Table 2: Classification matrix for the PNB classifier.
1 2 3
1 156 43 1
2 50 113 37
3 2 34 164
Table 3: Classification matrix for the NB classifier.
1 2 3
1 173 27 0
2 87 106 7
3 25 88 87
It is possible to see by Tables 1, 2, 3 and by Kappa
coefficients that the performance of the FPNB clas-
sifier is better than both other classifiers. In statis-
tical terms, the difference of performance between
those assessment methods can be considered signif-
icant. Observing the computational performance, the
FPNB was faster than the one based on NB, but PNB
is the fastest.
In this paper was presented a new classifier based on
Fuzzy Poisson Naive Bayes. Classifiers based on this
approach can be applied to epidemiological studies as
well as to other areas of human knowledge, as text
classification and neurosciences.
The Fuzzy Poisson Naive Bayes performance was
compared with other classifiers performance based on
Poisson Naive Bayes and Naive Bayes. The results
obtained showed that the first one presents signifi-
cant better classifications than the others. The Pois-
son Naive Bayes classifier provided competitive re-
sults and the Naive Bayes classifier provided the worst
In terms of CPU time, the Fuzzy Poisson Naive
Bayes was faster than the Naive Bayes, but Poisson
Naive Bayes is the fastest. The new classifier pointed
out a competitive approach to solve problems in Epi-
This project is partially supported by grants
310561/2012-4 and 310470/2012-9 of the National
Council for Scientific and Technological Develop-
ment (CNPq) and is related to the National Insti-
tute of Science and Technology “Medicine Assisted
by Scientific Computing”(181813/2010-6) also sup-
ported by CNPq.
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A Fuzzy Poisson Naive Bayes Classifier for Epidemiological Purposes