to
investigate the presence of asymmetry and other
alterations as they occur during running. Previous
research showed 3.5% running asymmetries
regarding GCT in Australian Rules football players
while running on treadmill at their individual 80%
VO2max (Brughelli et al., 2010). Similar, Kong and
de Heer (2008) reported an average 3.6% asymmetry
between GCT of both feet in male Kenyan distance
runners. Six gait cycles each, obtained on treadmill at
five submaximal speeds, were analyzed in that study.
So far, the focus in the literature on mechanics in
running lies on constant velocity runs, mainly on
treadmill, or sprint protocols in the laboratory
(Brughelli et al., 2010; Kong and de Heer, 2008; Lee
et al., 2010; Rumpf et al., 2014). However,
technology applied is somewhat limited and restricted
to a specific place, which in turn might affect running
patterns. To seriously work on a specific parameter
and to investigate its variability over different phases
of a distance, the measurement system should be
applicable in field conditions and during entire trials.
By means of portable, light-weighted, and valid
inertial sensors the analysis of stride parameters, such
as GCT, is possible in the field over a whole time trial,
anywhere and anytime. So far, no studies have
evaluated the occurrence and change of asymmetries
in GCT during maximal running performance under
field conditions. Therefore, the aim of the present
study was to examine the asymmetries between GCT
of the right and left foot in elite runners and their
continuous changes over the course of a 5-km time
trial on an outdoor synthetic track.
2.1 Subjects
A total of 10 female and 15 male (24.5 ±3.4 years,
174.8 ±9.0 cm, 63.0 ±8.1 kg) orienteers, competing at
international level, were recruited to participate in the
study. The local ethics committee approved the study
and all participants provided written informed
consent before testing. A medical questionnaire was
administered to exclude athletes with any known
lower limb injury in the past 6 months.
2.2 Procedure
The measurements took place during a competitive 5-
km running time trial of the Swiss orienteering
national team. The time trial was one part of selection
criterion for the participation in the upcoming world
championships. After an individual warm-up session
the runs were carried out on a 400-m outdoor
synthetic track. The male and female runners started
as a group, respectively, whereby the gender groups
were again split in half to avoid too many runners on
track at the same time. The athletes were free to
choose their own pace in order to realize the shortest
time possible over the 5-km. Additionally to their
own sport watch, split times were provided every
200-m including verbal encouragement. The time
trials were performed in sunny weather with no wind
and air temperature constant at 24 °C.
2.3 Data Collection
Before the start of the testing, each subject received
two PARTwear sensors (HuCE-microLab, University
of Applied Sciences, Biel, Switzerland). The sensors’
validity and reliability in terms of GCT was recently
demonstrated (Ammann et al., under revision). Two
sensors were attached, by means of customized
elastics, to the shoe laces of the left and right foot.
The PARTwear sensor (size: 3.8 x 3.7 x 0.8 cm;
weight: 13 g) consists of a 9-axis MotionTracking
device MPU-9150 (InvenSense, Inc., San Jose, CA,
USA) that combines a 3-axial accelerometer, a 3-axis
gyroscope, and a 3-axis magnetometer.
Accelerometer data was recorded with a full-scale
range of ±16 g and a sampling rate of 1,000 Hz.
Sensor operation and data transmission was
established via Bluetooth and data processing took
place by the proprietary software. In order to assess
split times per 200-m for every athlete, two video
cameras (Handycam HDR-CX700VE, Sony
Corporation, Tokio, Japan) were placed on the track,
one on the 200-m line and one on the finishing line.
2.4 Statistical Analysis
Running velocity and GCT were averaged for each of
the 25 segments of 200-m. Relative asymmetry in
GCT between both feet was computed as in equation