diverse benchmarks and compared with nine classifi-
cation techniques and three metaheuristics.
Experiments show that the cGA is competitive
with the chosen special purpose classification tech-
niques and also with the general purpose metaheuris-
tics, attaining the best result on one problem instance.
The cGA was ranked in fifth place.
Regarding future developments, two points were
considered. The first is test other crossover and mu-
tation operators, and verify if the hybridization of the
cGA with local search metaheuristics is able to im-
prove the basic cGA. The second point aims at per-
forming a more rigorous study of the population grid
layout, size, and neighbours used.
This work was partially supported by national funds
through Fundac¸
ao para a Ci
encia e a Tecnologia
(FCT) under project [UID/EEA/50009/2013], and by
the PROTEC Program funds under the research grant
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Clustering using Cellular Genetic Algorithms