New Classification Models for Detecting Hate and Violence Web
Shuhua Liu and Thomas Forss
Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Jan-Magnus Janssonin Aukio 1, 00560, Helsinki, Finland
Keywords: Web Content Classification, Topic Extraction, Topic Similarity, Sentiment Analysis, Imbalanced Classes,
LDA Topic Models.
Abstract: Today, the presence of harmful and inappropriate content on the web still remains one of the most primary
concerns for web users. Web classification models in the early days are limited by the methods and data
available. In our research we revisit the web classification problem with the application of new methods and
techniques for text content analysis. Our recent studies have indicated the promising potential of combing
topic analysis and sentiment analysis in web content classification. In this paper we further explore new
ways and methods to improve and maximize classification performance, especially to enhance precision and
reduce false positives, thorough examination and handling of the issues with class imbalance, and through
incorporation of LDA topic models.
Today, the presence of harmful and inappropriate
content on the web still remains one of the most
primary concerns for web users. Our work on web
content classification is motivated especially by the
fact that certain groups of web pages such as those
carry hate and violence content have proved in
practice to be much harder to classify with good
accuracy than many others. There is a great need for
better content detection systems that can more
accurately identify excessively offensive and
harmful websites. In the mean time, advanced
developments in computing methods have brought
us many new and better means for textual content
analysis such as new methods for topic extraction,
topic modeling and sentiment analysis. It is our
intention to make use of these new developments to
develop better content classification models,
especially for the detection of violence, intolerance
and hateful web content.
Automatic classification of web pages has been
studied extensively, using different learning methods
and tools, investigating different datasets to serve
different purposes (Qi and Davidson, 2007).
Observing that hate and violence web pages often
carry strong negative sentiment while their topics
may vary a lot, we have in our recent study explored
the potential of combining topic analysis and
sentiment analysis in improving web content
classification (Liu and Forss, 2014a, 2014b). Topic
analysis consists of first topic extraction then topic
similarity analysis. In topic extraction we apply
different word weighting method and the centroid
based text summarization tool to determine the topic
representation for web pages and web categories.
The topic similarity between each web page and a
web category is then determined by computing their
cosine similarity. In sentiment analysis we assess the
sentiment tone and sentiment strength for each web
page based on its topic representation, applying
lexicon based sentiment analysis method
SentiStrength. The extracted topic similarity and
sentiment features form the data for learning
classification models applying alternative machine
learning methods.
Our study so far suggested that incorporating the
sentiment dimension can bring much added value in
the detection of sentiment-rich web categories such
as those carrying hate, violent and racist messages.
Classifiers However, there is still much room for
performance improvement on completely new test
sets. In order to help further improve the
performance of the classification models, especially
to increase precision and reduce false positives, in
this study we develop new models by incorporating
topic models, handling class imbalance in data, in
order to build the most discriminative binary
Liu, S. and Forss, T..
New Classification Models for Detecting Hate and Violence Web Content.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 487-495
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
classifiers for detecting Hate and Violence web
In Section 2, we present related research. In
Section 3, we describe our approach to web content
classification and explain the methods and
techniques used in topic extraction, sentiment
analysis and topic modeling. In Section 4 we
describe our data and experiments. We elaborate on
imbalanced learning problem and discuss the
methods and techniques for handling the issue. In
Section 5 Our results are present and discussed.
Section 6 concludes the paper and discusses possible
directions for future work.
Earliest studies on web classification already
appeared in the late 1990s soon after the web was
invented, exploring anchor description, link structure
(Chakrabarti et al, 1998, Cohen, 2002), hierarchical
structure (Dumais and Chen, 2000), web page
classification with Positive Example Based Learning
(PEBL) (Yu et al, 2004) and probabilistic relational
models (Getoor et al, 2001; Broecheler et al, 2010;
Fersini and Messina, 2013).
Addressing online safety and security problems,
Hammami et al (2003) developed a web filtering
system WebGuard that focuses on automatically
detecting of adult content on the Web. It combines
the textual content, image content, and URL. Last et
al (2003) developed a system for anomaly detection
on the Web using content-based methods, based on
clustering analysis of web content accessed by a
normal group of users. The content models of
normal behavior are then used to reveal deviation
from normal behavior at a specific location on the
web. Elovici et al (2005) studied terrorist detection
system that monitors the traffic emanating from the
monitored group of users, issues an alarm if the
access information is not within the typical interests
of the group, and tracks down suspected terrorists by
analyzing the content of information they access.
Calado et al (2006) studied link-based similarity
measures combined with text-based similarity
metrics for the classification of web documents for
anti-terrorism applications.
Studies most directly related with ours appeared
more recently. Warner and Hirschberg (2012)
presented an approach for detecting hate speech on
the web and developed a mechanism for detecting
some commonly used methods of evading common
“dirty word” filters. Kwok and Wang (2013)
developed classification models to detect Tweets
against Blacks. Djuric et al (2015) studied hate
speech detection in online user comments, and
proposed a method to learn distributed low-
dimensional representations of comments using
neural language models, which are then fed to a
classification algorithm as inputs. They address the
issues of high-dimensionality and sparsity.
3.1 Topic Extraction
3.1.1 Web Page Representation and Topic
One of the most popularly used text representation
methods is fixed-length vector space model of bag-
of-words, due to its simplicity, efficiency and often
surprisingly good level of accuracy and robustness
(although theoretically it also has some widely
acknowledged major flaws such as loss of word
ordering in text, and ignorance of word semantics).
We experimented with bag-of-n-grams in another
study and found that the models show certain
performance improvements in some cases, but not
always in a consistent way (Liu and Forss, 2014b).
Considering the much heavier computation related
with n-gram models and the uncertainty with
performance, in this study we only adopt the bag-of-
words representation, and treat each web page or
web category as a vector, with each column of the
vector is a word, with tf-idf weight as its value.
3.1.2 Topic Extraction for Individual Pages
For the purpose of web content classification, we
consider tf-idf term weighting based approach be a
sufficiently effective and more efficient approach for
topic extraction from a web page, as the extracted
content (terms) are only used as cues for classifying
the content instead of presenting to human users.
Textual information on a web page includes
multi-types. From our database, we found 18 out of
the 30 text attributes could be useful sources of
important content and will be used as raw text input
for features extraction. They belong to four groups:
(1) full page; (2) text paragraphs (a less noisy
version of the full page); (3) meta-content (url, title,
description, headings, highlights, special fonts, table
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
and list elements); (4) title and description of
outgoing links. These four types of content attributes
are used as raw data of the feature extraction
process, individually and jointly (details in section
4). By applying different compression rates, we
obtained different sets of topic words (top 500, top
1000 and top 15,000).
3.1.3 Topic Extraction for Collection of Web
From a collection of web pages that belong to one
web category, we obtain a topic representation of the
category through summarization of all the web pages
in the collection. Here we apply the Centroid method
based MEAD summarization tool (Radev et al,
2004) to the Hate and Violence web page collections
separately. MEAD has been a benchmarking multi
document text summarization tool. By applying
different compression rate, different sets of topic
terms can be obtained for each category. In our case,
we try to match up the number of extracted terms for
each web category with the number of extracted
terms for each web page, that is top 500, top 1000,
and top 15,000 respectively.
3.2 Page vs. Category Topic Similarity
We use topic similarity to measure the content
similarity between a web page and a web category.
Our web page-category similarity is simply
implemented as the cosine similarity between topic
terms of a web page and topic terms of each web
category. The Cosine similarity measure is generic
and robust. We consider it as a good starting choice
for our purpose.
3.3 Sentiment Feature Extraction
Sentiment analysis methods generally fall into two
categories: (1) the lexical approach - unsupervised,
use direct indicators of sentiment, i.e. sentiment
bearing words; (2) the learning approach -
supervised, classification based algorithms, exploit
indirect indicators of sentiment that can reflect genre
or topic specific sentiment patterns (Pan and Lee,
2008; Liu, 2012; Thelwall et al, 2012).
SentiStrength (Thelwall et al, 2010, 2012) takes
a lexical approach to sentiment analysis, making use
of a combination of sentiment lexical resources,
semantic rules, heuristic rules and additional rules.
While most opinion mining algorithms attempt to
identify the polarity of sentiment in text - positive,
negative or neutral, SentiStrength gives sentiment
measurement on both positive and negative direction
with the strength of sentiment expressed on different
scales. To help web content classification, we use
sentiment features to get a grasp of the sentiment
tone of a web page. This is different from the
sentiment of opinions concerning a specific entity,
as in traditional opinion mining literature.
We apply unsupervised approach with the
original SentiStrength system and modifications (Liu
and Forss, 2014a). For each web page, sentiment
features are extracted by using the key topic terms
obtained from the topic extraction process as input
to SentiStrength. This gives sentiment strength value
for each web page in the range of -5 to +5, with -5
indicating strong negative sentiment and +5
indicating strong positive sentiment. Considering
that the number of strong sentiment words also has a
large effect on the overall sentiment strength, we
defined an additional sentiment feature, which is
weighted sum of each of strong SentiStrength value
(-3, -4, -5 and +3, +4, +5) normalized on the total
number of words of the page.
3.4 LDA Topic Models
LDA (Latent Dirichlet Allocation) topic modeling
and its variations offer unsupervised methods for
extracting topics from a collection of web pages.
Topic models are probabilistic models for
discovering the hidden thematic structure in large
document collections based on a hierarchical
Bayesian analysis method (Blei et al, 2003; Blei,
2012). Topic modeling offers a more sophisticated
treatment of the topic extraction problem with an
unsupervised approach. By discovering patterns of
word use and connecting documents that embrace
similar patterns, topic models prove to be a powerful
technique for finding topic structure in text
collections. Topic models can help us answer
questions such as what topics are contained in the
document collection, what subject matters each
document discusses, and how similar one document
is to another. Topics are defined as a distribution
over a fixed vocabulary of terms; documents are
defined as a distribution over topics; with the
distributions all automatically inferred from analysis
of the text collection. Document distribution over
the topics gives a concise summary of the document.
When labeled data are available, topic modeling can
also be applied to build document classification
models, in which the topic features instead of word
features are used for learning with much reduced
Topic models have been applied to many kinds
New Classification Models for Detecting Hate and Violence Web Content
of documents, including email, scientific abstracts
and newspaper archives. Here we apply LDA topic
modeling to web pages. Raw data of each web page
is represented as bag-of-words, but the output
representation for each web page will be a
distribution over hidden topics in the web collection,
and the output representation of hidden topics will
be distribution over words. Unsupervised topic
models are very useful way to understand the overall
thematic composition and distribution of web pages
and collection. Supervised topic modeling on the
other hand can be applied to text classification
directly (Blei and McAuliffe, 2007).
4.1 Multiclass Classifier vs Binary
Our effective dataset for training is a collection of
about 80,000 web pages in 20 categories (multi class
single label). Many research have approached web
classification as a multiclass classification problem,
to learn a classification model that can assign any
new data to one of the multi- mutually exclusive
classes. Alternatively, multiclass classification can
also be mapped into a series of simpler binary
classification problems, and then the subsequent
combination of the outcomes to derive the multiclass
prediction (Rocha and Goldenstein, 2013).
Mapping multiclass problems onto a set of
simpler binary classification problems will run into
efficiency problems when there are hundreds or even
thousands of classes. However our problem has only
20 classes, which is easily manageable with 20
binary classifiers. Especially in this study our main
concern are the two classes Hate and Violence. So
binary classifiers are a natural choice for us.
There are in general three approaches to reduce
multiclass to binary classification problems: One-vs-
All, One-vs-One, and Error Correcting Output
Codes (ECOC). We take a practical approach and
develop binary classifiers using OVA, which we
consider most closely resemble the real practice.
4.2 Class Imbalance, Sampling
Strategies, Covariate Shift
Changing from multiclass classification to binary
classification brings an issue of class imbalance.
Table 1 shows the distribution of Hate and Violence
classes in our training and test sets.
Table 1: Data sets.
Size and Sampling of Data Sets
Training set Test set
data set
Hate 1733 (2.58%) 184 (5.84%)
Violence 1400 (1.92%) 135 (4.37%)
Highly skewed class distributions like ours are
not uncommon in real world applications. However,
learning algorithms usually assume that the ratios of
each class are close to equal and the errors
associated with each class have the same cost. With
imbalanced dataset, the cost gets skewed in favor of
the majority class, and models built with imbalanced
dataset will cause the underrepresented class to be
overlooked or even ignored. Thus, a common belief
is that we should balance the class prevalence before
training a classifier to improve performance.
Solutions for imbalanced learning thus include
sampling based, cost sensitive methods and active
learning methods. Resampling tries to achieve
dataset balance artificially so that the prevalence of
the minority class is enriched. Generally two
sampling strategies can be employed for balancing
the classes: oversampling (adding instances to the
minority class) and under-sampling (removing
instances from the majority class).
The SMOTE algorithm (Synthetic Minority
Over-sampling Technique) developed by Chawla,
Hall and Kegelmeyer in 2002, is a commonly used
over-sampling technique. It oversamples the
minority class by generating new minority-class
instances (e.g. creating artificial synthetic examples
of k nearest class neighbors), combines with random
under-sampling of the majority class. It has many
variations as well. Under-sampling strategy then
selects a subset of majority class samples randomly
thus increase the share of the target class. The
Wilson's Editing approach removes majority-class
instances which are too close to the majority-
minority class boundary. The EasyEnsemble and
BalanceCascade makes informed under-sampling
integrated with boosting (He and Garcia, 2009).
Resampling may or may not help, depending on
the problem. Zumel investigated if balancing classes
improves performance for logistic regression, SVM,
and Random Forests. She found that, “balancing
class prevalence before training a classifier does not
across-the-board improve classifier performance. In
fact, “it is contraindicated for logistic regression
models”, although it may help random forest and
SVM classifiers (Nina Zumel, 2015, KDNuggets).
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Another set of solutions is cost based learning.
Cost sensitive modeling weights the costs of
misclassifying the majority class (false negatives)
and the minority class (false positives) separately.
By training the learner to minimize overall cost it
gives more incentive for more true positives. Cost-
sensitive bootstrap sampling uses misclassification
costs to select the best training distribution. In
addition, there are also cost-sensitive ensembles, and
cost-sensitive functions incorporated directly into
classification methods: Cost-Sensitive Bayesians,
Cost-Sensitive SVMs etc. (He and Garcia, 2009).
A different view of the class imbalance problem
is that poor performance is caused by there not being
enough patterns belonging to the minority class, not
by the ratio of positive and negative patterns itself.
Generally when there is enough data, the "class
imbalance problem" doesn't arise (He and Garcia,
2009). Thus the essence of issues with imbalanced
learning is not only the disproportion of positive and
negative classes, but also the poor representativeness
of the minority class due to its small size.
The same issue could happen to majority class as
well. For example, in many classification tasks on
web scale, positive and unlabeled data are widely
available, whereas collecting a reasonable and
representative sampling of the negative examples
could be challenging, because the negative data set,
as the complement of the positive one, should
uniformly represent the universal set excluding the
positive class, but such probability distribution can
hardly be approximated (Yu et al, 2004).
When a dataset is artificially balanced, it often
implies that there is close to equal prior probability
of positive and negative patterns. When that is not
the case, the model could make poor predictions by
over-predicting the minority class. In practice it
often happens that the training set and test set not
only both have highly skewed class priors, but the
class distribution also very different from each other.
This is referred to as Covariate Shift issue, which
often cause model performance degradation in the
test set, which can be especially obvious with Naive
Bayes and Logistic Regression based classifiers
(Bickel et al, 2007).
4.3 Data Preparation: Preprocessing
and Feature Set
4.3.1 Raw Text and Pre-Processing
To prepare the text input for pre-processing, we
extract the textual content from the database and
create five alternative raw content: (1) full page +
meta-content, (2) full page + meta-content with up-
weighting (meta content applied twice), (3) text
paragraph + meta-content; (4) text paragraphs +
meta-content with up-weighting; (5) meta-content
only. The different text inputs will be tested out to
understand the effect of different text attributes.
Preprocessing include tokenization and stop-
words removing, no stemming. Same process
executed for the test set.
4.3.2 Feature Set
Topic similarity features contains cosine similarity
and its transformation and expansion: (1) Cosine
similarity with the target category; (2) Log cosine
similarity, (3) power to 1/2 1/3, ¼, 1/5, 1/6 of Cosine
similarity; (4) Cosine similarity adjusted by effect of
semantics on word frequency; (5) cosine similarity
adjusted by effect of semantics on tf-idf.
Sentiment features: (1) Counts of words with
SentiSrength value as -3, -4, -5, +3, +4, +5; (2)
weighted sum of word frequency and SentiStrength
value normalized on page length.
We also tried to explore the effect of outgoing
links through features based on count of number of
links in a page, as well as number of links that
overlaps with list of links from a collection of pages
for a web category (Hate and Violence).
These features are only relevant for classifiers
that combine topic and sentiment analysis. The LDA
topic model based classifiers only rely on the
distribution over topics of web pages.
4.4 Modeling for Detecting Hate and
To handle the data imbalance issues, we adopted an
under-sampling strategy, combined with cost
sensitive methods and threshold control to adjust the
model more in favor of the minority class. We
experimented with several different sampling
strategies including the natural distribution (close to
5_95, highly skewed), 20_80 (unbalanced) and
50_50 (balanced). This means we trained our models
using a training set where the target was present at
its native prevalence, as well as enriched by a large
multiplier to ten times and twenty-five times its
native prevalence or simply balancing the classes. In
cases of resampling, the negative samples are
uniformly drawn from the other 19 classes in the
original database.
To our surprise, although using different raw
data inputs resulted in different models, the
differences on performance level are not that
New Classification Models for Detecting Hate and Violence Web Content
significant. So we only continued with the option
that uses least amount of attributes.
We try to make full use of all the effective
positive samples of Hate and Violence. However, it
is unavoidable that the classes may be incompletely
sampled and falls short in coverage to represent a
complete reality. To address this and the covariate
shift issue, we incorporated semantic information
into the topic representation of the two classes. We
also apply threshold control on test set.
Semantics is incorporated into modeling process
through up-weighting of concept terms for Hate and
Violence, which are collected from ConceptNet
(, by extracting
terms that have associative relations (DefinedAs,
SymbolOf, IsA, HasA, UsedFor, CapableOf, Causes,
RelatedTo) with seed words such as Violence, Hate,
Racism, Discrimination.
Several model types are considered: NaiveBayes,
NaiveBayes Kernel, SVM, NeuralNet, in
combination with the different training sets utilizing
different raw text input. Cost-sensitive classifiers are
developed in which misclassifying a negative as
positive has a larger cost than misclassifying a
positive as negative. Different parameters in the cost
function are tested.
For LDA topic modeling based classifiers, we
adopted Mallet ( sLDA,
NaiveBayes models. The sLDA algorithm is a
supervised version of the LDA, where the number of
topics is set as the number of classes.
Models are evaluated against the same test set
(one for Hate, one for Violence) with the classes at
their native prevalence. Accuracy is not a good
evaluation metrics for imbalanced learning. So our
performance metrics focuses on Precision, Recall, F-
measure, PR curves.
4.5 Results and Discussion
Large amounts of experiments were conducted to
develop different types of classifiers for Hate and
Violence. Our experiences and key results are
summarized below.
4.5.1 Topic Vector and Raw Data Input
Our earlier experience indicated that the longer the
vector, the results are better. However, comparing
the three alternative topic vector lengths: 500, 1000,
15000, we found that the vector length 1000 showed
better results in this setting. So we continued our
experiments with topic length equals to 1000 words.
4.5.2 Sampling Strategies
When we build models the straightforward way,
with the training and test sets at native prevalence,
the results are not as good as the more balanced
datasets. The changing of model types does not
make much difference. Although the validation
results are decent, performance on test set very poor.
Enriching the target class prevalence during training
helped improve performance on both the validation
and test result (with the target at its native
All models performance degrades as target
prevalence decreases. Performance at natural
prevalence is worse than at the enriched prevalence.
May be oversampling can result in different
4.5.3 Modeling Methods
NaiveBayes models are calibrated to the training
distribution, thus changes in the distribution will
naturally affect model performance. SVM models
tend to stay more stable as SVM’s training
procedure is not strongly dependent on the class
distributions. However our SVM and NeuralNet
based models do not perform better than Kernel
based NaiveBayes models. And they take much
longer time in training the models, especially if we
consider cost-sensitive models.
With cost-sensitive models, setting the cost
function as TP (0), FP (1.5), TN (0), FN (1) seems
produce best result in terms of higher precision and
acceptable recall.
Threshold: tuning the threshold can help improve
precision and lower recall on positive class or the
other way around. We only apply threshold control
when tune the model performance on test set (range
0.1-0.4). Overall, we found that the effect of
threshold control is still rather limited (around max
3% gain in precision, with tradeoff on recall), can’t
bring performance up in a significant way.
However, LDA topic models based classification
performance is significantly better than all other
models – although the precision level for positive
class can be similar, recall level is much higher,
which gives room to bring up the precision level at
trade-off of recall level.
4.5.4 Performance
Lots of results were generated from extensive
experiments. The best performing models are
summarized in Table II. What we should note is that
our test set is collected totally separately from the
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
training set. It is thus very different from
performance results on a hold-out set in a more
common data mining sense.
Table 2: Best Performance Models.
Best Performing Models
(P: Precision, R: Recall, for target class)
Models Types
Classifiers for Hate
All features (with semantics,
outgoing link features), cost-
sensitive, threshold on test set
52.29% 30.98%
With links but no semantics,
cost-sensitive, threshold
53.26% 26.63%
No links, no semantics, cost-
sensitive, threshold
46.23% 26.63%
Topic models
52.00% 92.00%
All combined = with semantics, threshold, cost-
unction; Topic
models = no semantics, no threshold, no cost-
unction, no links
(details in a separate article)
Cosine similarity features considering the effect
of ConceptNet terms on tf-idf seems have no
positive effect on the classifier performance. But
features related with outgoing links seem to
contribute to improve precision and reducing false
Performance on Violence is rather disappointing,
and even consistently inferior to performance on
Hate. One obvious reason could be the size of the
samples, and the even weaker prevalence of positive
samples in the data set (both training and testing).
The other is that, there are more differences between
the training and test set for Violence. Up-weight of
meta-data brings down the recall level, increases
precision a little bit. We are continuing with
modeling for better Violence classifiers.
In this study we seek to improve content classifiers
for detecting Hate and Violence on the web. We
explored new ways and methods to enhance
precision and reduce false positives. We give
thorough examination of the issues with the dataset
reliability, class imbalance and covariate shift.
To handle class imbalance issue we looked at
different strategies and adopted the under-sampling
scheme. Our experiments indicate that artificial
balancing of the classes brings a positive effect on
the model performance. The balanced learning
overall produced models outperform the unbalanced
learning in terms of both the validation and testing
results. This is especially evident with validation
results. However, in neither case the classification
performance on the test set reached a satisfactory
level using current methods. We need to try the
oversampling approach.
We also noticed a rather big difference for
models’ performance on Hate and Violence.
Classifiers for Hate consistently outperform the
classifiers for Violence when same methods for
modeling are employed. This may be partly
explained by the difference in the size of their
training samples, as well as the difference in degree
of covariate shift. The training samples for Hate are
more similarity to its test samples than in the case of
Violence. This also means the covariate shift issue
has not been effectively handled yet. We need add
other methods for dealing with the shift of
prevalence of the target class.
In terms of the modeling methods, we find
NaiveBayes still a very competitive method in terms
of both efficiency and performance. When added
cost-sensitive learning, the model training process
become very intensive for other models such as
SVM and NeuralNet. Even if there may be some
gains of validation performance with more
complicated models, there is no guarantee that such
gains can be passed onto the test results as well. In
fact, the test results very often inferior to
NaiveBayes (Kernel) models. This again confirms
that a simple approach could often be competitive by
building very large models, and outperform more
sophisticated methods.
In our application, the feature set seems to have a
much bigger influence on performance than the
alternative modeling methods and threshold control,
which indicates that selection of good features is
critical to the classification results regardless of the
algorithms. With our previous models we were able
to achieve higher validation performance, may be
due to the reason that we included additional topic
similarity features (Liu and Forss, 2014a). So our
immediate next step improvement will incorporate
the rich topic similarity features we have identified
from our earlier studies, to include the topic
similarity of a web page to other 19 web categories
as well into the models for detecting Hate and
LDA topic modeling based classification models
already proved to be very promising approach and
we already started exploring more. In addition,
another natural extension is to integrate LDA topic
modeling based approach with similarity-based
approach. Other possibilities for future studies
include modeling using positive and unlabeled data,
New Classification Models for Detecting Hate and Violence Web Content
classifier ensemble, as well as integration of text
based and image based classifiers.
This research is supported by the Tekes funded
DIGILE D2I research program, Arcada Research
Foundation, and our industry partners.
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