ing such meaning implies having a rule to decide,
observing different patterns, whether or not there
exists a relation accessibility between two rooms.
Between rooms in an accessibility relation there
exists a door opening which can be with or without a
door. They are hundreds of different types of door.
Moreover, instead a door a curtain can be hung in
the door opening. In most cases this is impossible to
list all elements of the relation, which are independ-
ent of a single world state.
The meaning of “accessibility” can be defined as
a function that, for each global context involving all
our universe, gives us the list of pairs of accessible
rooms. The revers of this function grounds the
meaning of a concept in a specific world state. Link-
ing this with conceptualization we define a function
from a set of possible world states into extensional
relations. To formalize this function, we first have to
clarify what a world and a world state is. In the
stage of conceptual process aided by computer when
the conceptualisation is formed in the mind of de-
signer he/she try to externalize own concepts using
drawings. In other words initial solutions in the form
drawings being observable states of affairs constitute
states of designer’s world. In this paper to represent
the world state, the concept of visual site will be
used (Shimojima, 1996). A visual site is a drawing
along with a surface on which it is drawn. In general
different surfaces can be used for drawing, e.g., a
sheet of paper or a monitor screen. Two different
drawings on the same surface determine two differ-
ent visual sites. In visual design aided by computer,
monitor screen is a basic visual site on which be-
sides drawing some information from computer
system can be generated (Grabska, 2014).
Each designer generates his/her own world. Ob-
servable states of the world should be defined with
the reference to the notion of a design space S, i.e., a
piece of reality we want to model. In our case the
design space will be all configurations of rooms with
its components such as walls, doors, etc., which can
be treated as admissible floor-layouts.
Definition 2.2
A world is an ordered set of world states, corre-
sponding to the evolution of the design space in
Definition 2.3
Let S be a design space, D an arbitrary set of distin-
guished elements of S, and W the set of possible
states for S. The tuple (D, W) is called a domain
space for S.
A conceptual relation
of arity n
1 defined for a
domain space (D, W) is a function
:W →
from the set W into the family of all subsets of the set
of n-ary relations on D.
A conceptual relation is a function from a set of
possible world states into extensional relations. This
function allows one to extend the notion of concep-
tualization for all observable world states (Guarino
et al., 2009).
Definition 2.4
A conceptualization for W is a triple
C =
(D, W, R ),
D is a domain of discourse,
W is a set of world states, and
= {
is a family of all conceptual rela-
on the domain space (D, W)
In practical applications we use a language to de-
scribe the elements of a conceptualization. For in-
stance, accessible to is a predicate symbol which
expresses the fact that bathroom is accessible to
bedroom. The symbol represents a certain conceptu-
al relation. Our language denoted by L should com-
mit to a conceptualization. Let assume that L is a
first-order logical language with its vocabulary as
the set {bathroom, bedroom, living room, hall, ac-
cessible-to, adjacent-to}. We shall not consider
function symbols here.
The basic problem is to interpret each symbol
according to the conceptualization we commit to. It
turns out that the vocabulary can be interpreted in
many different ways even if the cognitive domain
and its subset – the domain of discourse were fixed.
A conceptualization is specified in two ways: exten-
sionally and intensionally. An extensional specifica-
tion of the conceptualization requires listing the
extensions of every conceptual relation for all possi-
ble worlds. However, it is impossible if the universe
of discourse D or the set W of possible states of
world are infinite. A conceptualization is often spec-
ified by means of examples related to selected world
states. A more effective way to specify a conceptual-
izations is to fix a language and to constrain its in-
terpretation in an intensional way, by means of axi-
oms called meaning postulates. For our example, we
can write simple axioms stating that accessible-to is
symmetric, irreflexive, and transitive, while adja-
cent-to is symmetric, irreflexive and intransitive.