Figure 6: Fraud scheme for transactions types.
Since the last three decades, Data Mining or Machine
Learning algorithms are used to pursue the delicate
problem of the fraud detection in the bank industry.
These algorithms pose three main problems: (i) the
strong reluctance with which the bankers agree to sup-
ply in a third party a set of real-world transactions for
confidentiality reasons, (ii) the problem of the data
set representativity, and to a lesser extent, its com-
pleteness, and (iii) the huge amount of transactions
that must be analyzed to detect the potential frauds.
This paper presents an operational program, called
TOM4FFS, to solve these three problems. The main
advantages of this method are (i) to be purely syn-
tactic what guarantees a strict confidentiality and (ii)
to reduce the complexity of the problem of the fraud
detection from O(n
) to O(n). The TOM4FFS pro-
gram is then able to handle more than 4 billions of
transactions a day, online and in real time, with a
standard personal computer. This paper describes the
TOM4FFS program and its application to a real-world
fraud example of a world wide French bank. Our cur-
rent works are concerned with the extension of the
approach to more complex fraud schemata and its ap-
plication to the general problem of the conformity in
the banking and other industries.
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Discovering Internal Fraud Models in a Stream of Banking Transactions