The Eil51 problem was tested 100 independent
runs. From the experimental results the best tour
length and average tour length is selected. Standard
deviation of experiments is used to measure the
performance of benchmarked strategies. For each
data set the proposed algorithm can find the best tour
in almost each trial and the error rate is only 0.02%
away from the optimal. Standard deviation over 100
runs is 1,08358.
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new local search strategy which is called the
Vantage Point Bees Algorithm (VPBA). The
performance of the VPBA was significantly fast in
finding the optimal optimum of tested benchmark
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using 51-city TSP and the results were compared
with The Bees Algorithm with several local search
operators including simple (2 point) swap, double (4
point) swap, insert, 3 point swap, 2-Opt and 3-Opt.
Results shows that the VPBA outperformed the BA
with several other local search strategies.
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