effects on the average health and fitness level for
broader parts of the citizenships.
In this study, the usability and reliability of
sensors working with the two competing RF linking
standards ANT+ and Bluetooth have been
investigated. The results are not strictly positive;
instead there arise many problems in daily operation.
First of all, the battery life time is much lower than
what is promised by the promoting consortia of the
two RF standards. An early hardware
implementation of a Bluetooth LE sensor appears
much worse than ANT+, while newer Bluetooth
sensors may reach similar operational times.
ANT+ is the standard of the two that is basically
parameterized for lower energy requirements on the
air link, but the consumption measurements have
shown that the leverage of the sensor electronics is
much higher than just the contribution for the RF
transmission. Even more energy is wasted, if the
sensor sleep mode is not controlled properly by its
own firmware. In particular, the older Bluetooth LE
sensor kept on being active for hours despite control
link and body contact were lost. As RF
measurements show, Bluetooth produces an
increased air activity - and by that a much increased
energy expenditure - when the host control
connection is lost or shut down.
Directly notable by the sports user appears the
network node design in both standards. While ANT+
allows a lot of nodes being operated close to each
other, and while it furthermore enables a seamless
interoperation of one sensor with many parallel
consuming devices, these features are not available
with Bluetooth LE. Hence, it can be expected that
there are many interferences, when Bluetooth LE
sensors are operated in gym studios or in bigger
sports events like, e.g., city runs. Even worse
appears the fact, that the sensors and display units
hide communication problems by simply replicating
the last valid sensor measure. This effect may occur
even for several hours despite the sensors are
detached from the body.
Also other spurious measures have been
observed from time to time in various use situations.
In addition, it was found that measures from
Bluetooth LE sensors were displayed considerably
delayed compared to ANT+ sensors. Accordingly
further research is planed in this context here, where
professional instruments - e.g. a wired medical ECG
recorder - will be used to evaluate the precision and
time-axes accuracy of the commercial body sensors
feasible for RF linking to smart phones.
Summarizing the current situation of an average
sports user, who is not a technical expert and who
wants to apply the available commercial tools for the
best control and benefit of physical workouts, it has
to be stated that no clear recommendation for one
particular system can be given. ANT+ seems to be
the technology that is better appropriate for versatile
and professional sports applications, while Bluetooth
LE experiences a much broader support due to the
compatibility to almost any new smart phone.
Further research on the sensor data will unveil,
whether the Bluetooth LE combination can be
considered as a professional sports tool or just as a
nice-to-have rough measuring indicator that gives
some inspiration for sports activity.
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