Multiple Behavioral Models: A Divide and Conquer Strategy to Fraud
Detection in Financial Data Streams
Roberto Saia, Ludovico Boratto and Salvatore Carta
Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, Universit`a di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy
Fraud Detection, Pattern Recognition, User Model.
The exponential and rapid growth of the E-commerce based both on the new opportunities offered by the In-
ternet, and on the spread of the use of debit or credit cards in the online purchases, has strongly increased the
number of frauds, causing large economic losses to the involved businesses. The design of effective strategies
able to face this problem is however particularly challenging, due to several factors, such as the heterogeneity
and the non-stationary distribution of the data stream, as well as the presence of an imbalanced class distribu-
tion. To complicate the problem, there is the scarcity of public datasets for confidentiality issues, which does
not allow researchers to verify the new strategies in many data contexts. Differently from the canonical state-
of-the-art strategies, instead of defining a unique model based on the past transactions of the users, we follow
a Divide and Conquer strategy, by defining multiple models (user behavioral patterns), which we exploit to
evaluate a new transaction, in order to detect potential attempts of fraud. We can act on some parameters of
this process, in order to adapt the models sensitivity to the operating environment. Considering that our mod-
els do not need to be trained with both the past legitimate and fraudulent transactions of a user, since they use
only the legitimate ones, we can operate in a proactive manner, by detecting fraudulent transactions that have
never occurred in the past. Such a way to proceed also overcomes the data imbalance problem that afflicts
the machine learning approaches. The evaluation of the proposed approach is performed by comparing it with
one of the most performant approaches at the state of the art as Random Forests, using a real-world credit card
Any business that carries out activities on the Internet
and accepts payments through debit or credit cards,
also implicitly accepts all the risks related to them,
like for some transaction to be fraudulent. Although
these risks can lead to significant economic losses,
nearly all the companies continue to use these pow-
erful instruments of payment, as the benefits derived
from them will outweigh the potential risks involved.
Fraud is one of the major issues related with the use
of debit and credit cards, considering that these in-
struments of payment are becoming the most popular
way to conclude every financial transaction, both on-
line and in a traditional way. According to a study
of some years ago conduct by the American Associ-
ation of Fraud Examiners
, fraud related with the fi-
nancial operations are the 10-15% of the whole fraud
cases. However, this type of fraud is related to the
75-80% of all involved finances with an estimated av-
erage loss per fraud case of 2 million of dollars, in
the USA alone. The research of efficient ways to face
this problem has become an increasingly crucial im-
perativein order to eliminate, or at least minimize, the
related economic losses.
Open Problems. Considering that the number of
fraudulent transactions is typically much smaller than
that of the legitimate ones, the distribution of data is
highly unbalanced (Batista et al., 2004), reducing the
effectiveness of many learning strategies used in this
field (Japkowicz and Stephen, 2002). The problem
of the unbalanced data distribution is further compli-
cated by the scarcity of information in a typical record
of a financial transaction, which generates an overlap-
ping of the classes of expense of a user (Holte et al.,
1989). A fraud detection system can basically operate
following two different learning strategies: static and
dynamic (Pozzolo et al., 2014). Through the static
strategies, the model used to detect the frauds is com-
pletely generated after a certain time period, while in
the dynamic strategies it is generated one time, then
Saia, R., Boratto, L. and Carta, S..
Multiple Behavioral Models: A Divide and Conquer Strategy to Fraud Detection in Financial Data Streams.
In Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015) - Volume 1: KDIR, pages 496-503
ISBN: 978-989-758-158-8
2015 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
updated after a new transaction. Most of the state-of-
the-art approaches used in this context are based on
the detection of the suspicious changes in the user be-
havior, a quite trivial approach that in several cases
leads toward false alarms. This because numerous of
these approaches do not include some non-numeric
data in the evaluation process, due to their incapac-
ity to manage them (e.g., the machine learning ap-
proaches, such as the Random Forests, are not able to
manage many categories, typically not more than 32).
Our Contribution. The vision behind this paper is
to extend the canonical criteria, integrating to them
the ability to operate with heterogeneous informa-
tion, and by adopting multiple behavioral patterns of
the users. This approach reduces the problems pre-
viously underlined, related with the scarcity, hetero-
geneity, non-stationary distribution, and presence of
an imbalanced class distribution, of the transactions
data. This is possible because we take into account all
parts of a transaction, considering more information
about it, contrasting the scarcity of information that
leads toward an overlapping of the classes of expense.
By means of the generation of multiple behavioral
models of a user, made by dividing the sequence of
transactions in several event-blocks, we face instead
the problem of the non-stationarity of data, modeling
anyway the user behavior effectively.
Differently from the canonical machine learning
approaches at the state of the art (e.g., the Random
Forests approach to which we compared in this work),
our models do not need to be trained with the fraud-
ulent transactions, because their definition needs only
the legitimate ones. This overcomes the problem of
data imbalance that afflicts the machine learning ap-
proaches. The level of reliability of a new transac-
tion is evaluated by comparing its behavioral pattern
to each of the behavioral patterns of the user. This
work provides the following main contributions to the
current state of the art:
introduction of a strategy able to manage hetero-
geneous parts of a financial transaction (i.e., nu-
meric and non-numeric), convertingthem in abso-
lute numeric variations between each pair of con-
tiguous events;
definition of the Transaction Determinant Field
(TDF) set, a series of distinct values extracted
from a field of the transaction, and used to give
more importance to certain elements of a transac-
tion, during the fraud detection process;
introduction of the Event-block Shift Vector
(EBSV) operations, made by sliding a vector of
size eb (event-block) over the sequence of abso-
lute variations previously calculated, in order to
store, in the behavioral patterns of a user, the av-
erage values of the variations measured in each
definition of a discretization process used to adjust
the sensitivity of the system in the fraud detec-
tion process, by converting the continuous values
in the behavioral patterns in output to the EBSV
process, in a number of d levels (discretization);
formalization of the process of evaluation of a new
transaction, performed by comparing, through the
cosine similarity, its behavioral pattern with the
user behavioral patterns in P, in order to assign it
a certain level of reliability.
The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 provides
a background on the concepts handled by our pro-
posal; Section 3 provides a formal notation and def-
inition of the problem faced in this work; Section 4
provides all the details of the implementation of our
fraud detection system; Section 5 describes the ex-
perimental environment, the adopted metrics, and the
experimental results; the last Section 6 reports some
concluding remarks and future work.
The credit card fraud detection represents one of the
most important contexts, where the challenge is the
detection of a potential fraud in a transaction, through
the analysis of its features (i.e., description, date,
amount, an so on), exploiting a user model built on
the basis of the past transactions of the user. In (As-
sis et al., 2013), the authors show how in the field of
automatic fraud detection there is lack of real datasets
(publicly available) indispensable to conduct experi-
ments, as well as a lack of publications about the re-
lated methods and techniques.
Supervised and Unsupervised Approaches. In
(Phua et al., 2010) it is underlined how the unsuper-
vised fraud detection strategies are still a very big
challenge in the field of E-commerce. Bolton and
Hand (Bolton and Hand, 2002) show how it is pos-
sible to face the problem with strategies based both
on statistics and on Artificial Intelligence (AI), two
effective approaches in this field able to exploit pow-
erful instruments (such as the Artificial Neural Net-
works) in order to get their results. In spite the fact
that everysupervised strategy in fraud detection needs
a reliable training set, the work proposed in (Bolton
and Hand, 2002) takes in consideration the possi-
bility to adopt an unsupervised approach during the
fraud detection process, when no dataset of reference
containing an adequate number of transactions (legit-
imate and non-legitimate) is available. Another ap-
proach based on two data mining strategies (Random
Multiple Behavioral Models: A Divide and Conquer Strategy to Fraud Detection in Financial Data Streams
Forests and Support Vector Machines) is introduced
in (Bhattacharyya et al., 2011), where the effective-
ness of these methods in this field is discussed.
Data Unbalance. As previously underlined, the un-
balance of the transaction data represents one of the
most relevant issues in this context, since almost all of
the learning approaches are not able to operate with
this kind of data structure (Batista et al., 2000), i.e.,
when an excessive difference between the instances
of each class of data exists. Several techniques of
pre-processing have been developed to face this prob-
lem (Japkowicz and Stephen, 2002; Drummond et al.,
Detection Models. The static approach (Pozzolo
et al., 2014) represents a canonical way to operate to
detect fraudulent events in a stream of transactions.
It is based on the initial building of a user model,
which is used for a long period of time, before its re-
building. In the so-called updating approach (Wang
et al., 2003), instead, when a new block appears, the
user model is trained by using a certain number of
latest and contiguous blocks of the sequence, then the
model can be used to infer the future blocks, or aggre-
gated into a big model composed by several models.
In another strategy, based on the so-called forgeting
approach (Gao et al., 2007), a user model is defined
at each new block, by using a small number of non-
fraudulent transactions, extracted from the last two
blocks, but keeping all previous fraudulent ones. Also
in this case, the model can be used to infer the future
blocks, or aggregated into a big model composed by
several models. In any case, regardless of the adopted
approach, the problem of the non-stationary distri-
bution of the data, as well as that of the unbalanced
classes distribution, remain still unaltered.
Differences with Our Approach. The proposed ap-
proach introduces a novel strategy that, firstly, takes
into account all elements of a transaction (i.e., nu-
meric and non-numeric),reducing the problem related
with the lack of information, which leads toward an
overlapping of the classes of expense. The introduc-
tion of the Transaction Determinant Field (TDF) set,
also allows to give more importance to certain ele-
ments of the transaction, during the model building.
Secondly, differently from the canonical approaches
at the state of the art, our approach is not based on
an unique model, but instead on multiple user models
that involve the entire set of data. This allows us to
evaluate a new transaction by comparing it with a se-
ries of behavioral models related with many parts of
the user transaction history. The main advantage of
this strategy is the reduction, or removal, of the issues
related with the stationary distribution of the data,
and the unbalancing of the classes. This because the
operative domain is represented by the limited event
blocks, and not by the entire dataset. The discretiza-
tion of the models, according to a certain value of d,
permit us to adjust their sensitivity to the peculiarities
of the operating environment.
This section defines the problem faced by our ap-
proach, preceded by a set of definitions aimed to in-
troduce its notation.
Definition 3.1 (Input Set). Given a set of users
U = {u
}, a set of transactions T =
}, and a set of fields F = { f
, f
,..., f
that compose each transaction t (we denoted as V =
}, the values that each field f can as-
sume), we denote as T
T the subset of legal trans-
actions, and as T
T the subset of fraudulent trans-
actions. We assume that the transactions in the set
T are chronologically ordered (i.e., t
occurs before
Definition 3.2 (Fraud Detection). The main objective
of a fraud detection system is the isolation and rank-
ing of the potentially fraudulent transactions (Fan and
Zhu, 2011) (i.e., by assigning a high rank to the poten-
tial fraudulent transactions), since in the real-world
applications this allows a service provider to focus
the investigative efforts toward a small set of suspect
transactions, maximizing the effectiveness of the ac-
tion, and minimizing the cost. For this reason, we
evaluate the ability of our fraud detection strategy in
terms of its capacity to assign a high rank to frauds,
using as measure the average precision (denoted as
α), since it is considered the correct metric in this
context (Fan and Zhu, 2011). Others metrics com-
monly used to evaluate the fraud detection strategies,
such as the AUC (a measure for unbalanced datasets),
and PrecisionRank (a measure of precision within
a certain number of observations with the highest
rank) (Pozzolo et al., 2014), then are not taken in con-
sideration in this work.
The formalization of the average precision is
shown in Equation 1, where N is the number of trans-
actions in the set of data, and R(t
) = R(t
) R(t
1). Denoting as π the number of fraudulent transac-
tions in the set of data, out of the percent t of top-
ranked candidates, denoting as h(t) t the hits (i.e.,
the truly relevant transactions), we can calculate the
recall(t) = h(t)/π, and precision(t) = h(t)/t values,
then the value of α.
α =
) (1)
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
Lemma 1. The values R(t
) and P(t
) represent, re-
spectively, the recall and precision of the r
tion, then we have R(t
) = (1/π) when the r
action is fraudulent, and R(t
) = 0 otherwise.
Corollary 1. When the set processed by the Equa-
tion 1 is a set composed by a certain number of legit-
imate transactions, but with only one potential fraud-
ulent transaction to evaluate
t (i.e., T
t), accord-
ing to the Definition 3.2 we have π = 1 and t = 1.
Consequently, from the previous Lemma 1, we can de-
fine a binary classification of the transaction
t, since
) = 1 when the r
transaction is fraudulent, and
) = 0 otherwise, which allow us to mark a new
transaction as reliable or unreliable.
Definition 3.3 (Performed Tasks). In order to operate
with only numeric elements, able to characterize the
sequence of transaction events, we transform the set
T in the set
T = {
= |t
= |t
|}, where |
T| = (|T| 1), and each sub-
traction operation is performed on all fields f F
of the considered transactions, by using a different
criterion for each type of data. We also denote as
I = {i
} the set of behavioral patterns gen-
erated at the end of the shift process, performed on the
T, where the shift operation aims to extract the av-
erage value of a certain number (defined by the event-
block parameter) of contiguous variations of the set
T. The purpose of this process is the definition of a
set of behavioral patterns, which takes into account
a series of contiguous events (i.e., the average varia-
tion), instead of only one (or all). To uniform all the
variations in I in a certain range of values, we de-
fine a new set P = {p
, p
,..., p
}, with contains the
same elements of I, but where the value of each field
f F is discretized, according to certain number of
levels (defined by the discretization parameter d, with
d 2)). It should be noted that |I| = |P|.
Problem 1. For the reasons explained in Defini-
tion 3.2, our objective is to maximize the α value, by
ordering the new transactions on the basis of their
similarity with the behavioral patterns in P, in order
to rank the fraudulent transactions ahead the legal
α =
) (2)
The steps needed to implement our strategy can be
grouped into the following five steps:
Absolute Variation Calculation: conversion of
the transactions set T of a user into a set of ab-
solute numeric variations between two contiguous
transactions t T, adopting a specific criterion for
each type of data in the set F;
TDF Definition: creation of a Transaction Deter-
minant Field (TDF) set, a series of distinct terms,
extracted from the field place, used to define a bi-
nary element in each pattern of the set P, allow-
ing to give more relevance to this field during the
fraud detection process;
EBSV Operation: application of a Event-block
Shift Vector (EBSV) over the set of absolute nu-
meric variations
T, aimed to calculate the average
value of the elements in the event-block eb, stor-
ing the results as patterns in the set I;
Discretization Process: discretization of the av-
erage values in the set I, in accord with a de-
fined number of levels d (discretization). It al-
lows to adjust the sensitivity of the system during
the fraud detection process. The result of this op-
eration, along with the result of the TDF query,
defines the set of behavioral patterns P;
Transaction Evaluation: assignation of a level
of reliability to a new transaction, by comparing
all patterns in the set P with the pattern obtained
by inserting the transaction to evaluate as last ele-
ment of the set T, repeating the process previously
described only for the last eb transactions.
4.1 Absolute Variations Calculation
In order to convert the set of transactions T in the set
of absolute variations
T, according with the criterion
exposed in Section 3, we need to define a different
kind of operation for each different type of data in the
set F (excluding the field place, used in the Transac-
tion Determinant Field). Differently from a canon-
ical preprocessing approach, which in such contexts
usually has the task to convert the non-numeric val-
ues into numeric ones, the output of this step are the
absolute numeric variations calculated between con-
tiguous transaction events.
Numeric Absolute Variation. Given a numeric field
F of a transaction t
T (i.e., in our case the field
amount), we calculate the Numeric Absolute Varia-
tion (NAV) between each pair of fields, that belong
to two contiguous transactions (denoted as f
), as shown in Equation (3). The result is the
absolute difference between the values taken into ac-
NAV = | f
| (3)
Temporal Absolute Variation. Given a temporal
field f
F of a transaction t
T (i.e., in our case
the field date), we calculate the Temporal Absolute
Multiple Behavioral Models: A Divide and Conquer Strategy to Fraud Detection in Financial Data Streams
Variation (TAV) between each pair of fields, that be-
long to two contiguous transactions (denoted as f
and f
), as shown in Equation 4). The result is
the absolute difference in days, between the two dates
taken in account.
TAV = |days( f
)| (4)
Descriptive Absolute Variation. Given a textual
field f
F of a transactiont
T (i.e., in our case the
description field), we calculate the Descriptive Ab-
solute Variation (DAV) between each pair of fields,
that belong to two contiguous transactions (denoted
as f
and f
), by using the Levenshtein Dis-
tance metric described in Section 5.4.2, as shown in
Equation 5). The result is a value in the range from 0
(complete dissimilarity) to 1 (complete similarity).
DAV = lev
, f
4.2 TDF Definition
In order to define the Transaction Determinant Field
(TDF) from a field that we decide to consider as cru-
cial in the fraud detection process (in our case, the
field place), we extract from the set of transactions all
distinct values v
of this field, storing them
in a new set
V = { ˆv
, ˆv
,..., ˆv
, according with the
formalization introduced in Section 3. The set
V will
be queried in order to check if the place of the transac-
tion under analysis is a place already used by the user,
or not. When it is true, the binary value of the corre-
sponding element of the behavioral pattern (i.e., the
field place of the behavioral pattern of the transaction
to evaluate, defined as described in Section 4) is set to
1, otherwise to 0. It should be noted that this value is
always set to 1 in the behavioral patterns related with
the past transactions of the user. In other words, the
TDF process operates like a drift detector (Kuncheva,
2008), and allows us to give more importance to cer-
tain parts of the transaction, during the building of the
behavioral models.
4.3 EBSV Operation
After we have converted the set of transaction T into
a set of absolute variations
T, adopting the criteria
exposed in Section 4.1, we operate the shift opera-
tion by sliding the Event-block Shift Vector over the
sequence of absolute variation values stored in
one step at a time, extracting the average value of
the variations present in the defined event-block eb.
Given a event-block eb = 3, a set of variations
T =
}, we can execute a maximum of
|C| shift operations, with |C| = |I| = (|
T| |eb| 1),
as shown in the Equation 6.
T = [v
I = [c
The sequence of values calculated in each event-
block eb, for each considered field (i.e., description,
amount, and date), represents the set I of behavioral
patterns of the user. It should be observed that we
have to discretize the patterns obtained through the
shift process, adding to them the binary value deter-
mined by querying the Transaction Determinant Field
set (as described in Section 4.2), before using them in
the evaluation process of a newtransaction. It is a pro-
cess quite similar to that performed in the context of
the time series (Hamilton, 1994), but in this case the
data in input are the numeric absolute variations mea-
sured between the numeric and non-numeric fields of
all transactions, and the output is a set of user behav-
ioral models.
4.4 Discretization Process
The continuous values f F present in the pattern set
I, obtained through the shift operation described in
Section 4.3), must be transformed in discrete values,
in accord with a certain level of discretization d. It al-
low us to determine the level of sensitivity of the sys-
tem during the fraud detection process. The result is a
set P = {p
, p
,..., p
} of patterns that represent the
behavior of a user in different parts of her/his trans-
action history. Given a discretization value d, and a
set of patterns I, each continuous value v
of a field
f (i.e., we process only the fields description, date,
and amount, because the field place assumes a binary
value determined by the TDF process) is transformed
in a discrete value v
, following the process shown in
the Equation 7.
max( f) min( f)
4.5 Transaction Evaluation
To evaluate a new transaction, we need to compare
each behavioral pattern p P with the single behav-
ioral pattern ˆp obtained by inserting the transaction
to evaluate as last element of the set T, repeating the
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
entire process previously described (variation calcu-
lation, shift, and discretization) only for the transac-
tions present in the last event-block (i.e., the event-
block composed by the last |time-frame| transactions
of the set T, were the last one element is the trans-
action to evaluate). The comparison is performed by
using the cosine similarity metric (described in Sec-
tion 5.4.1), and the result is a series of values in the
range from 0 (transaction completely unreliable) to 1
(transaction completely reliable). It should be noted
that the value of the field place depends on the re-
sult of the query operated on the TDF set, as de-
scribed in the Section 4.2. The value of similarity
is the average of the sum of the minimum and maxi-
mum values of cosine similarity cos(θ), measured be-
tween the pattern ˆp and all patterns of the set P, i.e.,
sim( ˆp,P) = (min(cos(θ)) + max(cos(θ)))/2. The re-
sult is used to rank the new transactions, on the basis
of their potential reliability.
This section describes the experimental environment,
the adopted dataset and strategy, as well as the in-
volvedmetrics, the parameters tuning process, and the
results of the performed experiments.
5.1 Experimental Setup
In order to evaluate the proposed strategy, we per-
form a series of experiments using a real-world pri-
vate dataset related to one-year (i.e., 2014) of credit
card transactions, provided by a researcher. Due to
the scarcity of datasets publicly available, that are rel-
evant to our context and that are not synthetic (or too
old), in order to test our strategy we chosen to adopt
this real and updated dataset, even considering that
the detection of potential frauds, using for the training
a small set of data, is more hard than using a big set of
data. The proposed EBSV approach was developed in
Java, while the implementation of the state-of-the-art
approach, used to evaluate its performance, was made
in R
, using the randomForest package.
5.2 Dataset
The dataset used for the training, in order to generate
the set of behavioral patterns P, contains one year of
data related to the credit card transaction of a user. It
is composed by 204 transactions, operated from Jan-
uary 2014 to December 2014, with amounts in the
range from 1.00 to 591.38 Euro, 55 different descrip-
tions of expense, and 7 places of operation (when the
transaction is operated online, the place reported is In-
ternet). Considering that all transactions in the dataset
are legal, we have T
= 204 and T
= 0. The fields of
the transaction taken in consideration are five: Type of
transaction, City of transaction, Date of transaction,
and Amount in Euro. It should be noted that we do not
consider any metadata (e.g., mean value of expendi-
ture per week or month).
5.3 Strategy
Considering that it has been proved (Pozzolo et al.,
2014) that the Random Forests (RF) approach outper-
forms the other approaches at the state of the art, in
this work we chose to compare our EBSV approach
only to this one. For the reason described in Section 3,
we perform this operation by comparing their perfor-
mance in terms of Average Precision (AP). Since we
do not have any real-world fraudulent transactions to
use, we first define a synthetic set of data T
, com-
posed by 10 transactions aimed to simulate several
kind of anomalies, as shown in Table 1 (they have
been marked as unreliable, as well as the other ones
have been marked as reliable). We perform the ex-
periments following the k-fold cross-validation crite-
rion. Regarding the EBSV approach, we first parti-
tioned the entire dataset T
into k equal sized sub-
sets (according with the dataset size, we set k = 3),
which denote as T
. Thus, each single subset T
retained as the validation data for testing the model,
after adding to it the set of fraudulent transactions
(i.e., T
). The remaining k 1 subsets are
merged and used as training data to define the user
models. We repeat the same previous steps for the RF
approach, with the difference that, in this case, we add
the set T
also to training data. In both cases, we con-
sider as final result the average precision (AP) related
to all k experiments.
Since the RF approach is not able to operate a tex-
tual analysis on the transaction description, and that is
well-known that the RF approaches are biased by the
categorical variables that generate many levels (such
as the Description field), we do not use this field in
the RF implementation. In addition, in order to work
with the same type of data, in the RF implementa-
tion we converted the information of the field Date,
in time intervals between transactions, expressed in
days. For reasons of reproducibility of the RF exper-
iments, we fix the seed value of the random number
generator by the method set.seed(123) (the value is
not relevant). The RF parameters (e.g., the number of
trees to grow) have been defined in experimental way,
Multiple Behavioral Models: A Divide and Conquer Strategy to Fraud Detection in Financial Data Streams
Table 1: Fraudulent Transactions Set.
TransactionID Fields Values (1=anomalous 0=regular)
From To
Description Place Date Amount Status
1 2 1 0 0 0 unreliable
3 4
0 1 0 0 unreliable
5 6
0 0 1 0 unreliable
7 8
0 0 0 1 unreliable
9 10
1 1 1 1 unreliable
by researching those that minimized the error rate
given as output during the RF process. The experi-
ments are articulated in two steps: in the first step, we
define the values to assign to the parameters that de-
termine the performance of the EBSV approach (i.e.,
event-block and discretization), as described in Sec-
tion 5.5; in the second step, we evaluate the EBSV
performance, comparing to the RF approach, by test-
ing the ability to detect a number of 2,4, . . . , 10 fraud-
ulent transactions (respectively, a frauds percentage
of 2.8%,5.5%, . . . , 12.8%).
5.4 Metrics
This section reports the metrics used during the ex-
periments, as well as those involved in our approach.
5.4.1 Cosine Similarity
In order to evaluate the similarity between the behav-
ioral pattern of a transaction under analysis, and each
of the behavioral patterns of the user, generated at the
end of the process exposed in Section 4, we use the
cosine similarity metric. The output of this measure
is bounded in [0, 1], with 0 that means complete di-
versity, and 1 complete similarity. Given two vectors
of attributes x and y (i.e., the behavioral patterns), the
cosine similarity, cos(θ), is represented using a dot
product and magnitude as shown in Equation 8.
similarity = cos(θ) =
5.4.2 Levenshtein Distance
The Levenshtein Distance is a metric able to measure
the difference between two sequences of terms. Given
two strings a and b, it indicates the minimal number
of insertions, deletions, and replacements, needed to
transforming the string a into the string b. Denoting
as |a| and |b| the length of the strings a and b, the Lev-
enshtein Distance is given by lev
(|a|,|b|), as shown
in Equation 9.
(i, j) =
max(i, j) ifmin(i, j) = 0
(i 1, j) + 1
(i, j 1) + 1 otherwise
(i 1, j 1) + 1
Where 1
is the indicator function equal to
0 when a
= b
and equal to 1 otherwise. It should
be noted that the first element in the minimum corre-
sponds to deletion (from a to b), the second to inser-
tion and the third to match or mismatch, depending
on whether the respective symbols are the same.
5.4.3 Average Precision
The average precision (AP) is considered as the cor-
rect measure to use in the fraud detection context, as
described in Definition 3.2. Given N the number of
transactions in the dataset, Recall(t
) = Recall(t
1), π the number of fraudulent transac-
tions in the dataset (out of the percent t of top-ranked
candidates), h(t) t the truly relevant transactions,
Recall(t) = h(t)/π, and Precision(t) = h(t)/t, we can
obtain the AP value as shown in Equation 10.
AP =
) (10)
5.5 Parameter Tuning
Considering that the performance of our approach de-
pends on the parameters eb (event-block) and d (dis-
cretization), before evaluating its performance, we
need to detect their optimal values. To perform this
operation we test all pairs of possible values of eb and
d, in a range from 2 to 99 (to be meaningful, both
values must be greater than 1). The criterion applied
to choose the best values is the average precision AP,
as described in Section 3. The experiments detected
eb = 41 as best value of event-block, and d = 11 as
best value of discretization (i.e., the best performance
measured in all subsets involved in the k-fold cross-
validation process).
5.6 Experimental Results
The final result is given by the mean value of the
results of all experiments performed, in accord with
the k-fold cross-validation criterion. As we can ob-
serve in Figure 1, the performance of the EBSV ap-
proach reach those of the RF one, and this without
train its models with the past fraudulent transactions
(as occurs in RF). This result shows an important as-
pect, i.e., that EBSV is able to operate in a proactive
manner, by detecting fraudulent transactions that have
never occurred in the past.
KDIR 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval
2 4
8 10
Fraudulent Transactions
Average Precision
Figure 1: Experiment Results.
In this paper we proposed a novel approach able to
reduce or eliminate the threats connected with the
frauds operated in the electronic financial transac-
tions. Differently from almost all strategies at the
state of the art, instead of exploiting a unique model
defined on the basis of the past transactions of the
users, we adopt multiple models (behavioral pat-
terns), in order to consider, during the evaluation of
a new transaction, the user behavioral in different
temporal frames of her/his history. The possibility
to adjust the levels of discretization and the size of
the temporal frames, give us the opportunity to adapt
the detection process to the operating environment
characteristics. Considering that our approach does
not need fraudulent transactions occurred in the past
to build the behavioral models, it allows us to op-
erate in a proactive manner, by detecting fraudulent
transactions that have never occurred in the past, al-
lowing also to overcome the problem of data imbal-
ance, which afflicts the canonical machine learning
approaches. The experimental results show that the
performance of the proposed EBSV approach reach
those of the state-of-the-art approach to which we
compared (i.e., Random Forests), and this without
training our models with the past fraudulent transac-
tions. A possible follow up of this work could be its
development and evaluation in scenarios with differ-
ent kind of financial transaction data, e.g., those gen-
erated in an E-commerce environment.
This work is partially funded by Regione Sardegna
under project SocialGlue, through PIA - Pacchetti
Integrati di Agevolazione “Industria Artigianato e
Servizi” (annualit`a 2010), and by MIUR PRIN 2010-
11 under project “Security Horizons”.
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Multiple Behavioral Models: A Divide and Conquer Strategy to Fraud Detection in Financial Data Streams