3.1 Software Model Co-evolution and
Database Migration
The migration problem, as presented in this paper,
closely resembles the co-evolution problem found in
model driven development (MDD) work (Cicchetti
et al., 2008). Instead of dependent ontologies, MDD
seeks to co-evolve models and meta-models. When a
meta-model evolves, it becomes helpful to have tools
which help facilitate the migration of the underlying
models to the newly evolved meta-model.
The correspondence between data migration due
to database-schema evolution and instance migration
due to ontology evolution is strong. The many sim-
ilarities between the two make much of the exten-
sive research done on schema evolution relevant to the
work proposed here.
Curino et al. (Curino et al., 2013), Kondylakis and
Plexousakis (Kondylakis and Plexousakis, 2013), Fa-
had et al. (Fahad et al., 2011), and Stojanovic (Sto-
janovic et al., 2002) all discuss creating mappings
between schema, using query rewriting, and keeping
track of atomic schema changes. Each aims to make
use of these activities to achieve the task of data mi-
gration while still allowing legacy queries and without
shutting down the affected database where possible.
In this paper, we have described an approach, lan-
guage, and tool to facilitate the development of trans-
formations that migrate individuals from an original
ontology to an updated one.
The approach is based on 1) differencing the
ontologies, 2) transformation development using a
novel, domain-specific language, and 3) analysis. Fi-
nally, ontology alignment tools can be leveraged to
aid some of the development of an Oital transforma-
Vital to the efficient use of an ontology is the abil-
ity to easily effect change. Ontologies evolve and
change as they mature. Tooling designed to facili-
tate such change is a major step toward increasing the
adoption of ontologies.
Current approaches to solving this problem are of-
ten laborious, require detailed knowledge about how
ontologies are serialized and stored, or are prone to
error. Encouraging the users of a vocabulary to mi-
grate their ontologies to an updated version is made
significantly easier if that migration is given to them
is an easy to use fashion. Oital seeks to provide the
facilities to make this task manageable.
This approach has been used to facilitate instance
migration for two different case studies. The first took
an ontology encoding of the UML 2.1.1 and UML
2.4.1 specifications and migrated some example mod-
els. The second was to perform instance migration for
different versions of the DBpedia ontologies. DBpe-
dia is an effort to extract structured information from
Wikipedia and make it accessible (DBpedia, 2015).
Future work includes improving tooling and ap-
proaches for testing and verifying Oital transforma-
tions. Integrating ontology alignment tools with the
Oital development process to automatically generate
parts of the transformation is under development as
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KEOD 2015 - 7th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development