because some variants balance the data intrinsically,
or keep the current class ratio. Hence, it should al-
ways be considered, especially since it makes the al-
gorithms robust against long time occurrence of only
one class. Last but not least, we observed that it is al-
ways important to look at the interaction between the
selection strategies.
In future, we want to analyze different hybrid ap-
proaches between the selection strategies from SVM
and PA. Some inclusion strategies can be applied to
the PA and when removing samples from the training
set, their weights could be kept integrated into the lin-
ear classification vector. Additionally, we will com-
pare the most promising approaches on different data,
such as movement prediction with EEG or EMG,
and on different transfer setups which will come with
other kinds of data shifts. Last but not least, differ-
ent implementation strategies for efficient updates and
different strategies for unsupervised online learning
could be compared. In the latter, the relabeling cri-
terion is expected to be much more beneficial than in
our evaluation.
This work was supported by the Federal Min-
istry of Education and Research (BMBF, grant no.
We thank Marc Tabie and our anonymous review-
ers for giving useful hints to improve the paper.
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