In Figures 3 and 4, nodes in orange represent the
students, the teachers are lilac and the
monitors/tutors are gray, for each discipline and/or
In the Sociogram in Figure 3, taken from the
discipline taught in a classroom, the interactions are
directed to the classroom teacher, showing a lack of
interaction among students. In Figure 4, although
with a lower number of students, it is possible to
notice a larger number of interactions among
students themselves and between students and
It should be noted that the evaluation of these
sociograms did not take into account the pedagogical
strategies undertaken by the course teachers, only
the graphical potential of the Social Map as a source
for teachers to examine and perhaps rethink their
courses. The extracted visual data suggest several
questions about the social interactions that take place
in VLEs.
Thus, the sociograms generated point to the need
for further investigations that include, in addition to
quantitative data, qualitative data in terms of social
relations in order to automatically display
possibilities for educational activities for teachers of
distance education. Therefore, new perspectives
suggest some improvements, as it will be presented.
The present study showed the planning, the
development and the implementation of the Social
Map framework for the mapping of social
interactions. From the extracted data, the teacher can
analyze the possible social characteristics that are
present in interactions from the VLE communication
For future research, the aim is to discuss and
develop, alongside the technological process,
pedagogical strategies that might help the teacher in
the pedagogical use of the Social Map. To improve
this framework, the following actions are being
taken: (1) building dynamic graphs in order to
improve the visualization of results; (2) inclusion of
new social features (or modifying existing ones) to
better understand the relationships that are formed in
a VLE; (3) studies to make available the maps for
the students; and (4) in computational terms,
performance and application studies in other
distance learning platforms;
The main contribution of this paper is to present
the Distance Education teacher information on some
social features that can be recognized in a virtual
learning environment. From the graphical view of
these characteristics, the pedagogical practices may
be redirected in order to individualize assistance to
students. The expansion of communication between
teacher and students is also envisaged as a
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