keywords it contains and most search engines
employs this kind of strategy in ranking their results,
i.e., they usually look for the exact query occurrence
in the document before looking for the query
keywords occurrence.
In this paper, we presented a novel approach of
result merging strategy that combines two
techniques: computing a similarity score for each
retrieved result using title, description and local rank
instead of the full document; and including users’
satisfaction toward the used search engines in the
computation of the final ranking scores.
According to the experimental results, we can
see that the system produces a well merged list
where the participation of the three used search
engines reflects well the users’ satisfaction we
introduced into the score function.
Also through the experimentations, we noticed
that the top 3 of each search engine are always
ranked in the top 20 of the merged list.
Even if the preliminary results we obtained are
satisfying, this work is a first proposition in multiple
search engines querying and needs some
improvements and further experimentations. Indeed,
as future work, we prospect to integrate in the score
computation more information about the user
information needs to have a ranking that best
matches his needs. This information can be taken
from a user profile or user interests for example.
We plan also to test our Metasearch engine on a
user community to obtain more exhaustive results.
This Meta Search engine will be part of a
personalized information retrieval system which
main goal is to get the most relevant documents to
the user information needs. First of all, the system
will build the user profile and then will use it to
reformulate user’s queries in order to get the most
relevant results to his needs. So, using the
metasearch engine, the system will be able to cover
a large proportion of documents from the Web and
thus will return more relevant documents to the user.
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