Table 2: Results of the test dataset.
Baseline ArabRelat
Precision 0.59 0.74
Recall 0.21 0.67
F-measure 0.31 0.70
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
Confidence Threshold (α)
Figure 5: Effect of confidence threshold α on the system
with subset of the features. We assume the baseline
features are the lexical and syntactic features. We
show the effect of adding the Arabic-specific features
on the system accuracy. Table 2 shows the results of
the system using the evaluation test set. The results
show that while the baseline maintains good preci-
sion, it bitterly decreases the recall. ArabRelat im-
proves the precision by 15% over the baseline, and
improves the recall by 46%.
6.3.2 Effect of Confidence Threshold
Figure 5 shows the effect of the confidence threshold
α on the system accuracy using the test data. As the
value of α increases, the accuracy of the system in-
creases until it reaches its optimal value at α = 0.6.
For larger values of alpha the accuracy decreases be-
cause the number of instances which survive becomes
very small, thus more prone to false positive errors.
We set the default value of α to 0.6.
6.3.3 Human Evaluation Method
Due to the lack of public gold-standard Arabic rela-
tion data, we construct another test dataset tagged by
an Arabic speaker. We extracted 100 sentences of the
test dataset, an Arabic native speaker tagged each sen-
tence to a relation type. The speaker was given each
sentence and the two entities to be tagged, with a set
of relation types. The task was to tag each sentence
with a suitable relation type or none if the sentence
does not express a relation between the two entities.
Table 3: Human Evaluation Results.
Baseline ArabRelat
Precision 0.34 0.50
Recall 0.33 0.43
F-measure 0.34 0.46
We used a subset of 18 relation types. The results are
shown in Table 3. The precision of ArabRelat system
decreases due to the small size of the dataset, how-
ever, it still outperforms the baseline.
In this paper, we propose a novel Relation Extrac-
tion system for the Arabic language. The system uses
distant supervised learning to build a relation classi-
fier, without the need of prior labeled data. We in-
troduce new Arabic specific features that character-
ize Arabic relations. Our experimental results on sen-
tences extracted from Wikipedia show that the system
achieves 70% overall F-measure for detecting 97 re-
lation types.
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KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development