sults may also be dependant on individual technique,
Figure 9d shows a small secondary peak at 4 degrees
while the main peak is centred on 0 degrees. This may
mean that measurement error depends on an individ-
ual athletes technique as well as the measurement be-
ing evaluated.
Table 3 shows the angular errors obtained for the
time difference between the ION temporal parameters
algorithm and the FCA algorithm, broken down by
speed. The table shows that the slowest speeds have
the largest error for foot angle in the sagital plane but
the frontal plane is again relatively unaffected.
A method of reliably finding temporal parameters of
gait from a foot mounted IMU has been presented and
evaluated. The method presented is free of thresh-
olds that may be unreliable in the face of changing
technique and running pace. However, it is likely that
the algorithm will only work with the sensor position
used within this paper. The algorithm was designed
with a view to the sensors being built into the mid-sole
of the shoe so we view this as a minor limitation. The
algorithm has usable accuracy for temporal parameter
estimation but its accuracy for toe-off is somewhat de-
pendant on running velocity. The impact of the mag-
nitude of this error on the estimation of spatial metrics
was also investigated and shows that some metrics are
likely to be more affected than others. We find that
for some metrics there are minimal errors in spatial
parameters measured at time points derived from the
foot IMU data. Further work should seek to evaluate
the temporal parameter algorithm to check for accu-
racy and robustness in outdoor over ground running
to enable practical training and biomechanical assess-
ment tools.
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Measuring Temporal Parameters of Gait with Foot Mounted IMUs in Steady State Running