between the plant ontology and the database schema
allows translation of the SPARQL queries to SQL
and retrieval of the requested data from the database.
The semantic agent can either include the terms
from both the domain and plant ontologies in the
query or translate the query by replacing the domain
terms with the plant ones. In our experiments so far
we have used template queries that use the later
2.3.3 Schema Translation and Mapping
In this use case of the semantic service, the semantic
agent queries the ontology service for a term or
concept that is used in the plant data schema. In
order to produce the result the service requires a
term translation from the core domain ontology to a
term used in the database schema of the plant. The
translation is achieved using the links between the
ontologies that are structured into two layers, the
high-level domain ontology and the lower level plant
ones. The semantic links between concepts that were
previously explained associate the related concepts
of the two ontologies and with the addition of the
URI of the database field provided by the D2RQ
mapping, the complete path to the correct document
and field of the database is produced.
This path is then cached to a JSON file in order
to avoid having the semantic agent calling the
ontology service every time there is a need to access
the database. With this caching of mappings the
agents of the platform can be agnostic of the schema
of the plant database and only need to the domain
ontology terms for the data they need to access. The
format of the cached mapping is provided in the
JSON code bellow:
"label":"Coil", ... ,
"label":"Width", ...}],
"label":"Coil", ...,
"label":"Width", ...}],
unto", ...,
"label":"Width", ...}]}
In this paper we describe the semantic services
architecture and prototype that we have produced
around the domain ontology of steel manufacturing
that we have developed and its plant ontology
extensions. The services use the semantic links
between the ontologies and provide mappings to the
data sources of the plants. The semantic agent
connects the puzzle by creating the SPARQL queries
based on templates.
The prototype that was developed was deployed
in one of the partner plants in order to be part of the
reallocation use case experiment of the project.
Although the reallocation agent responsible for
performing allocations of products had no
information on the Products, Orders and other plant
databases and their schemata, it had been successful
in querying these data sources by using the project’s
core domain ontology and by performing schema
term translation operations, which are being cached
for performance reasons. This allows the project to
extend its experiments by easily adding new plants
that are distributed in many locations in Europe and
although belong to the same organisation they have
very different infrastructure and systems. One of the
goals of the project is to allow dynamic adding or
removing plants into the product reallocation service
at runtime and we believe that this architecture and
proof of concept implementation is a step towards
this goal.
With the ontology mapping and semantic
services in place we can further explore the
reasoning capabilities on the ontology and data for
deriving interrelationships, thus expanding the
mapping between ontology and data, which can lead
to identifying new product reallocations using the
order and product data stores. This will further
empower the resource allocation optimization
processes of the platform.
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