An example that illustrates the mechanism of
alignment has been presented in Figure 2 and Figure
3. Indeed, the Figure 3 shows the alignment of the
domain layer to core layer. In this figure, the domain
concept forest participates in the change process de-
forestation (respectively degradation). Then, the con-
cept forest is linked to the concept deforestation with
the relationship participates. Figure 2 shows how the
core layer is linked to the fundamental layer. Indeed,
concepts like conversion and modification have been
classified as two types of processes based on the cate-
gorical classes defined in the BFO ontology (cf. sub-
section 3.2). Thus, the basic concept process in BFO
subsumes respectively the concepts conversion (a pro-
cess) and modification. This implies that the relation
that holds between these concepts is a subsumption
(is a) relationship.
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vides access to dynamic environments. The essen-
tial, however, is the understanding of processes such
as deforestation, desertification, urbanization, etc. A
semantic description of each process enables to iden-
tify concepts, features and relations that hold between
them implying as well that process. In this paper,
we have used a multi-level model based on ontolo-
gies for representing this knowledge enabling thus to
reason on change processes in remotely sensed im-
agery. This model is based on a domain ontology of
remote sensing, core ontology and the upper ontology
BFO. The core ontology represents classification and
categorization of different processes of changes.The
domain ontology provides observations and measure-
ments that allow reasoning on such change process
represented in the core ontology. Finally, the ontology
BFO provides concepts and relations that are used to
construct and enrich the core ontology.
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KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development