Table 3: Average, maximum and minimum running times
for each algorithm.
clust genetic
Maximum 195 min 61 sec 80 min 26 min
Minimum 1.6 min 2 sec 6 min 2 min
Average 7.8 min 9.8 sec 19.7 min 8.7 min
This paper considers the problem of automatic con-
struction of algorithms that recognize segments of ab-
normal behavior in multidimensional phase trajecto-
ries of dynamic systems. The recognizers are con-
structed using a training set of example trajectories of
normal and abnormal behavior of the system. The no-
table feature of the problem setting considered by this
paper is that the exact position of the segments corre-
sponding to abnormal behavior in the trajectories of
the training set is unknown.
This paper proposes a two-step algorithm for
training recognizers of abnormal behavior of dynamic
systems. On the first step, axioms corresponding to
typical patterns of the trajectories are constructed by
clustering the trajectories of the training set. On the
second step, genetic algorithm is used to construct the
models of abnormal behavior of the dynamic system
from the axioms obtained on the first step.
The proposed algorithm and its variations were
empirically evaluated on synthetic data. The results of
conducted experiments show that the proposed algo-
rithm is able to improve recognition quality of trained
recognizers compared to the existing training algo-
rithm. On synthetic data, we were able to prove with
significance level 0.05 a statistical hypothesis that the
recognizer trained by the proposed algorithm with
probability 0.8 makes 50% less type I errors and no
more type II errors than the one trained by the exist-
ing algorithm.
For the variation of the proposed algorithm based
on clustering and directed search, we were able
to prove a statistical hypothesis that the recognizer
trained by this algorithm with probability 0.8 makes
10% less type I errors and no more type II errors than
the one trained by the existing algorithm. The advan-
tage of this variation of the algorithm is that it runs
considerably faster than the existing algorithm or the
algorithm based on clustering and genetics (for syn-
thetic data, average time was 9.8 seconds vs 7.8 min-
utes for the existing algorithm and 8.7 minutes for the
algorithm based on clustering and genetics).
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A Genetic Algorithm for Training Recognizers of Latent Abnormal Behavior of Dynamic Systems